Attack Tree: Networking

EdithCowan College Australia

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This assignment will assess your understanding of attack

tree methodology, your skills in the analysis of a concept

and your research ability into identifying methods by

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which to compromise a specific entity.

A manager at an accounting firm has recently discovered

that a number of employees use various online social

networking services. In the interest of the employees you

have been hired by this firm to educate the employees on

ways in which their Facebook or Twitter account could be

compromised. The employees have basic to intermediate

computer skills. In addition, they are quite naive

regarding the security risks of using the Internet. A small

internal survey discovered that the majority of employees

do not use a personal firewall or anti-virus software on

their Windows 10 operating system. In addition, they all

use a Gmail email accounts to access Facebook or

Twitter. Thus you can assume that overall ideal cyber

security practices are not followed.


Using the background information draw a set of attack

trees that reflect your analysis of how you could

successfully compromise a Facebook or Twitter account.

In the context of this assignment, ‘compromise’ refers to

process of obtaining the user’s authentication credentials,

obtaining the data within these online services, possessing

the ability to misuse these online services for your own

personal gain, or simply spying on the private content

within these accounts. The manager is interested in all

ways in which the account could be compromised.

The submission must be a Microsoft Word document. The

diagrams may be produced using any software product

but must be converted and inserted into the Microsoft

Word document. All diagrams and text must be

incorporated into one document. Assignments that are not

in the specified format will not be marked. To

demonstrate your research ability you must adequately

reference each of the attack methods you have identified.

It is recommended that you place the ‘in-text’ reference

within each node of the attack tree.

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