5 Domains

Countries around the world take different approaches to addressing health and health care for their citizens. While developing countries have much different needs than industrialized countries, comparing nations that fall into like categories can provide valuable insight into how to improve health care for a populace. Policy analysts at the Commonwealth Fund found that the United States did not perform well compared to similar countries as reported in their study, Mirror, Mirror 2017: International Comparison Reflects Flaws and Opportunities for Better U.S. Health Care. 

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Five domains were examined in their study: care process, access, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes.

Case Assignment

After reviewing the background materials and conducting your own research, examine each of these domains. Discuss what they are and how the United States performed. Provide an analysis of what can be learned from other countries to improve the United States’ performance. Be sure that you are citing more than just the Commonwealth Fund report in supporting your analysis.

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 5 pages.
  3. Support your paper with a minimum of 3 reliable sources.

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