EDU 533


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Assignment 3: Final Instructional Design Project

Due Week 9 and worth 225 points

The final project includes submissions from your prior assignments. The previous submissions must be revised based on instructor feedback and recommendations. Review the paper for flow and continuity. Note: The cover, abstract, and reference pages do not count toward the final page number. The total page count should be fifteen to twenty (15-20) pages.

Compile the previous assignments and:

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    1. Create a quarter-page (1/4) informative abstract for your final project.
    2. Revise your “Project Analysis and Instructional Objectives” Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you received.
    3. Revise your “Design Processes and Delivery Strategies” Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you received.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Create an evaluation plan that clearly correlates to the three (3) instructional objectives you developed in Assignment 1. Specify the measures that best fit each objective.
  2. Prepare a five- (5-) question test that correlates with the learning objectives from Assignment 1. Design the test so that it reflects multiple levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  3. Determine the type of evaluation approach that is most appropriate for your project. Provide a rationale for your selection.
  4. Select a learning theory that applies to the instructional design of the project. Provide a rationale for your selection.
  5. Determine three (3) learning theory principles and specify how they apply to your project.
  6. Examine the information gaps that still exist within the project. Determine the information that would be necessary in order to complete the project more effectively. Provide a rationale for your response.
  7. Specify the next steps to complete the delivery of the instruction. Identify final preparations needed such as the location, resources, equipment, transportation, and food
  8. .

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Design an instructional product that integrates analysis, design processes, and assessments to address an instructional problem.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following



The following are notes for assignment 3 instead of making a video so it’s important that you read this entire message and note the instructions I give below regarding this week’s written assignment. Do not complete the assignment without reading my instructions below. There will be no second chances with the assignment if I grade you down for not following my instructions below with this major assignment worth 260 points (pay close attention to all the highlighted areas below). 

This final project must be between 15 -20 pages and will include all the following: If any of the items I listed below are missing from your paper the grade will suffer and there will be no retries for this assignment.

Compile the previous assignments and:
Create a quarter-page (1/4) informative abstract for your final project.
Revise your “Project Analysis and Instructional Objectives” Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you received.
Revise your “Design Processes and Delivery Strategies” Assignment, incorporating any feedback that you received.

Then you will write six – eight NEW pages in which you: (Everyone knows what NEW means)

    Create an evaluation plan that clearly correlates to the three (3) instructional objectives you developed in Assignment 1. Specify the measures that best fit each objective.
    Prepare a five- (5-) question test that correlates with the learning objectives from Assignment 1. Design the test so that it reflects multiple levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
    Determine the type of evaluation approach that is most appropriate for your project. Provide a rationale for your selection.
    Select a learning theory that applies to the instructional design of the project. Provide a rationale for your selection.
    Determine three (3) learning theory principles and specify how they apply to your project.
    Examine the information gaps that still exist within the project. Determine the information that would be necessary in order to complete the project more effectively. Provide a rationale for your response.
    Specify the next steps to complete the delivery of the instruction. Identify final preparations needed such as the location, resources, equipment, transportation, and food

Note: In this assignment, I expect to see all the level one headers from assignment one and two then the new level one header’s for assignment four to correspond for the assignment topic’s instructions.



Technology In Education

Lauren Klevis

Strayer University

EDU 533

Dr. Manuel B Johnican, Sr

February 1, 2020

Needs Analysis to Enhance Technology in Schools

There are many advancements in technology that need to be implemented in the education sector. They may help to enhance the relationship between students and their teachers while making the learning process fun and more meaningful. Technology has made life easier and better in many other aspects of our lives, however, when it comes to education, people often hesitate to implement it. However, it is believed that the implementation of technology can greatly improve the quality of education while preparing students for the real world. Due to lack of technology implementation in teaching, many students end up not being technologically savvy causing them to have a hard time when they get to the job market. This leads to many losses since vast resources have to be utilized to help them to learn the technologies that are being utilized. With the implementation of technology in teaching, the students will get to the job market aware of the existing technologies hence eliminating the need for training. There are many obstacles to the implementation even in areas where it has been proposed. The major obstacles include lack of experts that are able to implement these technologies and poor or total lack of integration plans. Therefore, there is need for this sectors to be catered for to ensure that the project is implemented successfully in the schools. This discrepancy further indicates that there is need to have a well laid plan with appropriate technology leadership to ensure adequate implementation of the project (Vatanartiran & Karadeniz, 2015).

Learner Characteristics

The learner characteristics for this identified need are varied depending on the age group it is being implemented in. Some types of technology have found their way into the class room, in addition to e-learning, electronic whiteboards, tablets and computers are also used within the classroom environment. The education system is struggling with an increase in the number of students and this further emphasizes the need to implement technology in education. To implement this, first people need to understand the technological knowledge possessed by the students. Basic knowledge on the use of either a computer or a tablet is important in the implementation of this project. There is also need to come up with appropriate ways of assessing the students if learning is taking place using the technological advancements. Instructional designers are very important in the implementation of the project as they are equipped with skills to analyze all the factors involved and come up with a system that is appropriate and beneficial for the students (United States department of education, 2017).

Instructional Objectives

The implementation of technology in education aims at achieving set targets for the students. In the cognitive domain, it aims at improving the application of learned concepts in real life situations. This will assist in the transformation from the classroom into the workplace since the students will already have had experience on what they will be working with. This can be achieved through collaborative learning rather than the traditional learning method where the teacher instructs the students. In the behavioral domain, the implementation of the project aims at improving the perception of objects or events by the students. Technology allows for a level of independence by the student especially in the case of e-learning. The students become more independent as they have to plan their time to complete the assigned work within the specified time. In the affective domain, it aims at getting the students exposed to technology consequently creating a good impression towards it. This is an important objective since technology forms a major part of our daily lives and it is important for the students to have positive attitudes towards it early. This will enable them to adapt better in their lives outside school and consequently become more productive individuals in the society (Clark, 2015).

Procedural Analysis Flowchart

Contextual analysis

Project implementation

Implement technology in teaching

Learner analysis

Need analysis

Maintain traditional teaching methods


Requirement analysis


Clark, D. (2015). Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains: The Cognitive Domain. Retrieved 1 February 2020, from

United States Department of Education. (2017). Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan update.

Vatanartiran, S., & Karadeniz, S. (2015). A needs analysis for technology integration plan: Challenges and needs of teachers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(3), 206-220.



Technology In Education

Lauren Klevis

Strayer University

EDU 533

Dr. Manuel B Johnican, Sr

February 15, 2020


In the current world, schools have embraced technology in many ways that have eased the processes, delivery, and propagation of knowledge; technology has assisted institutions and made communication efficient and effective. I firmly believe that implementation of technology in schools and classrooms will improve the quality of education and makes learning more attractive to students, technology is not static and implementing it in education sector makes students get to know the current and develop skills to cope with new ones that he or she might meet in the job market, the objective of this paper is to focus on use of technology in schools and classrooms and its benefits it can accrue when fully implemented (Clark,2015). This is an essential objective since technology forms a significant part of our daily lives, and it is necessary for the students to have positive attitudes towards it early. This will enable them to adapt better in their lives outside school and consequently become more productive individuals in society.

Three Learning instructional strategies

Instructional strategies require that teachers require some experience and at least know the student’s way of learning, his or her interest, this is quite necessary since it makes them know leaner development levels, making this such decision requires student assessment which is linked to the learning goals and the processes of learning. This kind of strategy can be categorized into five, which relate to each other.

Direct instruction strategy is commonly used and is mainly based on the direct engagement of the teacher and the student. This method may include plain teaching where teachers engaged student directly, and it is also include lecturing, drilling, and demonstrations, this method is effective and good enough to provide sufficient information as well as developing skills step by step hence help students construct knowledge, applying technology with his strategy can help the teacher to introduced other teaching methods, effective direct instructional strategy is more complicated than it appears. The use of technology in this would make it a bit dull to use.

Instructional strategies appropriate for the project

Indirect Instructional strategy unlike to direct instructional strategy indirect instructional is significantly student-centered, in this method, it majorly involve in decision making and problem-solving, indirect instruction may be used effectively with the proper application of technology in situations of attitudes and values of students are desired and also when ego involvement and intrinsic motivation are and when long-lasting learning ability is desired. Indirect instruction tends to acquire a high degree standard of participation in making proper investigation, observation, and collecting and gathering of data inferences. This method focuses mostly on the curiosity and the interest of the student as well. It always motivates them to create options while finding a solution to the problem at hand. The method is flexible such that it allows the learners to discover various potentials as well as minimizing the associated fear as to the results of giving incorrect answers in the class environment.

Interactive instructional this category major on sharing ideas and discussing them among parties involved, this method provides learner with comprehensives skills and opportunities to act in response to ideas, views and knowledge of the instructor or his or her fellow learners, applying technology in this help student and teachers interaction more efficient and meaningful, students can organize and record thoughts of her or his colleagues or his or her teacher, this method help student develop abilities and skills with the help of technology they too get adapt to the current knowledge .in most of the incidents for the success of the interactive instruction plan strategy its always rely heavily on the experience of the instructor in ways of developing and structuring the dynamics within the group members. These strategy plans may include peer partner learning, group laboratory, and tutorial groups.

Experiential learning this is where the teaching is inductive, student-centered, as well as the activities oriented. The personal reflection about the understanding, as well as the formulation of the strategic plans, is applied to the learning context to enhance experiential effective learning outcomes. It occurs whenever the students or learners engage a lot in the activities as they reflect on their experiences to clarify their learning feelings. Examples include Field Trips, Narratives, and Conducting Experiment

Independent study stipulates the form of learning with a variety of the instructional methods that, with determination, are comprehensively offered to develop an individual learner, self-reliance, initiative as well as self-improvement. However, this form of study as well can be initiated by the learner or the teacher, but the main focus will be planned by the student, perhaps under the guidance of the classroom teacher or the supervisor.

Learning objectives and appropriate project delivery strategies

Lesson sequencing is where numerous lesson plans are prearranged and. Applying technology in lesson sequencing smoothen transitions between lessons to meet the learning objective of the unit plan and the best possible learning outcomes (United States Department of Education, 2017). Putting together events or information in a specific order that learners can understand. The capability to sequence requires a high level of expertise that can be easily maintained by technology, and sequence assists students in solving problems that they encounter and also helping organize materials knowledge they have garnered. Learner related sequences can be practiced at every level and can be applied across the curriculum. In reading, students apply sequencing to recognize how to spot unfolds from the beginning up to the end. In science disciplines, students apply sequencing skills to conduct experiments. Sequencing skills assist learners in placing information on certain order; technology is increasingly necessary for day to day activities in schools and classrooms. Using technology in sequenced lesson plans profit both the teacher and learners. When technology is implemented in classrooms, it smoothens various functions sequenced lesson plans, minimizes classrooms interruptions and optimizing the learning environment

Instructional context analysis and appropriate delivery strategies

Lesson sequencing entails various aspects. It includes the activities such that the teacher set up the goals and the objective of the learning. Present the material in an orderly manner. When the teacher planned properly, it will smoothen the transition between the lessons, and it will allow the learners to be well organized as they know what happens next after each lesson. Facilitating scaffolding by making clear end objectives in sequenced lessons that allow teachers to foresee difficulties and problem areas. Specific technology help gives additional supports, such as specific training and activities, be given to help learners gain difficulty. Future planning: implemented technology in Sequencing lessons in progress permit instructors to calculate the time it takes to complete certain material and see how it takes when the lessons are delivered to learners, technology also help teachers identify the optimal points in the program for checking the students’ conscious of the material and also how best to structure these assessments. Better grouping teachers experience difficulties, and their work requires good organization skills, teachers who are applying technology in classrooms hep students too get to know in advance what will be covered thus allowing them prepare photocopies, worksheets and handouts, technology in lesson sequencing has some extra advantages for examples if the class advances through a material more quickly than expected the instructor will be able to evaluate and the processes and make necessary changes if needed since the student do not progress at the similar rate the instructor will be to accommodate such more and packages his or her to meet the diverse learners needs

Instructional strategies analysis and appropriate delivery strategies

Teachers most cases work with class while delivering that is while presenting information or while molding a process. In this case, classrooms are viewed as workgroup engaging in academic activities, application of technology, in this case, provides a positive climate for the presentation of information to the class, this strategy help students develop their cognitive domain and better themselves academically. Identifying entry behaviors as an Instructional delivery strategy provides skills as well as the steps which the student must attain, which is quite essential to recognize the comprehension and skills echelon the leaner possesses. Even though the learners may have differences in their understanding and skill degree, teaching should be targeted as much as required to the degrees the student’s requirements. Technology in classrooms facilitates and smoothens the processes of which are used to meet the needs of the learner. Selecting an instructional method is methods that allow identification and involve teaching techniques that are most effective and can achieve performance objectives; technology in schools and classrooms used in the instructional method makes students active learners. Frequently used classroom delivery strategies are conversation and query and response, which are discussed below. It is a piece of common knowledge and recognized that understanding of a concept is better than giving the correct response as well as this can be achieved through active query and vigorous involvement by learners. Having a group conversation may be meaningful; technology in classrooms assists students adapted to many classroom situations. Technology applied in the classroom group discussion may assist by providing a positive classroom climate as well as leading the learners in their interesting courses or the subjects. Furthermore, instructors may create active listening as well as building on learner responses in a given discussion.

Questions and answers as a delivery strategy can effectively be used. Students feel they are being addressed directly by the teacher. When students respond to inquiries, they not only speak to the teacher but also talk to their colleagues. This strategy encompasses probes m prompts and redirecting techniques, for instance, the pause between soliciting a response and asking a question, this technique should be used by the teacher to maximize contribution and participation of students, this strategy also helps students to think more deeply about the material or subject under study, this strategy might at time seems to be boring and introducing technology in this kind of approach is quite beneficial since students may gain morale of participating for instance creation of online platforms that students can interact with their teacher about a given subject of study can be achieved more effectively (Vatanartiran, & Karadeniz, 2015). Simulation allows essential experiments to take place, which could not have taken place in real classrooms.

The simulation is critical in science learning as it entails the use of games, models, video programs, as well as structured role-plays to enhance insight to the objective and the goal of the learner and the teacher. In most cases, learners are easily motivated to contribute, and therefore technology is exceedingly resourceful in designing simulation strategy. Since technology creates a positive atmosphere in classrooms during the simulation, the students become active participants, and this can be maintained by the relevant application of technology that tends to meet the optimal learning objectives.


Clark, D. (2015). Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains: The Cognitive Domain. Retrieved 1 February 2020, from

United States Department of Education. (2017). Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan Update.

Vatanartiran, S., & Karadeniz, S. (2015). A needs analysis for technology integration plan: Challenges and needs of teachers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(3), 206-220.

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