history paper

the first file is the guideline, the second file is the outline. write about Brexit

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- 6 to 8 pages (approx. 2500 words) in length, consecutively numbered (at the top right-hand corner) – typed and printed
- double-spaced with one-inch margins, using a font size no larger than 12 pt.
- stapled at the top left-hand corner

- a TITLE and TITLE PAGE with your name and the course information on it (not counted as one of your 6 to

8 pages!); cover illustrations, font size and style on the title page are optional
- an INTRODUCTION, a MIDDLE PART, and a CONCLUSION [see Note on Structure and Style below]
- a BIBLIOGRAPHY of all the sources you used, listed alphabetically by author’s last name, on a separate page

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at the end of your paper. Please use the following general format for all works cited:

A minimum of five sources is required. These should include at least 2 different accounts of the news story for comparison, and one source in print (e.g. a monograph or textbook etc.) to explore the historical background of the event. The rest of your information may be taken from various internet sites etc.

– Be sure to use proper ANNOTATIONS when you are quoting directly from, or making other references to, any works

– You may either use the so-called MLA Style (i.e. parenthetical references, citing author and page number),
or the so-called Chicago Style (i.e. consecutively numbered footnotes, citing author, abbreviated title, and page number)

– For more information please refer to: Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Chicago and London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2013), or Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Style Manual (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2010), or visit the DePaul University Writing Center.



- PROOFREAD IT: check spelling, grammar, and style – make all necessary corrections before printing! – spell check programs are useful but will often not catch all errors
- suggestion: let someone else (e.g. roommate, parent, friend) read your paper before you hand it in
- Please make sure that any pictures, maps, charts, tables etc. that you want to include are attached in an

APPENDIX and properly annotated

Your essay should be well-structured, presenting a clear thesis in the introduction, and analysis of your sources, and your conclusion(s). It should be written in a scholarly style (i.e. avoid the use of colloquialisms, slang terminology, profanity), and directed towards the general, interested reader. Avoid unnecessary repetitions and run-on sentences.

Papers will be evaluated based primarily on their content (i.e. originality, thoroughness of research, analytical depth), BUT excessive spelling mistakes, poor grammar, a sloppy style or presentation etc. will affect the grade negatively. Papers which are not in substantial compliance with the above guidelines may be returned un-graded for a rewrite.

Xin Chen

Professor Frederic M. Kopp

HST 113


Brexit refers to Britain’s departure from the European Union. On January 23, 2013, former British Prime Minister Cameron first mentioned the Brexit referendum. In June 2016, the British referendum decided to “Brexit”. On March 16, 2017, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom approved the Brexit Act and authorized Teresa May to officially start the Brexit process.

Several reasons for Brexit:

1. As the number of British immigrants is increasing, employment in this country is becoming increasingly severe.

2. In order to maintain its original high welfare, the British government wants to unilaterally raise the standards for immigrant population, which the EU does not allow.

3. There are too many countries in the EU. The economy does not reach high standards, but it is necessary to implement high social welfare in its own country, which is tantamount to increasing the burden on other countries.

The disadvantage to the United Kingdom is that the development of EU integration is a general trend, and EU countries are relatively small. Whether it is economic, political, or military, a unified EU is beneficial to the development of all EU countries.

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