Essay 3 pages

3-page essay in MLA style, the argument in defense of stricter environmental protection using any of the Ethical Frameworks discussed including, Epicurean Hedonism and/or Utilitarianism or Ethical Egoism and/or Social Contract Theory. 

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PHI 2604

Instructions and Goal Setting: Writing A Brilliant Paper!

1) The Goal

Students will be able to formulate an argument in defense of stricter environmental protection using any of the Ethical Frameworks discussed including, Epicurean Hedonism and/or Utilitarianism or Ethical Egoism and/or Social Contract Theory. As this is a transferrable skill, students will learn how to think through any ethical issues, including personal ones, by utilizing any of these frameworks.

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2) Tone

This is a formal research paper. You should only use first-person sentence constructions in your conclusion IF you are offering your own opinion supported by the research. Otherwise, the entire paper should be in the third person.

3) Who is your audience?

You are writing for an audience who has some knowledge of environmental concerns. Your paper is trying to show them through logical argumentation why environmental issues are an ethical concern and why you advocate for specific changes in lifestyle or policies.

4) The Basic Requirements

The paper must be a minimum of 3-pages (900 words). It should be in MLA style (please reference the style guide from the library) and include a minimum of two works cited. One of these can be one of our books (you can use both if you wish of course) and one outside source. You may use more sources, but not less. Your references must be peer-reviewed references and should not include works such as Sparknotes, Wikipedia, Collegegradesaver and such.

5) Schedule Planner

Students often leave their paper until the last moment. This not only compromises the quality of the work but also the personal gain and understanding that comes with allowing enough time for ideas to process. You are not a machine, but a human, and ideas take time to resonate. Use this graph to create a timeline and schedule so that you can monitor your own progress and keep on track.


Library Research


Works Cited Draft

Paper Draft

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18TH October class time

6) Assistance

You may come to see me during office hours and if these are not convenient, then let me know what would be and I will try to accommodate your schedule. I will happily review a rough draft and give you tips.

7) Common Mistakes

It is easy to overlook small but important mistakes: the format of the paper, grammar, using proper sources, laying out your works cited and using in text citations for all works reviewed.


Exceeds (A)

Meets (B)

Approaches (C)

Does Not Meet Requirements

MLA Format including Works Cited (formatting only)

A Descriptive Title

Shows a good understanding of the principle(s) of ethical frameworks used

Strong thesis argument utilizing the ethical framework to address an environmental issue

Strength of conclusion utilizing the ethical framework

Minimum Requirements for the Works Cited

Works Cited Minimum Achieved

In Text Citations Used as Necessary


A. Sample




A good practice before you write your paper is to create an outline. This should include 1) your thesis statement (main argument), 2) an outline and 3) a works cited page.

Follow the MLA style unless otherwise clarified with the professor.

The outline should be more detailed than just noting a) Introduction, b) argument, c) conclusion. This is too superficial to be helpful for you. Instead consider the main concepts that you will explain, or the main argument you will make and how each of the elements of the paper fit together.

In developing your outline, it may be helpful to keep the following in mind regarding philosophy papers:

“A philosophy paper presents a reasoned defense of some thesis. So a philosophy paper typically does at least one of the following:

• Defends a thesis by offering plausible reasons to support it

• Defends a thesis by showing that arguments against it are unconvincing

• Criticizes a thesis by showing that the arguments for it are unconvincing

• Contrasts two or more views on a given issue and argue for one view over the other.”

Source: Bumpus, Ann. “Writing the Philosophy Paper.” Dartmouth University. 2004.

A. Sample

PHI 2604 – Critical Thinking/Ethics

Professor Sample

18th October, 2019

Negative Consequences: Single Use Plastic and Its Detriment to the Greater Good

Environmental pollution is detrimental to non-human well-being and one of the major contributors is the creation of single use plastic, much of which ends up in the oceans. We have all seen the disturbing images of turtles with plastic bags around their necks or whales, sharks and dolphins whose post-mortems reveal stomachs full of plastic debris (Hastings, 209). However, single use plastic is also detrimental to human well-being because, I argue, human health and happiness is only possible within a thriving and healthy environment. In other words, single use plastic is a moral concern. In this paper, I review single use plastic according to the utilitarian principle that we ought “to act according to the greater good for the greater number,” (Bentham, 205) and that we ought to do our utmost to reduce suffering in both human and non-human species. I also consider Bentham’s claim that “one only counts as one” and argue that from a utilitarian perspective, we should dissuade the production of single use plastic.


I. Thesis (see above)

II. Explanation of plastic pollution and its impact on the oceans and sea life. Include details of human suffering as a “Cascade Effect” of plastic pollution. Include statistics from a valid source and relevant quotes.

III. An explanation of Utilitarianism and how it can be used to argue for the banning of single use plastic. You can explain the framework and how it was developed to guard against ethical egoism and the self-interest of the wealthy minority. Use quotes from Bentham, Mill and/or Singer.

IV. Further connect the Utilitarian principle with action for environmental well-being and also consider why it is also for the greater good for those individuals who do not care about the ocean or sea-life.

V. Conclusion: Restatement of the main argument

Works Cited Example (separate page)

Bentham, Jeremy, “An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation” Reading

in Moral Philosophy, ed. Jonathan Wolff, New York: W.W. Norton & Company,


Blackstone, William T. “The Environment and Ethics.” The Hastings Center Report, vol. 7,

no. 6, 1977, pp. 16–18. JSTOR,

Mill, John Stuart, “Utilitarianism,” Readings in Moral Philosophy ed. Jonathan

Wolff, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2018

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