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Write well-developed responses, 200-300 words minimum per essay, with support for your points, for the following three essay questions:

What is meant by a “balanced” team? Why is this concept important to the success of the team?

Teams do not fall into appropriate balance automatically. Discuss a few reasons why teams often find themselves out of balances, and what you would do as the leader to get that team back into balance.

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As the team’s leader, discuss at least 2-3 ways you would effectively manage a virtual team spread across the globe

Cite a minimum of one reference (other than the Bell & Smith text) per essay question, using the citation to further support and defend your position…

Once again, assignment should be submitted using APA Guidelines…this means you need to supply a Title Page, Abstract and Running Head, along with your references (cite one per essay, other than the Bell & Smith text) being properly cited per APA Guidelines.

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