Applying Writing Skills

 You may use a research question you wrote in Week 1 or use the question under your selected reading.  

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Refer back to the Learning Component in Module 2 of Week 1.

In 500-700 words, create an outline for your major paper. Any of the outline formats illustrated in the Week 3 Discussion can be used.

Keep in mind that the outline serves as an early draft from which you should more easily segue into the full and final paper assignment. The more specific your outline is, the easier your completion of the final paper will be. At this time, do not quote any source material in your writing. In other words, do not quote for the time being. You will integrate quotes in Week Four. You may integrate in-text citations (i.e. Last Name, YEAR, p. # or para. #) to help yourself think about where sources will best fit. 

Hereare the reading choices. You may write your argumentative research paper based on one of the

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research questions you submitted during Week 1.

You are also welcome to write on the prompt listed below.

Remember that your final argumentative research paper must include the assigned reading from the

book, two sources from Keiser’s e-Library, and one additional, credible source for a total of four sources

being quoted and cited in the paper.

o (General Education) Rose, M. “What College Can Mean to the Other America” pp. 194-

Is college access a right? If so, what does that mean? If not, why not?

o (Business Related Fields) Gates Jr., H.L. “Delusions of Grandeur” pp. 381-384

How can America best ensure prosperity to people of all backgrounds?

o (Health, Sports, Psychology) Bordo, S. “The Globalization of Eating Disorders” pp. 639-


What is the root cause of the prevalence of eating disorders in the United States? How
do we know?

o (Criminal Justice, Homeland Security) Chua, A. “The Right Road to America?” pp. 335-


Evaluate the immigration system of the United States. Does it work? If not, what is
wrong with it?

o (Information Technology) Turkle, S. “How Computers Change the Way We Think” pp.


What role does social media play? What role should it play?

o (Nature and the Environment) Diamond, J. “The last Americans: Environmental collapse
and the end of civilization” pp. 684-701

What are the greatest barriers to dealing with climate change? Identify what your
research says is the greatest. What can be done about it?


Thesis: Active reading should be a primary method of learning because it supports strong

communication skills in the workplace, enhances EFL learner’s transition from the native

language to the adopted one, and promotes a tangible experience not found in social media


I. Introduction

A. Research has revealed that reading regularly can incrementally enhance a

person’s ability to communicate.

B. The introduction of social media in the 21st century has reduced the numbers

of young people who regularly read.

C. Learners for whom English is a second or foreign language struggle with

English but could benefit from reading even beginner texts as a way to

enhance their language skills.

D. Those who are opposed argue that reading is not what creates communication

abilities but the active use of communication.

II. Body

A. Reading is beneficial.

1. It supports strong communication skills, which is necessary for anyone

seeking employment.

2. “If the broader base of learners would be redirected back to reading as a

primary communication lesson, more job seekers would find more viable

employment options” (Wilson, 2013, p. 247).

B. Reading can provide the necessary tools.

1. English language learners can learn how to transition to and effectively

use the English language.

2. “English language learners can benefit more from reading books in the

adopted language and by mimicking the sentence structure rather than to

follow conversations in English, which generally contains colloquialisms

and idioms that cannot be easily translated” (Abrams, 2018, p. 24)

C. Reading promotes a tangible experience.

1. This experience is not found in social media because it requires active

participation rather than a passive one of flipping through content.

2. Jackson (2018) argues that hands-on learning is best for all learners

regardless of learning style and should be adopted as a primary method for

instilling language skills no matter the age (p. 348).

D. Opponents believe that learners learn more readily in other ways.

1. Readers learn better when they are reading the type of material they most

connect with, such as comic books or graphic novels.

2. Weathersby (2016) believes that all learners are better suited to learn if

they are engaged by the method that most engages them, and it does not

matter if that engagement includes methods that are considered elementary

and non-sanctioned by established learning experts (p. 24).

E. Opponents also stipulate that requiring too much reading is a bad practice.

1. Required reading in elementary schools can actually reverse

communication skills in the long term.

2. “What results from over-extended reading requirements is a student who

no longer has the ability to enjoy the reading, to gain any appreciation for

the communication skills that can be gleaned from the practice, or the

long-term ability to critically analyze” (Baker, 2019, p. 529).

III. Conclusion

A. In conclusion, it is clear that active reading is better as a primary method of


B. The research has revealed that communication skills are important to


C. Communication skills through reading can be developed early on and

throughout one’s life to the extent that employment becomes easier to obtain.

D. Additionally, EFL learners will have an easier time of understanding the

various nuances of the English language if they are taught to use the strengths

of various literary publications as learning experiences.

E. Reading is a tangible experience that promotes engagement not found in

social media spheres, and it promotes the retaining of information more

readily because it becomes an active experience each time it is engaged.

F. Despite the argument established by opponents, the research has revealed that

more academic or literary reading can greatly enhance the reader’s

experience, increase the ability to critically analyze, and establish strong

reading and communication practices well into adulthood.

G. Reading can be an enjoyable experience that results in a clear and continual

method for expanding and enhancing communication skills.

***Note: The sources listed would have been previously identified in full in the proposal

component of the research process.

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