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Philosophies of education are important for teachers to understand, as these philosophies will guide a teacher’s educational beliefs, practices, and decisions. Early childhood education standards, such as the 2010 NAEYC Standards, are informed by well-researched educational philosophies. In order to develop a philosophical stance you will need to compare the different philosophies.

For this assignment, utilize resources found in the GCU Library to complete the “Early Childhood Educational Philosophies” template. Describe four main philosophies of education – perennialism, progressivism, essentialism, and reconstructivism – and at least one philosopher who influenced the development of the philosophy, and the timeframe in which it was developed. Be sure to include the following:

  • A description for each of the philosophies of education (origin, proponents, and main tenets). 
  • A philosopher associated with each philosophy and the timeframe in which it was developed.
  • How each philosophy aligns with NAEYC standards and the child-centered approach.

Below the chart, write a 250-500 word reflection discussing one of the philosophies, and how it applies to the foundation of teaching practice.

Support your reflection with 2-3 scholarly references.

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Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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25.0% Not addressed.

25.0% Not addressed.

Not addressed.

5.0% Not addressed.

10.0% Not addressed.

Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
ECE-501 ECE-501-O500 Philosophers in the Classroom 100.0
Criteria Percentage No Submission (0.00%) Insufficient (69.00%) Approaching (74.00%) Acceptable (87.00%) Target (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Description of Educational Philosophies 2

5.0% Not addressed. Description of each philosophy is inadequate, unconvincing, and does not include all of the components required (origin, proponents, and main tenets). Description of each philosophy is vague, cursory, and includes most of the components required (origin, proponents, and main tenets). Description of each philosophy is logical, reasonable, and includes all of the components required (origin, proponents, and main tenets). Description of each philosophy is comprehensive, detailed, and includes all of the components required (origin, proponents, and main tenets).
Associated Philosopher and Timeframe Description of the philosopher associated with each philosopher and the timeframe in which it was developed is inadequate and unconvincing. Description of the philosopher associated with each philosopher and the timeframe in which it was developed is cursory and vague. Description of the philosopher associated with each philosopher and the timeframe in which it was developed is reasonable and logical. Description of the philosopher associated with each philosopher and the timeframe in which it was developed is comprehensive and detailed.
Philosophy Alignment with NAEYC Standards and the Child-Centered Approach Inadequate and unconvincing explanation of how each philosophy aligns or does not align with the NAEYC standards and the child-centered approach. Vague and cursory explanation of how each philosophy aligns or does not align with the NAEYC standards and the child-centered approach. Logical and reasonable explanation of how each philosophy aligns or does not align with the NAEYC standards and the child-centered approach. Thorough and detailed explanation of how each philosophy aligns or does not align with the NAEYC standards and the child-centered approach.
Organization 10.0% An attempt is made to organize the content, but the sequence is indiscernible. The ideas presented are compartmentalized and may not relate to each other. The content could be organized better even though it provides the audience with a sense of the main idea. The content is logically organized. The ideas presented relate to each other. The content provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea. The content is well organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas that relate to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit and provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.
Research Citations and Format Many citations are missing where needed; or many of the sources are inappropriate for the submission; or APA is attempted where required, but many aspects are missing or mistaken. Some citations may be missing or do not completely support the submission. References page may include errors. Some sources may not be appropriate for the submission. All sources are credible, adequate, and support the submission. All required aspects of APA format are correct within the submission. All sources are credible, appropriate, and strongly support the submission. All required aspects of APA format are correct within the submission.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied. Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. Varieties of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language. Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.
Total Weightage 100%

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