Gen 499 week 1

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Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the

A Model of Global Citizenship: Antecedents and Outcomes

article and watch the

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Globalization at a Crossroads (Links to an external site.)

video. Go to the Ashford University Library and locate one additional source on global citizenship that will help support your viewpoint, or you may choose one of the following articles found in the Week 1 Required Resources:

  • From Globalism to Globalization: The Politics of Resistance
  • Globalization, Globalism and Cosmopolitanism as an Educational Ideal
  • Transnationalism and Anti-Globalism

Reflect: Please take some time to reflect on how the concept of global citizenship has shaped your identity and think about how being a global citizen has made you a better person in your community.

Write: Use the

Week 1 Example Assignment Guide

when addressing the following prompts:

  • Describe and explain a clear distinction between “globalism” and “globalization” after viewing the video and reading the article.
  • Describe how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your personal, academic, and professional goals.
  • Explain why there has been disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship and develop your own definition of global citizenship after reading the article by Reysen and Katzarska-Miller.
  • Choose two of the six outcomes of global citizenship from the article (i.e., intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, intergroup helping, and the level of responsibility to act for the betterment of this world).

    Explain why those two outcomes are the most important in becoming a global citizen compared to the others.

  • Describe at least two personal examples or events in your life that illustrate the development of global citizenship based on the two outcomes you chose.
  • Identify two specific general education courses.

    Explain how each course influenced you to become a global citizen.

The Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

  • Must be 750 to 1,000 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style resource. (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:

    Title of paper
    Student’s name
    Course name and number
    Instructor’s name
    Date submitted

  • For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

    For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.

  • Must use at least one credible source in addition to the two required sources (video and article).

    The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for an assignment. The Integrating Research (Links to an external site.) tutorial will offer further assistance with including supporting information and reasoning.

  • Must document in APA style any information used from sources, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s In-Text Citation Guide (Links to an external site.).
  • Must have no more than 15% quoted material in the body of your essay based on the Turnitin report. References list will be excluded from the Turnitin originality score.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Before you submit your written assignment, you are encouraged to review the review the

Grammarly (Links to an external site.)

page tutorial, set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed.


Week 1 Assignment Two

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Student’s Name

GEN499 General Education Capstone

Professor’s Name



Note: This assignment should be written in the correct format per APA guidelines. Please click on the Writing Center tab at the left-hand toolbar of the course. You will then click on the “

Writing a Paper

” tab, which goes over the basics of writing an essay. For information on how to write in-text citations in APA format, click on the “

Citing Within Your Paper

” link under the Writing Center & Library tab. This paper needs to consist of 750 – 1,000 words (excluding the title and reference page).

Start your paper with the title of this assignment:

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

The introduction paragraph of this paper should inform the reader of the topic you are writing about while providing background information and the purpose or importance of addressing this topic of global citizenship. You should prepare the reader by stating the concepts you are about to address further in your paper. Typically a good introduction paragraph is made up of 5 – 7 sentences.

Short Title of First Prompt (i.e. Distinction between “Globalism” and “Globalization”)

After viewing the required video “Globalization at a Crossroads”, you need write a paragraph of 5 – 7 sentences addressing the distinction between “globalism” and “globalization” It’s important to cite the video per APA guidelines within this paragraph.

Short Title of Second Prompt

Write a paragraph (about 5 sentences) describing how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your persona, academic, and professional goals.

Short Title of Third Prompt

After reading the article by Reysen and Katzarska-Miller, you need to write a paragraph of 5 – 7 sentences explaining why there has been a disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship. Within the article, the authors address how specific schools of thought define global citizenship. It would be a good idea to paraphrase this information in your own words and cite the article per APA guidelines. Also, within this paragraph, you should provide your own definition of global citizenship after reading what other ideas are from the article.

Short Title of Fourth Prompt

Note: Based on the article, you need to write two paragraphs: a paragraph on each of the two outcomes of global citizenship you chose (intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, intergroup helping, and the level of responsibility to act for the betterment of this world).

Name of First Outcome Addressed (i.e. Valuing Diversity)

Within this paragraph you need to explain why this outcome is important in becoming a global citizen. It’s a good idea to first define the outcome in your own words and then provide a thorough explanation on why it’s important for your own development as a global citizen.

Name of Second Outcome Addressed (i.e. Social Justice)

Same instructions as the first paragraph above.

Short Title for Fifth Prompt

First Personal Example on (Name First Outcome)

You need to write a short paragraph describing a personal experience that has corresponds to the first outcome you addressed in the third prompt and has assisted or resulted in your development as a global citizen.

Second Personal Example on (Name of Second Outcome)

You need to write a short paragraph describing a personal experience that has corresponds to the second outcome you addressed in the third prompt and has assisted or resulted in your development as a global citizen.

Short Title of Sixth Prompt

You need to write a 5 – 7 sentence paragraph that identifies two specific education courses and explains how each of those courses assisted or influenced your development in becoming a global citizen.


In this paragraph, you need to summarize the main points of this assignment and include a description of why this topic is important to address when it comes to the development of global citizenship. Typically a good conclusion paragraph consists of 5 – 7 sentences. Keep in mind that you should not share new information in the conclusion paragraph. This means that there should not be any in-text citations. You are basically summarizing what you have written.


Note: References are written below in the correct format per APA guidelines. In addition to these two required resources, you must locate another scholarly source from the Ashford University Library that applies to this topic and can be used to support your perspective.

Reysen, S., & Katzarska-Miller, I. (2013). A model of global citizenship: Antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Psychology, 48(5), 858-870.

Stucke, K. (Writer). (2009). Globalization at a crossroads [Series episode]. In M. Stucke & Claudin, C. (Executive Producers), Global issues.

3/11/2020 Waypoint – Feedback 1/1


3/10/2020 11:05:39 AM

Week 1 – Assignment
GEN499 GEN499: General Education Capstone (GSV2009C)

Joshua Truitt

View markup for Week1_assignment x

It is appreciated that you are working to increase the usage of polysyllabic words; however, simplicity of language is the hallmark of a good writer. Avoid
sesquipedalian words in future assignments. Through your writing, you demonstrate your ability to interpret the material in a meaningful way. The paper has all of
the components to be very powerful, and I have inserted comments so that future assignments will not contain the same errors. Making these changes will ensure
the future assignments will shine!

( 0.88 / 1.00) Presents a Clear Distinction between “Globalism” and “Globalization”

Proficient – Presents a clear distinction between the terms “globalism” and “globalization.” The description is slightly underdeveloped.

( 1.76 / 2.00) Describes How Being a Global Citizen can be Beneficial to Achieving Success in Meeting Personal, Academic, and Professional Goals

Proficient – Describes how being a global citizen can be beneficial to achieving success in meeting personal, academic, and professional goals. The description is
slightly underdeveloped.

( 0.76 / 1.00) Explains Disagreement between Theorists on Definition of Global Citizenship, and Develops Own Definition of Global Citizenship

Basic – Partially explains why there is a disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship, and develops a limited definition of global
citizenship. Relevant details are missing.

( 1.76 / 2.00) Explains Why the Two Chosen Outcomes of Global Citizenship are Most Important in Becoming a Global Citizen

Proficient – Explains the importance of at least two outcomes of global citizenship pertaining to their influence on the development of becoming a global citizen.
The explanation is slightly underdeveloped.

( 0.00 / 2.00) Explains the Influence of Two General Education Courses in the Development of Global Citizenship

Non-Performance – The explanation of the influence of two specific general education courses in the development of global citizenship is either nonexistent or
lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

( 0.76 / 1.00) Describes Personal Examples Based on Two Outcomes of Global Citizenship

Basic – Partially describes at least two personal examples or life events that illustrate the development of global citizenship. At least one example is irrelevant, ,
underdeveloped, unclear, and/or doesn’t apply to one of the chosen outcomes.

( 0.19 / 0.25) Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the

( 0.22 / 0.25) Written Communication: APA Formatting

Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors.

( 0.22 / 0.25) Written Communication: Word Requirement

Proficient – The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of words.

( 0.22 / 0.25) Written Communication: Resource Requirement

Proficient – Uses the required number of scholarly sources to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the
Overall Score: 6.77 / 10.00
Overall Grade: 6.77

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Casey O’Neill


Running Head:

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Week 1 Assignment \

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Submitted By: Casey O’Neill

GEN499 General Education Capstone

Instructor: Joshua Truitt

Date: 2th Feb, 202


– 1 –


1. 2020

Nice work on the title page!



Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Globalism, at its inside, endeavors to portray and clarify just a world which is

delineated by systems of affiliations that proffer multi-domain separations. It attempts to see

all the between relationship of the bleeding edge world and to incorporate structures that

underlie (and clarify) them. Technology enables a large number of us to stay in contact with

my companions, family, and colleague through email and instant messages. We get the vast

majority of our data from looking through the web on our numerous gadgets, which can

prompt discovering individuals who are comparative disapproved.

Differentiation among “Globalism” and “Globalization”

Inquisitively, globalization suggests the particulars or diminishing in the stratum of

globalism. It spins for all intents and purposes the powers, the dynamism or speed of these

changes. To spread it out just, consider globalism the basic thing system, while globalization

suggests the dynamic contracting of semester for an enormous degree. Thusly, stuff a

worldwide citizenship gives an individual the value to prevail by looking at what others are

doing and towers connections to biggest comprehend what is stuff cleaned up in different

pieces of the world.

Globalism is a marvel with out of stage roots. Presently, the issue isn’t the path by

which old globalism is, yet rather how “slight” or “thick” it is at some irregular time.

Strikingly, the exercises of by and large budgetary related markets today, for example, sway

individuals from Peoria to Penang. Right now, is the framework by which globalism winds up

stuff intelligently real.

Globalism doesn’t suggest culmination. Considering, the connections that make up the

systems to portray globalism might be plane progressively unequivocally felt in explicit crap

– 2 –





1. Importance

Lots of space above the




2. Thusly, stuff a

worldwide citizenship

gives an individual the

value to prevail by looking

at what others are

doing and towers

connections to biggest

comprehend what is stuff

cleaned up in different

pieces of the world.

This sentence is hard to

follow. How might you

reword it to make your point

clear to the reader?

[Joshua Truitt]

3. Globalism is a marvel

with out of stage roots.

Not sure what this sentence

means… [Joshua Truitt]

4. crap

Avoid using slang in

academic writing. [Joshua


of the world than in others. Since globalism doesn’t prescribe exhaustiveness and given that

globalization proposes dynamic changes, it isn’t stupefying that globalization induces neither

worth — nor homogenization. In all honesty, it is restrictedly in danger to build contrasts —

or conceivably make individuals progressively illuminated of them. Stuff a worldwide

resident grasps all the great characteristics of globalization, which improves money related

and proficient advancement.

Being a worldwide resident widens a people’s comprehension of globalization.

Globalization is persistently depicted in monetary terms, as though the world economy in that

breaking point depicted globalism. In any case, different structures are correspondingly

significant. There are four explicit segments of globalism: cash related, military, normal —

and social.

Reysen and Katzarska-Miller define global citizenship as characterised by a careful,

mindful and social decency while relating to other of different social values. Personally, i

would define global citizenship as a moral duty of any person to act responsibly while

relating to others of different societal setting.

Among the six outcomes of global citizenship, I find valuing decent variety and

ordinary supportability the most significant of all. Since worldwide citizenship includes care

and duty, when an individual qualities assorted variety, every single other thing will follow in

light of the fact that there will be social equity and the relations will improve (Pais, An., and

Costa, M., 2020). Ecological manageability likewise guarantees that an individual is

answerable for what occurs around them.

A great model in esteeming decent variety is being your neighbor’s attendant

regardless of where they come structure or what race they are. Individuals are not

characterized by their skin tone however by what they are. Grasping social decent variety is

– 3 –




1. In all honesty, it is

restrictedly in danger to

build contrasts — or

conceivably make

individuals progressively

illuminated of them.

This is a sentence fragment

because the noun or verb is

missing. Ensure that each

sentence has a noun and a

verb as in the following

example: “Samantha (noun)

wrote (verb) a paper.” See

this Writing Center page for

help with sentence




[Joshua Truitt]

2. Stuff a worldwide

resident grasps all the

great characteristics of

globalization, which

improves money related

and proficient


This is a sentence fragment
because the noun or verb is
missing. Ensure that each
sentence has a noun and a
verb as in the following
example: “Samantha (noun)
wrote (verb) a paper.” See
this Writing Center page for
help with sentence
[Joshua Truitt]

3. people’s

This is a possessive

apostrophe error. If a noun is

single and possessive, add

an apostrophe s (‘s) as in

the following example:

“Jake’s book was on the

table.” If a noun is plural and

possessive, add an

apostrophe after the ‘s’, as in

the following example: “The

girls’ cars all needed to be

cleaned.” See this Writing

Center page for help with



du/apostrophes [Joshua


4. define

missing year for reference

[Joshua Truitt]

5. setting.

Good definition. [Joshua


6. 2020).

Citation does not follow APA

formatting for in-text

citations. [Joshua Truitt]

additionally significant particularly with regards to sharing of thoughts. No culture is

prevalent than the other. Another model is ecological maintainability, it is imprudent to litter

the earth, or log trees and not to supplant them.

Worldwide citizenship is likewise significant in light of the fact that it is an outcome

of thinking comprehensive techniques, you’ll see more people advocate for significant issues.

A bit of these issues could consolidate human rights, sexual orientation esteem and exacting

pluralism, normal confirmation the standard of law, attainable money related improvement,

and poverty

Generally, a worldwide resident endeavors to have an understanding of how the world

capacities and endeavors to stay all around taught. Worldwide residents look into the system

at an extent of levels from the area to the worldwide and are glad to act to make the world a

continuously fair and affordable spot. That is the spot the youthful come in. It gives an

individual a feeling of having a place.

With a worldwide citizenship guidance, youths can deal with issues, choose, think

fundamentally, grant contemplations sufficiently and help out others. This causes them before

long and enlighteningly just as at last expertly too. Right now, overall preparing in the

homeroom is focal. You have a couple of opportunities to be versatile, inventive and



– 4 –


1. poverty

This sentence does not end

with punctuation and the

point the author is

attempting to make is

unclear. [Joshua Truitt]

2. This causes them before

long and enlighteningly

just as at last expertly too.

This is a sentence fragment
because the noun or verb is
missing. Ensure that each
sentence has a noun and a
verb as in the following
example: “Samantha (noun)
wrote (verb) a paper.” See
this Writing Center page for
help with sentence
[Joshua Truitt]

Reysen, S., & Katzarska-Miller, I. (2013). A model of global citizenship: Antecedents

and outcomes. International Journal of Psychology, 48(5), 858-870.

Stucke, K. (Writer). (2009). Globalization at a crossroads [Series episode]. In M.

Stucke & Claudin, C. (Executive Producers), Global issues.



Pais, A., & Costa, M. (2020). An ideology critique of global citizenship education.

Critical Studies in Education, 61(1), 1-16.

O’Dowd, R. (2019). A transnational model of virtual exchange for global citizenship

education. Language Teaching, 1-14.

Torres, C. A., & Bosio, E. (2020). Global citizenship education at the crossroads:

Globalization, global commons, common good, and critical consciousness. PROSPECTS, 1-


– 5 –

[no notes on this page]


Running Head:

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Week 1 Assignment \

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Submitted By: Casey O’Neill

GEN499 General Education Capstone

Instructor: Joshua Truitt

Date: 2th Feb, 202


– 1 –


1. 2020

Nice work on the title page!



Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Globalism, at its inside, endeavors to portray and clarify just a world which is

delineated by systems of affiliations that proffer multi-domain separations. It attempts to see

all the between relationship of the bleeding edge world and to incorporate structures that

underlie (and clarify) them. Technology enables a large number of us to stay in contact with

my companions, family, and colleague through email and instant messages. We get the vast

majority of our data from looking through the web on our numerous gadgets, which can

prompt discovering individuals who are comparative disapproved.

Differentiation among “Globalism” and “Globalization”

Inquisitively, globalization suggests the particulars or diminishing in the stratum of

globalism. It spins for all intents and purposes the powers, the dynamism or speed of these

changes. To spread it out just, consider globalism the basic thing system, while globalization

suggests the dynamic contracting of semester for an enormous degree. Thusly, stuff a

worldwide citizenship gives an individual the value to prevail by looking at what others are

doing and towers connections to biggest comprehend what is stuff cleaned up in different

pieces of the world.

Globalism is a marvel with out of stage roots. Presently, the issue isn’t the path by

which old globalism is, yet rather how “slight” or “thick” it is at some irregular time.

Strikingly, the exercises of by and large budgetary related markets today, for example, sway

individuals from Peoria to Penang. Right now, is the framework by which globalism winds up

stuff intelligently real.

Globalism doesn’t suggest culmination. Considering, the connections that make up the

systems to portray globalism might be plane progressively unequivocally felt in explicit crap

– 2 –





1. Importance

Lots of space above the




2. Thusly, stuff a

worldwide citizenship

gives an individual the

value to prevail by looking

at what others are

doing and towers

connections to biggest

comprehend what is stuff

cleaned up in different

pieces of the world.

This sentence is hard to

follow. How might you

reword it to make your point

clear to the reader?

[Joshua Truitt]

3. Globalism is a marvel

with out of stage roots.

Not sure what this sentence

means… [Joshua Truitt]

4. crap

Avoid using slang in

academic writing. [Joshua


of the world than in others. Since globalism doesn’t prescribe exhaustiveness and given that

globalization proposes dynamic changes, it isn’t stupefying that globalization induces neither

worth — nor homogenization. In all honesty, it is restrictedly in danger to build contrasts —

or conceivably make individuals progressively illuminated of them. Stuff a worldwide

resident grasps all the great characteristics of globalization, which improves money related

and proficient advancement.

Being a worldwide resident widens a people’s comprehension of globalization.

Globalization is persistently depicted in monetary terms, as though the world economy in that

breaking point depicted globalism. In any case, different structures are correspondingly

significant. There are four explicit segments of globalism: cash related, military, normal —

and social.

Reysen and Katzarska-Miller define global citizenship as characterised by a careful,

mindful and social decency while relating to other of different social values. Personally, i

would define global citizenship as a moral duty of any person to act responsibly while

relating to others of different societal setting.

Among the six outcomes of global citizenship, I find valuing decent variety and

ordinary supportability the most significant of all. Since worldwide citizenship includes care

and duty, when an individual qualities assorted variety, every single other thing will follow in

light of the fact that there will be social equity and the relations will improve (Pais, An., and

Costa, M., 2020). Ecological manageability likewise guarantees that an individual is

answerable for what occurs around them.

A great model in esteeming decent variety is being your neighbor’s attendant

regardless of where they come structure or what race they are. Individuals are not

characterized by their skin tone however by what they are. Grasping social decent variety is

– 3 –




1. In all honesty, it is

restrictedly in danger to

build contrasts — or

conceivably make

individuals progressively

illuminated of them.

This is a sentence fragment

because the noun or verb is

missing. Ensure that each

sentence has a noun and a

verb as in the following

example: “Samantha (noun)

wrote (verb) a paper.” See

this Writing Center page for

help with sentence




[Joshua Truitt]

2. Stuff a worldwide

resident grasps all the

great characteristics of

globalization, which

improves money related

and proficient


This is a sentence fragment
because the noun or verb is
missing. Ensure that each
sentence has a noun and a
verb as in the following
example: “Samantha (noun)
wrote (verb) a paper.” See
this Writing Center page for
help with sentence
[Joshua Truitt]

3. people’s

This is a possessive

apostrophe error. If a noun is

single and possessive, add

an apostrophe s (‘s) as in

the following example:

“Jake’s book was on the

table.” If a noun is plural and

possessive, add an

apostrophe after the ‘s’, as in

the following example: “The

girls’ cars all needed to be

cleaned.” See this Writing

Center page for help with



du/apostrophes [Joshua


4. define

missing year for reference

[Joshua Truitt]

5. setting.

Good definition. [Joshua


6. 2020).

Citation does not follow APA

formatting for in-text

citations. [Joshua Truitt]

additionally significant particularly with regards to sharing of thoughts. No culture is

prevalent than the other. Another model is ecological maintainability, it is imprudent to litter

the earth, or log trees and not to supplant them.

Worldwide citizenship is likewise significant in light of the fact that it is an outcome

of thinking comprehensive techniques, you’ll see more people advocate for significant issues.

A bit of these issues could consolidate human rights, sexual orientation esteem and exacting

pluralism, normal confirmation the standard of law, attainable money related improvement,

and poverty

Generally, a worldwide resident endeavors to have an understanding of how the world

capacities and endeavors to stay all around taught. Worldwide residents look into the system

at an extent of levels from the area to the worldwide and are glad to act to make the world a

continuously fair and affordable spot. That is the spot the youthful come in. It gives an

individual a feeling of having a place.

With a worldwide citizenship guidance, youths can deal with issues, choose, think

fundamentally, grant contemplations sufficiently and help out others. This causes them before

long and enlighteningly just as at last expertly too. Right now, overall preparing in the

homeroom is focal. You have a couple of opportunities to be versatile, inventive and



– 4 –


1. poverty

This sentence does not end

with punctuation and the

point the author is

attempting to make is

unclear. [Joshua Truitt]

2. This causes them before

long and enlighteningly

just as at last expertly too.

This is a sentence fragment
because the noun or verb is
missing. Ensure that each
sentence has a noun and a
verb as in the following
example: “Samantha (noun)
wrote (verb) a paper.” See
this Writing Center page for
help with sentence
[Joshua Truitt]

Reysen, S., & Katzarska-Miller, I. (2013). A model of global citizenship: Antecedents

and outcomes. International Journal of Psychology, 48(5), 858-870.

Stucke, K. (Writer). (2009). Globalization at a crossroads [Series episode]. In M.

Stucke & Claudin, C. (Executive Producers), Global issues.



Pais, A., & Costa, M. (2020). An ideology critique of global citizenship education.

Critical Studies in Education, 61(1), 1-16.

O’Dowd, R. (2019). A transnational model of virtual exchange for global citizenship

education. Language Teaching, 1-14.

Torres, C. A., & Bosio, E. (2020). Global citizenship education at the crossroads:

Globalization, global commons, common good, and critical consciousness. PROSPECTS, 1-


– 5 –

[no notes on this page]

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