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PESTLE Analysis

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Executive Summary
The Long wait times in the emergency rooms is driving up healthcare costs
The long wait times implies healthcare distress and is challenging
The volume of patients increases with time, but the healthcare organizations are coupled with staffing inadequacies (Kwong, 2016)
The aspect can also be linked with lack of sufficient training and inadequate resource to allow proper training


Thesis Statement
In the emergency department, the long wait times should be reduced to an average of 5 to 15 minutes rather than waiting for over 1 hour
The long wait times is delaying the patients from being assessed an discharged on time (Mathews, Bulman, & Ryan, 2017)
Insufficient medical professionals lower attention accorded to each patient, hence increasing the risk of patient safety
There is a direct relationship in the long wait hours with increased healthcare costs


PESTLE Analysis
A tool used in analyzing the issues that affect the healthcare’s macro environment
The word PESTLE is an abbreviation of Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Environmental and Legal factors which have an impact on the macro environment
It helps an organization to identify new opportunities and also provide framework that fosters organizational analysis (Moro Visconti, 2014)
The budget and other important considerations involved makes it challenging for the organization to involve every stakeholder when conducting the analysis


Political factors impact the healthcare aspects and affect the external environment of the workplace, and this has a significant influence to the long waiting times
Political stability determines the overall environment within which the healthcare operates
It affects the trade regulations and tariffs associated with healthcare ,and may positively or negatively affect the resources needed to minimize the long wait times
The organization should not be inclined towards a particular political aspect, rather, be diverse on all political matters


The economic cycle illustrates demand and investment attributed in a given economy
The growth rate of a healthcare organization is greatly influenced by the economic factors
The economic opportunities for instance high employment rates implies that there are sufficient resources to cater for the healthcare issues
Incentives can be appropriately harnessed to improve health
A positive economy makes healthcare affordable to patients and it affects the health insurance coverage capable of influencing necessary resources that minimize long waiting times


Healthcare circumstances are significantly impacted by the social aspects for instance the distribution of money, power and resources both within the local and global contexts.
The healthcare requires clear understanding about the customers feedback about the wait times in the hospital
The healthcare provider should implement a marketing strategy to plan necessary to address the sociocultural set of beliefs and vales so as to increase its effectiveness on reducing long wait times


The evolving technology plays a critical role in the healthcare sector due to the capability to enable the providers to offer efficient care services
The new technology impacts how the communication and delivery of adequate care
Compatible technology minimizes errors that could be leading to the delayed wait times
The organization ought to implement and appropriately use the advancing technology to improve on quality of services and reduce patient wait times in the emergency rooms


The legal aspects are concerned with the rules and regulations governing the providers, payers and vendors as well as patients involved in a healthcare setup
The healthcare policies governing a healthcare can be used to foster significant changes needed to reduce the medication errors along with wait times
Progressive healthcare law, policies and procedures shape the modern healthcare environment and can be used to improve adequate care and also minimize issues occurring in these environments


The various environmental standards available to the healthcare organization impacts the type of quality care being offered
Environmental factors requires changes be made to ensure that the providers adopt a relevant strategy of disposing contaminated wastes
Healthcare organization should have a positive attitude towards support for renewable energy
Failing to take the environmental measures and standards may be considered as non- compliance which may attract unnecessary fines
It is necessary for the organization to evaluate the environmental concerns and implement relevant measures that aids in the functioning of the healthcare industry


Kwong, T. (2016). Patient Access. The Health Care Manager, 35(1), 72-79. doi:10.1097/hcm.0000000000000098
Mathews, M., Bulman, D., & Ryan, D. (2017). The role of patient and physician advocacy in reducing wait times for cancer care: a qualitative analysis. CMAJ Open, 5(4), E773-E778. doi:10.9778/cmajo.20170039
Moro Visconti, R. (2014). PPP versus Traditional Healthcare Procurement in Italy: Assessing Value for Money with PESTLE and SWOT Analysis. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2422450

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