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Plan for incorporating volunteer work into a final paper

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The plan for this class is to obtain volunteer work for about 1.5 hours per week for 7 weeks in order to gain some real-world experience in a sustainability organization. It is intended that students get some real-world experience in how sustainability efforts plan and programs are implemented

During your volunteer work, please keep in mind that in addition to the value of participation in the volunteer experience, this class requires you to write a final report that summarizes you experience. This report should integrate what you have learned about sustainability with your volunteer experience.

Here is a tentative outline of the subject matter to be covered in the report.

A. Background about the volunteer experience you had

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1. Describe the volunteer experience, where it is and the organization

2. Describe the tasks that you performed as a volunteer

3. Describe the relationships you made or facts about your experience

B. Relate the Nature of sustainability efforts that the organization engages in with the things we learned about organizing a sustainability plan or program

1. Since we have studied the Triple Bottom Line, the aspects of sustainability, and other basics about sustainability, now we turn to describing the sustainability efforts of your organization, and how it fits in with those. For example, if your organization may be devoted to efforts to improve the community- please describe how these efforts fit in with the Triple Bottom Line ideas. If your organization is a youth training group, you might describe how it connects with the idea of social sustainability.

2. Draw parallels to programs you have read about in the company analysis

3. Discuss any other aspects of sustainability that you believe your organizations may efforts to help in.


C. Organization and Implementation of the plan or program

1. Obviously, the organization has a plan or a program that it is trying to implement. Try to get to the bottom of how that is organized or implemented. Discuss this organizational aspect

2. Describe the positive or negative aspects of the organization in getting things done

Critique or make suggestions as to how things might be better organized

3. Observations about the Motivations and rewards that were part of the organization–Any other observations concerning the organizational aspects of sustainability plans and how people are motivated to be involved or dedicated to the efforts.

4. How were people managed, were there groups or meetings other features of how the organization worked?

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