Art history

You must write at least 400, but no more than 500 words for each essay.

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1. Choose one leader from the Ancient Near East, Egypt, and Rome (all three) and one piece of art or architecture created under his/her rule. Explain how that piece embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of his/her rule (in other words propaganda). Describe the design and meaning that the ruler most likely would have wanted to portray to his/her ancient viewers.

1. In what ways are the social and cultural changes brought by the Neolithic period expressed in prehistoric art and architecture? Choose and discuss one specific social change that took place and one specific cultural change that took place. Use the specific changes and discuss how they influenced two different pieces of art and/or architecture.

1. How does the architecture of ancient cultures reveal religious beliefs? Compare and contrast the beliefs and rituals. What were the common themes of religion across the ancient cultures, what were some differences? Explain the unique achievements of these structures and be detailed in your discussion by referring to specific gods and goddesses when known. Discuss the ways in which your examples create places appropriate for religious devotion in each culture. Consider (if applicable) plan, orientation, site, structure, ornamentation, etc.

1. What is the common theme found in the heroic contexts depicted on these two very different works? What does the specific function and location of each indicate about the importance of that theme in each culture?

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1. These two imposing complexes from Egypt and China are royal tombs. Explain how they represent the political stature of the entombed and the beliefs of their cultures.

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