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It’s for an oral presentation in English as I’m French

I’m the first one of a group of 4 to do this presentation. It mus attract the attention of listeners like the idea is to have a business model of a bubble tea company as we did an exchange semester in Asia and we want to import this concept in our home country. We want to import the concept of cute cups also like in Asia. 

All of this using the terms for our business model. 

In the presentation I’m a founder of the company.

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Requirements :

I’m french and it’s for an english presentation.

The goal is to do an oral presentation about the business model of an enterprise we are going to invent.

So, I’m in charge of the presentation :

what is it about ? what’s our valuable proposition – how is it unique ? etc.

-the target customers

We chose, as we did an exchange semester in Asia and we chose to create a company about Bubble tea to implement in France.

The idea is to present the concept while using economic terms. All of this, in a clear manner because it’s for an oral, so being interactive to the class, talking to them and explaining.

Be also original in the value proposition.

-the idea of bubble tea (coming from an exchange semester in Singapore in asia)

-business model

-target customers : students in France

The concept is to start like this :

“Hello everyone,

I’m Aurelie and today we will be presenting you

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