Resource Analysis File

Educators are professionals who strive to stay current on topics about their field. Educators can locate credible information, use the information to inform their practice, and connect the right resource to families, children, and co-workers.

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For this assignment, analyze two resources on brain development in the early years.

The analysis of the resources should include a summary of the content

Using the linked 

resource analysis template

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, locate and analyze resources that you might use to inform your professional practice.

Assignment tips:

· In each module, you will analyze resources based on a specific topic and submit your analysis of resources for course points. You may choose to save the resource analysis template and add to it in each module (compiling one research file throughout the course) or open, save, and submit a new resource template in each module. Please submit this assignment in the format that will be most beneficial to you in organizing research to use in your practice.

· You may choose the resources to analyze. However, in each module at least one resource must be from an academic database. For tips on how to conduct a database search, view this video.

Resource Analysis: Module 02

Directions:Use the template below to investigate two resources on brain development in the early years. One resource must come from an academic database. Start your database search here:


(Please use APA format)

Is the source credible?

Why/Why not?

Brief Summary

of the resource

Impact to teaching

(How will I use this information to inform my practice?)


(Your concerns, comments, or further questions as it pertains to this resource.)

Example: Singh, S., & Sharma, N. R. (2018). Self-regulation as a correlate of psychological well-being. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 9(3), 441-444.

Yes. (Academic journal)

Strategies for self-regulation in adolescence may lead to self-regulated adults.

Offer strategies to support and practice self-regulation. Model my own self-regulation strategies.

The article focuses on young adults. Does this information also apply to young children?


Resource Analysis: Module 03

Directions:Use the template below to investigate two resources onattachment theory in the early years. One resource must come from an academic database.

(Please use APA format)

Is the source credible?
Why/Why not?

Brief Summary
of the resource

Impact to teaching
(How will I use this information to inform my practice?)

(Your concerns, comments, or further questions as it pertains to this resource.)

Example: Singh, S., & Sharma, N. R. (2018). Self-regulation as a correlate of psychological well-being. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 9(3), 441-444.

Yes. (Academic journal)

Strategies for self-regulation in adolescence may lead to self-regulated adults.

Offer strategies to support and practice self-regulation. Model my own self-regulation strategies.

The article focuses on young adults. Does this information also apply to young children?


Resource Analysis: Module 04

Directions:Use the template below to investigate two resources on emotional intelligence. One resource must come from an academic database.

(Please use APA format)

Brief Summary
of the resource

Impact to teaching
(How will I use this information to inform my practice?)

(Your concerns, comments, or further questions as it pertains to this resource.)

Example: Singh, S., & Sharma, N. R. (2018). Self-regulation as a correlate of psychological well-being. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 9(3), 441-444.

Yes. (Academic journal)

Strategies for self-regulation in adolescence may lead to self-regulated adults.

Offer strategies to support and practice self-regulation. Model my own self-regulation strategies.

The article focuses on young adults. Does this information also apply to young children?


Is the source credible?

Why/Why not?

Resource Analysis: Module 05

Directions:Use the template below to investigate two resources on early childhood trauma and stress. One resource must come from an academic database.

(Please use APA format)

Is the source credible?
Why/Why not?

Brief Summary
of the resource

Impact to teaching
(How will I use this information to inform my practice?)

(Your concerns, comments, or further questions as it pertains to this resource.)

Example: Singh, S., & Sharma, N. R. (2018). Self-regulation as a correlate of psychological well-being. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 9(3), 441-444.

Yes. (Academic journal)

Strategies for self-regulation in adolescence may lead to self-regulated adults.

Offer strategies to support and practice self-regulation. Model my own self-regulation strategies.

The article focuses on young adults. Does this information also apply to young children?


Resource Analysis: Module 06

Directions:Use the template below to investigate two resources on trauma-informed care. One resource must come from an academic database.

(Please use APA format)

Is the source credible?
Why/Why not?

Brief Summary
of the resource

Impact to teaching
(How will I use this information to inform my practice?)

(Your concerns, comments, or further questions as it pertains to this resource.)

Example: Singh, S., & Sharma, N. R. (2018). Self-regulation as a correlate of psychological well-being. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 9(3), 441-444.

Yes. (Academic journal)

Strategies for self-regulation in adolescence may lead to self-regulated adults.

Offer strategies to support and practice self-regulation. Model my own self-regulation strategies.

The article focuses on young adults. Does this information also apply to young children?


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