BZ460 Lesson 3 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT


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Question 1

Expected benefits, which will result from implementation of the project and define success, establish:

Question options:

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how quickly the project must be   completed.


how much money the customer is   willing to pay.


the reason the contractor proposes   the solution.


why the project is being done.


Question 2

The contractor or project team needs to gain agreement from _____ on the

project scope document


Question options:

the sponsor or customer


only the contractor’s chief   financial officer


only the subcontractors


all the stakeholders


Question 3

The project scope document is valuable for establishing:

Question options:

a request for proposal for the   project.


the risk management plan for the   project.


the contact between the contractor   and the customer.


a common understanding among   project stakeholders regarding the scope of the project.


Question 4

In order to prevent poor


and avoid quality problems, there needs to be a/an:

Question options:

work breakdown structure



audit at the end of the project.


responsibility assignment matrix



project quality plan.


Question 5

The __________ defines what the project team or contractor will do.

Question options:

statement of work


network diagram

work breakdown structure
project scope document

Question 6

It is important to plan for __________ in performing the project to assure that the work is done according to specifications and applicable standards and that deliverables meet acceptance criteria.

Question options:



scope creep




Question 7

A __________ emphasizes who is responsible for each work item and shows each individual’s role in supporting the overall project.

Question options:
responsibility assignment matrix
project scope document
work breakdown structure
network diagram

Question 8

For each deliverable, the quantitative measures or references to __________ that will be used should be stated, as the criteria will be the basis for the customer agreeing that a deliverable is acceptable.

Question options:

quantitative and qualitative   levels


audits and surveys


published articles


specifications, standards, and   codes


Question 9

The project scope is all the work that must be done to do all of the following, EXCEPT:

Question options:

accomplish the project




satisfy the sponsor or customer   that all the work and deliverables meet the requirements or acceptance   criteria.


produce all the project   deliverables.


meet with every stakeholder.


Question 10

To help assure quality, the project quality plan should contain written procedures for:

Question options:

scope creep.


using various quality tools and   techniques, such as audits, inspections, testing, checklists, and so on.


communicating with stakeholders   about subcontractors.


assigning resources to tasks to be   sure they meet the acceptance criteria.


Question 11

The major work elements defined in the statement of work section along with the detailed list of deliverables provide the basis for creating a:

Question options:

project scope document.


statement of work.


work breakdown structure.


network diagram.


Question 12

A __________ is a hierarchical decomposition of the project work scope into work packages that produce the project deliverables.

Question options:
network diagram
project scope document
work breakdown structure
statement of work

Question 13

Once the project scope document has been prepared and agreed on, the next step in the planning phase is to:

Question options:

begin work on the project.


monitor and control the quality to   assure acceptance.


create a detailed work breakdown   structure.


prepare and approve the contract.


Question 14

The __________ may include a high-level WBS in a graphic chart format or as an indentured list of the work elements and associated deliverables.

Question options:
network diagram
work breakdown structure
project scope document
statement of work

Question 15

Acceptance criteria for all project deliverables must be __________ than what is stated in the project charter or request for proposal.

Question options:

described in greater detail


listed in sequence with the   responsible person or organization


stated at higher levels




Question 16

Quality standards that will be used should also be stated and referenced in other appropriate project documents, such as technical specifications and acceptance criteria, and communicated to members of the project team:

Question options:

after the work begins on the   project.


at the outset of the project   before the work begins.


at the end to check that the   quality is met.


when the project team starts   working on the specific tasks.


Question 17

The __________ is a communication tool for the project team because it shows who is responsible for each activity and how each person’s work fits into the overall project.

Question options:
responsibility assignment matrix

project scope statement

network diagram
work breakdown structure

Question 18

Although major or key deliverables may be stated in the project charter or request for proposal, they need to be __________ in the project scope document.

Question options:

expanded on in greater detail

listed in sequence with the   responsible person or organization
stated at higher levels

Question 19

It is easier to define the details for __________, but as the project progresses or moves from phase to phase, the project team or contractor can progressively elaborate the details as more information is known or becomes clear.

Question options:

only tasks that take a day to   complete


tasks that require a small effort


the near-term efforts


tasks near the end of the project


Question 20

The __________ is the tangible end product that the project team or contractor must produce and deliver in order for the sponsor or customer to achieve the expected benefits from implementing the project.

Question options:

project plan

network diagram
work breakdown structure

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