Benchmark – Classroom Management and Behavioral Intervention Plans


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Part 1 – Create Classroom Management Plan

Review the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example” to inform this assignment. In 250-500 words design a basic classroom management plan including a classroom mission statement.  Your classroom management plan should include two specific modifications appropriate for the student described within the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example.” Modifications should support creating a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment for young children.

Support your findings with 1-2 scholarly resources.

Part 2 – Behavior Intervention Plan

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Review the student information presented in the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example” to create a Behavior Intervention Plan for that student. Use the “Behavior Intervention Plan Template” and take into account the student’s readiness for learning and the multiple influences that may affect her development.

In addition, create two measurable IEP goals specific to the student’s needs, listing each under the “Goals” section of the Behavior Intervention Plan.

Compose a 250-500 word summary that outlines how you will communicate the Behavior Intervention Plan you developed to general educators and other applicable colleagues. Summarize how this communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for thestudent.

Support your findings with 1-2 scholarly resources.

Part 3 – Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan

In 250-500 words describe a mini-action plan including two interventions you are going to try with the student presented in the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example.”  The interventions should include:

  • Developmentally appropriate instructional interventions that address the young child with exceptionalities and how to adapt to different environments. 
  • Strengths, interests, and needs that enable the student to advance and accelerate their learning. 
  • Communication to family on how to support the student at home.

Summarize how this preparation and communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for the student.

Submit the Classroom Management Plan, the Behavior Intervention Plan, and Classroom Management Min-Action Plan as one submission.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 

COE Program Competencies Assessed:

  • D1, C 1.1: Create developmentally appropriate instruction that addresses young children’s characteristics and needs (Birth to Age 5/Pre-K and K to Age 8/Grade 3) including strengths, interests, and needs that enable each student to advance and accelerate his or her learning. [CEC 1.2; NAEYC 1a; InTASC 1(b)]
  • D1, C 1.2: Identify readiness for learning while taking into account the multiple influences on early development and learning.[NAEYC 1b; InTASC 1(f)]
  • D1, C 1.3: Collaborate with students and colleagues to develop shared values and expectations to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children. [NAEYC 1c; InTASC 3(c)]
  • D3, C 3.5: Collaborate with general educators and other colleagues to create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments to engage individuals with exceptionalities in meaningful learning activities and social interactions. [CEC 2.1; InTASC 3(k)]
  • D3, C 3.6: Use motivational and instructional interventions to teach individuals with exceptionalities how to adapt to different environments. [CEC 2.2; InTASC 3(l)]



20.0% Not addressed.

Not addressed.

10.0% Not addressed.

20.0% Not addressed.

Not addressed.

5.0% Not addressed.

Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
ECS-550 ECS-550-O500 Benchmark – Classroom Management and Behavioral Intervention Plans 300.0
Criteria Percentage No Submission (0.00%) Insufficient (69.00%) Approaching (74.00%) Acceptable (87.00%) Target (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Part 1: Classroom Management Plan COE: D1, C 1.3 [NAEYC 1c; InTASC 3(c)] 20.0% Not addressed. Classroom management plan includes an incomplete or poorly written classroom mission statement inappropriate for the student described in the Functional Behavior Assessment example. Weakly supports developing shared values and expectations when creating a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment for young children. Classroom management plan includes a basic written classroom mission statement acceptable, but not ideal, for the student described for the student described in the Functional Behavior Assessment example. Broadly supports developing shared values and expectations when creating a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment for young children. Classroom management plan includes a clearly written classroom mission statement appropriate for the student described in the Functional Behavior Assessment example. Soundly supports developing shared values and expectations when creating a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment for young children. Classroom management plan is proficiently and professionally written and incorporates an exemplary classroom mission statement appropriate for the student described in the Functional Behavior Assessment example. Excellently supports developing shared values and expectations when creating a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment for young children.
Part 2: Behavior Intervention Plan COE: D1, C1.2 [NAEYC 1b; InTASC 1(f)] Behavior intervention plan vaguely or inaccurately utilizes information presented in the Functional Behavior Assessment example, and does not sufficiently address the student?s readiness for learning or multiple influences affecting her development. IEP goals included in the behavior intervention plan are not measurable and/or are unsuitable in meeting the needs of the student. Behavior intervention plan generally relates to the information presented in the Functional Behavior Assessment example, only minimally taking into account the student?s readiness for learning and multiple influences affecting her development. IEP goals included in the behavior intervention plan are not clearly measurable and are not fully developed to meet the student?s needs. Behavior intervention plan soundly utilizes student information presented in the Functional Behavior Assessment example, clearly taking into account the student?s readiness for learning and multiple influences affecting her development. IEP goals included in the behavior intervention plan are measurable and appropriate for meeting the student?s needs. Behavior intervention plan thoroughly and professionally utilizes student information presented in the Functional Behavior Assessment example, thoughtfully taking into account the student?s readiness for learning and multiple influences affecting her development. IEP goals included in the behavior intervention plan are specific, measurable and exceptional for meeting the student?s needs.
Part 2: Behavior Intervention Plan Communication Summary COE: D3, C3.5 [CEC 2.1; InTASC 3(k)] 10.0% Summary weakly or inaccurately outlines how to communicate the developed Behavior Intervention Plan to general educators and other applicable colleagues. Explanation of how communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for the student is inaccurate or incomplete. Summary broadly outlines how to communicate the developed Behavior Intervention Plan to general educators and other applicable colleagues. Explanation of how such communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for the student is underdeveloped. Summary soundly outlines how to communicate the developed Behavior Intervention Plan to general educators and other applicable colleagues. Includes a clear, appropriate explanation of how such communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for the student. Summary comprehensively and professionally outlines how to communicate the developed Behavior Intervention Plan to general educators and other applicable colleagues. Includes a skillful explanation of how such communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for the student.
Part 3: Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan Instructional Interventions COE: D3, C3.6 [CEC 2.2; InTASC 3(l)] Mini-Action Plan is incomplete or inadequately supports how instructional decisions directly support the characteristics and needs of the student in the Functional Behavior Assessment Example and instructional interventions to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. Mini-Action Plan provides a marginal validation of how instructional decisions support the characteristics and needs of the student in the Functional Behavior Assessment Example and incorporates motivational and instructional interventions to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. Mini-Action Plan provides a sound reasoning of how instructional decisions support the characteristics and needs of the student in the Functional Behavior Assessment Example and incorporates motivational and instructional interventions to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. Mini-Action Plan provides a compelling justification of how instructional decisions directly and superbly support the characteristics and needs of the student in the Functional Behavior Assessment Example and incorporates motivational and instructional interventions to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities.
Part 3: Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan Strengths, Interests, Needs COE: D1, C1.1 [CEC 1.2; NAEYC 1a; InTASC 1(b)] Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan does not address instructional interventions for a young child with exceptionalities. The plan in incomplete or does not incorporate strengths, interests, and needs that enable the student to advance and accelerate their learning. Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan addresses instructional interventions for a young child with exceptionalities, but it is lacking depth. The plan may not fully incorporate strengths, interests, and needs that enable the student to advance and accelerate their learning. Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan soundly addresses appropriate instructional interventions for a young child with exceptionalities. The plan appropriately incorporates strengths, interests, and needs that enable the student to advance and accelerate their learning Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan skillfully addresses appropriate instructional interventions for a young child with exceptionalities. The plan expertly incorporates strengths, interests, and needs that enable the student to advance and accelerate their learning.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 1

5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present. Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language. Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.
Format and Documentation of Sources (layout, citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) Documentation of sources is inconsistent and/or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting and citation errors are present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style. Format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%

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