Indirect letter

Open up the example and write an indirect letter

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 Indirect/Bad News letter due look at the example

andrew smith



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11 Dickinson Drive

Coral Gables, FL 33146

| 735-898-1735 |

October 16, 2018

Mr. Ali Salim

Vice President for Human Resources

Alhazza Corporation

1211 Dickenson Drive

Coral Gables, FL 33146

Dear Mr. Ali Salim:

Thank you, for offering me the position of manager with Alhazza corporation. I appreciate your willingness to discuss the details of the position with me and give me time to consider your offer. It was a difficult decision, however. I have accepted a position with another company.

You have a great company and many aspects of the position are very appealing. I appreciate your consideration throughout the interview process and also enjoyed learning more about Alhazza Corporations.

Thank you, again for taking the time to consider my candidacy. It was a pleasure meeting you and your staff.


andrew smith

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