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Now that you have had some exposure to the DOFR that is currently used in health care model and more specifically by payers, give critical thought regarding how you might modify this contracting element during negotiation to mitigate risk.

Evaluate how bundled payments and your current DOFR could be modified to lower the current amount of risk that you have at your organization/place of work.


1. American Medical Association (AMA) Chapter 5: Shared Saving Proposals; Chapter 6: Withholds and Risk Pools; Chapter 8: Risk Adjustments.

2. Health Care Reform and the Shared Risk Model.

3. Mistakes to Avoid in Risk Sharing, Managed Health Executives, May, 2012.

4. Population Health, HealthLeaders, October 2013 UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform & Modernization; Working Paper 8, Chapter 6; December 2012.

Online Resources:

Is Shared Savings the Way to Reform Payment? (PDF)

,” Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform; February 2013.

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