Grader Project 2

 see the attached document for instructions and expectations for the project 

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Grader – Instructions Excel




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EX16_XL_CH02_GRADER_CAP_AS – Gym Management 1.


Project Description:

You are a sales representative at the local fitness center, Health & Fitness Gym. Your manager expects each representative to track weekly new membership data, so you created a spreadsheet to store data. Membership costs are based on membership type. Clients can rent a locker for an additional annual fee. You are required to collect a down payment based on membership type, determine the balance, and then calculate the monthly payment based on a standard interest rate. In addition, you calculate general statistics to summarize for your manager. Spot-check results to make sure you created formulas and functions correctly.

Steps to Perform:















Points Possible


Open the downloaded file exploring_e02_grader_a1.xlsx.


Insert a vertical lookup function in cell C


to display the basic annual membership cost for the first client.



Insert a function in cell B2 to display the current date.



Use an IF function in cell E5 to calculate the annual total amount, which is the sum of the basic cost and locker fees for those who rent a locker. For people who do not rent a locker, the annual cost is only the cost shown in column C. The Locker column displays Yes for clients who rent a locker and No for those who don’t.

In cell G5, enter a formula to calculate the total amount due for the first client based on the annual total and the number of years in the contract. Copy the three formulas in columns C, G, and E down their respective columns.


Insert a vertical lookup function in cell H5 to display the amount of down payment for the first client based on the membership type.


Insert a formula in cell I5 to calculate the balance due on the membership. Copy the formulas in columns H and I for the rest of the clients.


Insert the PMT function in cell J5 to calculate the first client’s monthly payment, using appropriate relative and absolute cell references. Copy the formula down the column.



Calculate totals for Annual Total, Total Due, Down Payment, Balance, and Monthly Payment on row



Insert the appropriate functions in the Summary Statistics section of the worksheet: cells H18:H22. Format the payments with Accounting number format.


Format the other column headings on rows 4 and 17 to match the fill color in the range E17:H17. Wrap text for the column headings.


Set 0.3” left and right margins and ensure that the page prints on only one page.


Insert a footer with your name on the left side, the date code in the center, and the file name on the right side.


Save and close the workbook. Submit the file as directed.

Total Points


Created On: 01/22/2020 1 EX16_XL_CH02_GRADER_CAP_AS – Gym Management 1.10






Yes 2

Deluxe No 2

Deluxe Yes 3

Individual No 1

Individual No 2

Individual No 3

Individual Yes 3

Membership Cost Down Payment




Health & Fitness Gym
Date Prepared:
Membership Cost Locker Annual Total Years Total Due Down Payment Balance Monthly Payment
Andrews Deluxe Yes 1
Baker Individual
Carter Family No 3
Summary Statistics
$ 575 $ 250 Number of New Members
$ 1,500 $ 700 Lowest Monthly Payment
$ 300 $ 150 Average Monthly Payment
Maxium Monthly Payment
Locker Fee $ 75 Median Monthly Payment
Interest Rate 5.75%
Months Per Year 12


>Submission – MarkUp Submission MarkUp This is a machine generated report of your submission document containing error details as annotations. Details

of all points deducted in the submitted document are listed on this sheet. Assignment Details Submission ID 44






0 Assignment Name Excel Chapter 2 Grader Project Submission Date 1

9 February, 2020 Report Generated on 28 February, 2020 Points Obtained 53.364/100 (53.364%)

Worksheet: ‘

New Clients

‘ (

Points Deducted

: 46.636)

Points Deducted Details

Error Description 39.636 Cell level Incorrect Actions 50 cell(s) commented inplace. Please check the sheet. 2.000 Incorrect Actions: Sheet (New Clients) 2.000 point(s) deducted in instruction #


-In the Sheet ‘New Clients’ the ‘fit to pages’ was not applied. 5.000 Incorrect Actions: Header(s)/Footer(s) 5.000 point(s) deducted in instruction #13:
-In the Sheet ‘New Clients’ the ‘Center Footer Text Case’ was not set as per instruction.
-In the Sheet ‘New Clients’ the ‘Center Footer Content’ was not set to ‘&[Date]’.
-In the Sheet ‘New Clients’ the ‘Right Footer Text Case’ was not set as per instruction.
-In the Sheet ‘New Clients’ the ‘Right Footer Content’ was not set to ‘&[File]’.

New Clients

Project Error:: Project Error:
8 point(s) deducted in instruction #4:
– In the Cell ‘E5’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D5=”Yes”,$B$22+C5,C5)’.

1 $ 654.31






Project Error:: Project Error:
0.319 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E7’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D7=”Yes”,$B$22+C7,C7)’.
– In the Cell ‘E7’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘1500’.

3 $ – 0


Deluxe $ 575 No

2 $ – 0 $ 250


Deluxe $ 575 Yes


$ 250


Individual $ 300 No


$ 150


Individual $ 300 No

2 $ – 0 $ 150


Individual $ 300 No

3 $ – 0 $ 150


Individual $ 300 Yes


$ 150



Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.

Deluxe $ 575 $ 250

Family $ 1,500 $ 700

Individual $ 300 $ 150

$ 75


Health & Fitness Gym
Date Prepared: 2/17/20
Project Error:: Project Error:
5 point(s) deducted in instruction #3:
– In the Cell ‘B2’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘TODAY()’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.384 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Annual Total
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.384 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Total Due
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Down Payment
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.384 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Monthly Payment
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.384 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
number of new members
Andrews Deluxe $ 575 Yes $ 654.31 $ 250 $ 404.31
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.029 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell ‘I5’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘400’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.333 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J5’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘34.381’.
Baker Individual $ 300 $ 379.31
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.236 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E6’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D6=”Yes”,$B$22+C6,C6)’.
$ 75 $ 150 $ 608.63
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.029 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell ‘I6’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘600’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.333 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J6’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘26.525’.
Carter Family $ 1,500 No $ – 0 $ 700 $ (700.00)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.029 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell ‘I7’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘3800’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.333 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J7’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘115.173’.
Dudley $ – 0
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.236 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E8’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D8=”Yes”,$B$22+C8,C8)’.
$ (250.00)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.03 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell ‘I8’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘900’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.334 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J8’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘39.787’.
Evans $ 654.31
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.235 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E9’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D9=”Yes”,$B$22+C9,C9)’.
$ 1,962.94 $ 1,712.94 ($59.27)
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.333 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J9’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘51.525’.
Foust $ – 0
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.236 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E10’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D10=”Yes”,$B$22+C10,C10)’.
$ – 0
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.083 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell(s) ‘G10’, ‘E12’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘300’.
$ (150.00)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.03 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell(s) ‘I10’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘150’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.334 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J10’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘12.893’.
Gardner $ – 0
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.235 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E11’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D11=”Yes”,$B$22+C11,C11)’.
$ (150.00)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.029 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell ‘I11’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘450’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.333 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J11’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘19.894’.
Hart $ – 0
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.319 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E12’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D12=”Yes”,$B$22+C12,C12)’.
– In the Cell(s) ‘G10’, ‘E12’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘300’.
$ (150.00)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.03 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell ‘I12’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘750’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.334 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J12’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘22.732’.
Ivans $ 379.31
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.235 point(s) deducted in instruction #5:
– In the Cell ‘E13’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘IF(D13=”Yes”,$B$22+C13,C13)’.
$ 1,137.94 $ 987.94
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.029 point(s) deducted in instruction #7:
– In the Cell ‘I13’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘975’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.333 point(s) deducted in instruction #8:
– In the Cell ‘J13’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘29.551’.
Totals $ 2,067
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.4 point(s) deducted in instruction #9:
– In the Cell ‘E14’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘5025’.
$ 20 $ 4,514
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.4 point(s) deducted in instruction #9:
– In the Cell ‘G14’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘11925’.
$ 2,200 $ 2,314
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.4 point(s) deducted in instruction #9:
– In the Cell ‘I14’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘9725’.
$ (266)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.4 point(s) deducted in instruction #9:
– In the Cell ‘J14’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘352.46’.
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.384 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Down Payment
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.385 point(s) deducted in instruction #11:
– In the Cell(s) ‘A4’, ‘B4’, ‘C4’, ‘D4’, ‘E4’, ‘F4’, ‘G4’, ‘H4’, ‘I4’, ‘J4’, ‘A17’, ‘B17’, ‘C17’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Wrap Text’ was not applied.
Summary Statistics
Number of New Members 5
Project Error:: Project Error:
1.633 point(s) deducted in instruction #10:
– In the Cell ‘H18’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘COUNTA(A5:A13)’.
– In the Cell ‘H18’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘9’.
Lowest Monthly Payment ($4.65)
Project Error:: Project Error:
2.009 point(s) deducted in instruction #10:
– In the Cell(s) ‘H19’, ‘H20’, ‘H21’, ‘H22’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Category’ was not set to ‘Accounting’.
– In the Cell ‘H19’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula’ was not set to ‘MIN(J5:J13)’.
– In the Cell ‘H19’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘12.893’.
Average Monthly Payment ($29.51)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.675 point(s) deducted in instruction #10:
– In the Cell(s) ‘H19’, ‘H20’, ‘H21’, ‘H22’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Category’ was not set to ‘Accounting’.
– In the Cell ‘H20’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘39.162’.
Maxium Monthly Payment ($4.65)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.675 point(s) deducted in instruction #10:
– In the Cell(s) ‘H19’, ‘H20’, ‘H21’, ‘H22’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Category’ was not set to ‘Accounting’.
– In the Cell ‘H21’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘115.173’.
Locker Fee Median Monthly Payment ($21.72)
Project Error:: Project Error:
0.675 point(s) deducted in instruction #10:
– In the Cell(s) ‘H19’, ‘H20’, ‘H21’, ‘H22’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Category’ was not set to ‘Accounting’.
– In the Cell ‘H22’ of Sheet ‘New Clients’, the ‘Formula Result Value’ was not set to ‘29.551’.
Interest Rate 5.75%
Months Per Year
Annual Interest $ 4.31
Total amount $ 79.31

EX16_XL_CH02_GRADER_CAP_AS_Gym_Management 1.10

Name: [2/17/2020] EX16_XL_CH02_GRADER_CAP_AS_Gym_Management1.10

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