Film Report Guidelines and Information

 watch one of the approved films below:

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1. Dreamgirls (movie adaptation starring Jennifer Hudson, Beyonce, Eddie Murphy, and more) 

 2. Amadeus (Academy Award winning movie about Mozart) 

3. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street  (movie adaptation starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carte

 4. Farinelli (disturbingly beautiful movie about the last great castrato…be warned…not for children)  

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5. Lady Sings the Blues (biopic about Billie Holliday.  Diana Ross gives an Oscar-nominated performance

6. Les Miserables (epic movie adaptation starring Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Russell Crowe) 

7. Into the Woods (beautiful movie adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s classic musical. Stars Meryl Streep, James Cordon and more)  

8. Rent (movie adaptation of Jonathan Larsen’s Pulitzer-Prized winning musical) 

Questions to be answered in the context of your report are as follows:

  1. What drew you to this particular concert/film?
  2. What was your favorite musical piece from the concert or film? Focus on as many aspects of opinion (technical & emotional) as possible.  
  3. What was your least favorite musical piece from the concert or film? (again, talking musically here…do NOT simply rehash the plot if watching a film).
  4. In conclusion, how was the overall experience?



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