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The Dynamic Deliverable is the implementation (or proof of implementation) of students’ proposed solution. Previously submitted Dynamic Deliverables include, but are not limited to, websites students developed about their chosen themes, paintings, and a screenshot of the submission to the CDC of a student’s proposal. In the case of the student referenced in the Final Project Product Proposal as an example, for his dynamic deliverable, he submitted an image of his own painting of a melting earth due to climate change.The “deliverable(s)” you create will mirror (to some extent) the types of materials your professor will utilize in the course to deliver content in diverse ways—to foster interest & problem/trend/issue analysis, provide additional context, and appeal to varying learning styles, abilities, and preferences of students en route to global awareness, perspective taking, & global engagement.The Dynamic Deliverable may consist of student-created, original items such as, but not limited to: Podcasts/Recorded InterviewTED (style) Talk/Speech (video recorded)Poetry Series CompositionMusic Composition & PerformanceWhite-paper for Recommended Policy Change to Those in PowerPublic Service Announcement Poster Series/Video CommercialProduct PrototypeOriginal PhotographyNarrative Short StoryTargeted Program Development/Service Delivery ModelScripted Mini-MovieSite-Visit Observation, Critique, Formal Improvement Recommendation***Students are also welcome and encouraged to propose solution-commentary-advocacy-activism “deliverable” materials they would like to pursue beyond this list.

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