W5 2 Peer Review 1 Video Review

  • Each response post should consist of at least 100 words.
  • Point out what you perceived to be the strengths of the initial posting along with supporting rationale.
  • Identify specific opportunities for improvement with regard to the content in the initial posting. Furthermore, you should provide supporting rationale for your stated position, as well as concrete suggestions and guidance intended to strengthen the effectiveness of the content


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provide a few brief comments with respect to its relevancy to this unit’s marketing concepts.  


First of all, big data is a massive amount of data being gathered by the internet and computer systems daily (page 249). I do not think using big data selling real estate is any different than using it to sell other products or services. The businesses can use that data to see want customers need or want. Also, what they would likely buy this days.


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With the data, they can use to sell products or service that uses target markets and the four kinds of segmentation (behavioral, demographic, geographic, and psychographic).  Companies can collect so much different kinds of information on customers, like their hobbies, what they like to eat, credit rating, and brands like they like and don’t like. Even with LeadsToday.com, businesses can use that data to figure out what kind of restaurants would most likely do well in that area depending on the college students, families, couples, and singles.  The kind of restaurants is just one example out of many where companies can use the data to sell other products or services.  I used to work for an orchard named Braeutigam Orchards before joining the military. I think using big data might have helped market the products.  They offered pick your own fruit and pumpkins. Also, they had farm animals guests could pet and feed; most people never see a farm animal.  They targeted school group children, families, and people who just wanted pick their own fruit and try something different. With the big data, they could see how many students are in each school to figure out how many students they can service at a time.  They could send the schools information on the orchard and activities they provide. Also, they could get data where most likely families live and hang up flyers and market the farm around the areas.  With more data, I think any company can benefits their marketing in selling their products or services.

Tanner, J. & Raymond, M. A. (2019). Principles of Marketing. Boston, MA: FlatWorld


1. Is using big data to help sell real estate any different than using it to sell other products? Why or why not?

No, using big data to help sell real estate is no different than using it to sell other products. Big sales firms, real estate firms, and even Recruiters work smarter by utilizing big data to find and refine leads before they even meet them because it makes sense. By using big data, they can become more efficient. It might seem “creepy” at first that a sales firm contacts a prospective applicant “out of the blue,” but if the salesperson is good enough, they can skip right over the “creepy” part. I would always plan my “angle” when I was a Recruiter. The prospective applicant will want to know how you got their information, and as long as it seems legit, they will entertain the call. I would usually start of with the “hey, I got your information from (person, event, online, etc.) and you were interested in information about the Air Force. If I was getting tactfully (or anything other than hostile) dismissed, I would use an indifference statement, and usually turn the conversation around and make an appointment for them to come see me. My appointment no-show rate was less than 5%.

2. Think of a small company you, your friends, or your parents have worked for. Could                                  use big data to better market its products? If so, how?

In Air Force Recruiting, as an Enlisted Accessions Recruiter in Sacramento, CA, I learned my lesson on leads quickly: not all leads were good leads, and if there was a lead generating activity that worked to get me good leads, I used it. It didn’t take long for me to realize that my High School influencers (counselors, teachers, registrar and coaches) were OK at generating leads, but not great. It also did not take long to realize that over 85% of the people calling into my office, or physically walking into my office were disqualified. Other lead generating activities such as career fairs, concerts, airshows, and community events were mediocre lead generating activities at best. It didn’t take me long to discover that the best lead generating activity was the AirForce.com chatroom. We employed retired Air Force Recruiters for the chat room, and they would qualify prospective applicants (they did a great job with this), and they would do a zip code search and send the prospective applicant to the nearest Recruiter. I knew if I had a lead in my Air Force Recruiting Information Support System (AFRISS) database from the AirForce.com chatroom, I needed to act on it immediately because it was a good lead. Here is why this is important: When I started recruiting, I would contact 200+ people. Of those 200+, I would have appointments with 5. Of the 5 I would have appointments with, 3 would be qualified and interested enough to take the ASVAB. (job placement test for military) Of the 3, 2 would have good enough scores to want to take the physical and enter the Delayed Entry Program. Of the 2 I sent to physical, 1 would qualify. That was a ton of work for 1 qualified person waiting to join the Air Force. Once I started getting “good leads” my contacts dropped to 30-50 for 5 appointments. 4/5 were interested in taking the ASVAB. 4 passed the ASVAB with great scores, and I was usually able to send 3 to take the physical and join the Air Force. That is the difference “good leads” make.


Works Cited:

McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2013). Microeconomics: brief edition. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.



View the PBS video in chapter 10 titled, 

What do data brokers really know about us? (Links to an external site. )

and provide a few brief comments with respect to its relevancy to this unit’s marketing concepts. 

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