Case study 2


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Case Study 2: Implementation Strategies 

Your proposed information system is still a contender. The executives, however, are asking whether it is too limited to prevent the shadow IT projects that continue to take place throughout the organization. They believe that you have considered what the organization does now, but how will your system adapt to new products and processes? Read IQMS (2015) for a concrete example of what they mean. 

You’ll have to quell their fears, so it’s time for another memo. 

Please focus on these points: 

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Use the template below but incorporate the following questions.

1. Identify any significant changes that your organization might reasonably make in its product offerings in the next 3 years. Explain the competitive benefits of this change.


Explain how your information system addresses or can adapt to the introduction of these new product offerings.



Give one reason why capabilities for the new product offerings should or should not be incorporated in the initial information system design. Justify your reason

This memo should be 3–5 pages long. Reference: IQMS. (2015). Quick Response Manufacturing Yields Lower Inventories & Improves cash flow. Retrieved from .

Template to follow for the MEMO case study:





– APA format

– Write in Third Person

– Do not ask questions

– Text with quotes requires page or paragraph # in Citation. 

– All Papers will be checked using SafeAssign. Please focus on keeping the SafeAssign percentage to approximately 20%.


The Introduction is a short overview of your memo.

The CIO asked you to read Connelly (2016) to think about what resources you’ll need to get your new information system up and running. Please also review the five case studies in (Basu 2015, p. 32-35) so you can recommend a change management pattern for your company to follow.

Identify Change

Changes in its product offerings that your organization might reasonably make over the next 3 years. Explain the competitive benefits of this change.

To earn an ‘A’ in this section you must (From Grading Rubric):

Predicted significant changes in product offerings

Figure 1 Include source if applicable, (include diagram) 

Product Offerings

Explain how your information system addresses or can adapt to the introduction of these new product offerings.

Figure 2 Include source if applicable, (include diagram/chart)


Give one reason why capabilities for the new product offerings should or should not be incorporated in the initial information system design. Justify your reason

Evaluated the capabilities of each product offering

Reason why capabilities for the new product offerings should or should not be incorporated into the initial system design. Justified the reason.

Provided more than one reason why capabilities for the new product offerings should or should not be incorporated into the initial system design. Justified the reasoning.


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