analyze qualitative data


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After table complete 2 FULL page summary of the key findings from the focus group question. 

In further discussions with the police chief, you learn that he can provide you with a list of names of people who have filed written complaints with the police department and expressed a willingness to be contacted to discuss their comments in more detail. You decide to randomly select ten people from the list to participate in a focus group on the issue. After all ten people consent to participating in the study you conducted a successful focus group with the participants and are now ready to begin analyzing the data. 


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Include the following in summarizing the results:

1. Describe how you themed and coded the qualitative data from the focus groups, and explain why you chose to theme the data as you did.

2. Summarize the results and discuss particularly noteworthy quotes from participants to emphasize the main findings.

3. Provide a policy recommendation to help the police chief that could help to improve community relations with his agency.

Unit 3 Focus Group Theming Table


Example Short Answers

Respondent 1 Short Answers

Respondent 2 Short Answers

Respondent 3 Short Answers

Theme Labels

Theme Codes

What caused you to file a complaint with the police department?

· Upset that police did not respond to theft of my son’s bicycle

· The officer told me, “Good luck getting the bike back, we have way bigger fish to fry.”

How did the police department respond to the complaint?

· The desk officer explained that the department has to triage cases and typically bikes are not located

· The officer said I might check local pawn shops to see if someone has brought it in

· The officer said they would definitely call if the bike shows up

How did you feel about how the police department responded?

· I felt much better after the desk officer explained the realities facing the department

· I liked that I was given a suggestion for locating the bike

Unit 3 [CJ598: Applied Research Project]

Unit 3 Transcripts

Respondent 1

1. What caused you to file a complaint with the police department?

While driving home from a church meeting in the evening, I was stopped by Officer P. without
cause. The officer walked up to my car shining a bright light in my face with gun drawn and
started screaming at me to get out of the car. After I got out of the car, he began to search it
without my permission. He grabbed my purse and pulled my driver’s license out and returned to
his car. He came back five minutes later, handed my license to me, and reluctantly told me I
could go. I asked him what prompted the stop and he said that my car fit a profile and I was
driving 10 miles under the speed limit.

2. How did the police department respond to the complaint?

Approximately 2 weeks after I filed the complaint, I received a letter stating that no foul play or
harassment was found.

3. How did you feel about how the police department’s responded?

I do not believe that the department looked into the incident at all. This situation made me
extremely angry. I feel like I was treated like a common criminal and I was traumatized when the
officer approached me with his gun drawn. I feel like the police officers think we are all criminals.
I thought they were there to protect me, not traumatize me.

Respondent 2

1. What caused you to file a complaint with the police department?

I was racial profiled. I want an apology. I was stopped on Saturday night when me and my
friend was riding our bikes down Mullis Road. When another Barney showed up we were
handcuffed and then a third cop came and told them to release us. They were looking for 2
black guys over 6’2” who were 18-20 years old. I’m 5’4” and my friend is 5’7” and we’re 33 and

36. I have a criminal record and I’m in the work release program but they stopped me because
of my skin tone. That’s not cool…it kind of just threw me for a loop.

2. How did the police department respond to the complaint?

The cop at the station desk took the report. I don’t know what they’re going to do with the
report. Probably nothing. But I want an apology.

3. How did you feel about how the police department’s responded?

I’m not holding my breath. It makes me realize that the cops are out to get you.

Respondent 3

1. What caused you to file a complaint with the police department?

I got pulled over by Officer B. on Wednesday night for a broken. The officer got cocky with me
and said I was being mouthy and he hit me with the flashlight. I’m pretty sure he was showing
me who was boss because I know that he sells dope he bags from other guys.

Unit 3 [CJ598: Applied Research Project]

2. How did the police department respond to the complaint?

I went to the front desk and the officer said that I could not file a report until I explained what had
happened. I said that I would rather not do that and just wanted to write down my complaint.
The officer said, “Well then you’d better explain it to me or you’re not filing anything.” I
explained what happened and the officer became very agitated and said that I could file a
complaint but I better be prepared to be hauled in if I file a false report.

3. How did you feel about how the police department’s responded?

I am worried that the police are going to wrongly accuse me of something to protect the officer
who pulled me over.

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