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ppropriate course-level APA guidelines.



Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet


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Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left-hand column. Complete the matrix.

Part II: Write a summary.

Part III: Format references consistent with appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Part I

What is the group’s history in the United States?

What is the group’s population in the United States?

What are some attitudes and customs people of this group may practice?

What is something you admire about this group’s people, lifestyle, or society?







Part II

Summarize what you learned from this activity in a 350- to 700-word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. Use the following questions to guide your writing:

· How has U.S. society used each group’s culture to construct the group identity? How has each group been stereotyped? How accurate are these stereotypes?

· How does the social concept of race relate to each group? What prejudice has each group faced?

· How do the behavior and thinking patterns of U.S. culture apply to each group, especially regarding class systems and employment?

Write your analysis here:

Part III

Format your sources consistent with appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Write the references for your sources here:

175 words no references for the questions below.

Even within one’s own community, every individual is different. Based on your appearance or mannerisms, how might you be stereotyped in your local community? Consider how you might be viewed by someone outside your community, and list both positive and negative stereotypes that stranger might assign to you. If you travelled to a different region of the country, especially if you career involves traveling, how might you be stereotyped differently? Finally, explain why misconceptions about race persist, and what people can do to help dispel misconceptions.

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