Order 1321679: Social stratification


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  • Type of paperEssay (Any Type)
  • SubjectSociology
  • Number of pages4
  • Format of citationMLA
  • Number of cited resources2
  • Type of serviceWriting

You will be writing a paper that demonstrates 1) your understanding of three of the sociological perspectives we have studied in the course and 2) your ability to apply these perspectives to contemporary social issues. Choose one of the following topics and answer the following questions in the format provided below. Your final paper should be a minimum of 3-4 pages in length, using a 12-point font, and double-spaced. Failure to adhere to formatting standards may result in a deduction of points from the final grade. You are required to use material from the textbook and one additional academic source. When citing your sources, you must use MLA or APA format, and you must include a “Works Cited” or “References” page. This assignment is worth 40 points.

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