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  • Type of paperEssay (Any Type)
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  • Number of pages2
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  • Number of cited resources2
  • Type of serviceWriting

In 500 words (2 pages double spaced if typing in times 12pt font) Discuss the following: Considering the current rate that medications are prescribed or over-the-counter medications are used, do you feel that the U.S. or western society in general overprescribe/overuse medications? Based upon your perspective, do you feel that considering alternative treatment strategies to address illness is a better option (e.g. psychotherapy for mental illness)? Based upon your perspective, do you feel that allowing some substances to be used in a more “generic” or “free/recreational” basis is a good idea (e.g. medication like Ritalin to help students in their educational pursuits)? Specifically, focus on the issues and concerns presented in the film. Use information (evidence) from the film, class, and the text to support your perspective.

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