Philosophy Paper

In a 750-1000 word essay, please respond to the following:

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Explain and evaluate Socrates’ claim in the Apology that “the unexamined life is not worth living for a human being,” and briefly analyze and discuss the particular method he uses to discover the truth (i.e., dialectics or the Socratic Method). Do you agree that a human being cannot live a fully satisfying life if he or she remains ignorant, like the slavish prisoners in Plato’s cave? Why or why not? 

Finally, in support of your argument, please refer to specific passages in the video (Alain de Botton’s “Socrates on Self-Confidence—Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness,” available on YouTube via the link below) as well as to the textbook. Be sure to include at least two APA or MLA-formatted citations of the textbook reading assignments in order to be eligible for full credit.

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Reference: Philosophy and the Good Life By: Mark Arandia 

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