BM410 LEsson 4 & 5 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT


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Activities that sales managers might spend time on during the planning and implementation of sales training include all of the following except

Question options:

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arranging for salespeople to work   with key personnel in various
departments in the firm to become   familiar with their functions.


enrolling salespeople in   professional workshops or training programs.


accompanying salespeople in the   field to critique their sales behavior
and reinforce other   training.


managing the recruitment and   selection of new salespeople.


Question 2

These training methods are best used as supplemental training to update the salesforce, reinforce previous training, or to provide basic materials to be covered in more detail at a later date.

Question options:



Behavioral simulations


Ease studies




Question 3

The purpose of sales training needs assessment is to compare the specific performance-related skills, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors required for salesforce success to the

Question options:

salesforce rating results of a   

customer survey



performance test results of each   salesperson.


job analysis

of each sales   position.


state of readiness of the   salesforce.


Question 4

Answers to the what, when, where, and how questions are finalized during this step in the sales training process.

Question options:

Assess sales training needs


Perform sales training


Design the sales training program


Follow-up and evaluation


Question 5

Which of the following forms of on-the-job training is often used to groom salespeople for management positions?

Question options:

Filling in for vacationing   salespeople


Job rotation


Working with a senior salesperson


Working with a sales manager who   acts as a "coach"


Question 6

A sales training workshop devoted to communicating the importance of qualifying prospects would be aimed at teaching salespeople how to work with this type of buyer:

Question options:

The sales job facilitator


The persuader


The hard bargainer


The socializer


Question 7

A _______ is an investigation of the task, duties, and responsibilities of the sales job.

Question options:
customer survey
job analysis

competitor survey


performance testing


Question 8

Sales training covering aspects of customer knowledge may include information on all of the following subjects except

Question options:

buying motives.


customer needs.


buyer personalities.


buyers’ competitors.


Question 9

Which of the following media can be used to train the salesforce?

Question options:



telephone conferencing




Any or all of the above may be   used


Question 10

Which one of the following training method features lectures, demonstrations, and group discussion with expert trainers serving as instructors?

Question options:
Behavioral simulations



Question 11

The final step in the sales training process is

Question options:

designing the sales training   program.


assessing sales training needs.


performing sales training.


conducting follow-up and   evaluation.


Question 12

A _______ defines expected behavior for salespeople.

Question options:
customer survey
job analysis
competitor survey
performance testing

Question 13

Which one of the following key questions should be asked when evaluating alternatives for training?

Question options:

Which method (or methods) and   media are best suited for conducting the training?


Which method will require the   least amount of time away from active selling?


Which method is the least   expensive?


Which media is the most attractive   to upper-management levels?


Question 14

Initiation to task is the degree

Question options:

to which the salesperson has   managed to prioritize tasks in a way that will ensure success.



personal satisfaction that the   sales trainee feels in his or her job.


to which a sales trainee feels   competent and accepted as a working partner.


of training that the sales trainee   has received.


Question 15

According to the text, a common mistake made by salespeople who need training on sales techniques is

Question options:

under-controlling the sales call.


too much preplanning of sales   calls.


not spending enough time with old   customers.


failing to effectively confirm the   sale.


Question 16

Among the following, which is one of the most popular sales training topics?

Question options:

Salesperson etiquette


Product knowledge


How to file expense reimbursement   vouchers


How to handle the replacement of   defective products


Question 17

A sales training workshop devoted to teaching psychologically oriented sales strategies (such as transactional analysis) would be aimed at teaching salespeople how to work with this type of buyer:

Question options:
The sales job facilitator
The persuader
The hard bargainer
The socializer

Question 18

In general, companies rely most heavily on ________ to conduct sales training.

Question options:

outside training consultants


specialized schools


mass-produced videotapes


their own personnel


Question 19

A sales training workshop devoted to discussing the ethical and legal implications of transacting business would be aimed at teaching salespeople how to work with this type of buyer:

Question options:
The sales job facilitator
The persuader
The hard bargainer
The socializer

Question 20

With regard to salesforce socialization, role definition is

Question options:

the degree to which the   salesperson has managed to prioritize tasks in a way that will ensure   success.

personal satisfaction that the   sales trainee feels in his or her job.

the degree to which a sales   trainee feels competent and accepted as a working partner.


an understanding of what tasks are   to be performed, what the priorities of the tasks are, and how time should be   allocated among tasks.


Online Exam 5


Question 21

The concept of repetition suggests that

Question options:

as soon as possible after a sales   training meeting, the sales manager should attempt to visit with each   salesperson individually to reinforce what he or she has learned.


by focusing on information related   to the most recent sales call the salesperson has made, a self-evaluation of   his or her performance can result in improved future performance.


if a salesperson can draw on the   enthusiasm generated by a recent successful sales call, he or she will be   more effective.


sales managers should make a   practice of holding coaching sessions after each sales call to help reinforce   the suggestions given.


Question 22

If a salesperson made this statement regarding his sales manager, “I like him personally and regard him as a friend,” the manager is likely exercising what type of power?

Question options:

Expert power


Referent power


Legitimate power


Reward power


Question 23

Researchers have tried to determine the personality characteristics an effective leader should have by using the _______ method.

Question options:

behavior approach.


properties method.


contingency approach.


trait approach.


Question 24

Which of the following is not a specific aspect of a

transformational leadership style


Question options:

Articulates a vision


Provides an appropriate model


Fosters the acceptance of group   goals


Is dictatorial


Question 25

If a salesperson made this statement regarding his/her sales manager, “He is in a good position to recommend promotions or permit special privileges for me,” the manager is probably using what type of power?

Question options:
Expert power
Referent power
Legitimate power
Reward power

Question 26

Which one of the following approaches to leadership considers situational factors such as the firm’s marketing orientation in determining which leadership methods would be appropriate?

Question options:

Behavior approach


Attribute theory


Contingency approach


State of nature approach


Question 27

A _______ is represented by an orientation toward inspiring subordinates to engage in desired behavior and perform at high levels.

Question options:

transactional leadership style

transformational leadership style

leader-member exchange leadership   style


supervisory leadership style


Question 28

_______ is based on the belief that one party can remove rewards and provide punishment to affect behavior.

Question options:
Expert power
Referent power
Legitimate power

Coercive power


Question 29

With this type of influence strategy, circumstances are controlled to influence behavior.

Question options:









Question 30

The ultimate success of sales meetings depends on the planning and execution of activities such as

Question options:

communicating with all parties   before the meeting.


checking site arrangements and   arranging for audiovisual support.


preparing materials for the   meeting.


All of the above.


Question 31

Organizational strategy that promotes giving managers free rein with personal ethics applied only on an individual basis is part of this type of ethical management:

Question options:

Immoral management


Incorruptible management


Moral management


Amoral management


Question 32

In their dealings with salespeople, sales managers have been criticized for placing too much emphasis on

Question options:

reward and coercive power.


legitimate and reward power.


coercive and referent power.


expert and referent power.


Question 33

Which of the following statements regarding a sales manager’s use of coaching is false?

Question options:

Coaching can occur during short   meetings of the entire sales team.


Coaching sessions may take place   in the office or during the sales
manager’s field visits with   salespeople.


The essence of coaching is   providing guidance and feedback as soon as
possible after an   appropriate event.


Coaching is most effective during   scheduled team meetings with salespeople.


Question 34

Which approach to leadership seeks to catalog behaviors associated with effective leadership?

Question options:
Behavior approach
Attribute theory
Contingency approach
State of nature approach

Question 35

The expert and referent power bases are extremely critical in the use of this type of influence strategy:

Question options:



Question 36

When a sales manager provides the salesperson with information about whether a desired outcome was achieved, he or she is using this coaching technique:

Question options:

Outcome feedback




Cognitive feedback


Sharing information


Question 37

In coaching the salesforce, the sales manager may use all of the following learning tools or concepts except

Question options:

outcome feedback.


principle of recency.


absorption training.




Question 38

An immoral manager would most likely follow this orientation in meeting his or her organizational goals:

Question options:

Profitability within the confines of   legal obedience and ethical standards


Profitability is not important,   since the firm’s purpose is to serve the
public’s needs


Profitability only, with no other   goals considered


Profitability and organizational   success at any price


Question 39

Sales managers may use different influence strategies according to the situational demands. Influence strategies may be based on all of the following except

Question options:









Question 40

_______ is associated with the right to be a leader, usually as a result of designated organizational roles.

Question options:
Expert power
Referent power
Legitimate power
Reward power

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