Description Essay


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Description Essay

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  • Due Wednesday by 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Submitting a file upload
  • Available Feb 3 at 12am – Feb 12 at 11:59pm 10 days

Description Essay

Research in My Career Planner/LifeMap is required for this essay; cite your own experiences as examples. 

My Career Planner can be found in Atlas under the LifeMap tab.

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You must submit your descriptive essay here as an attachment in MS Word before midnight on Wednesday, February 12, 2020.

For guidelines on the format for your descriptive essay, 

please watch MLA Essay Format video, which goes over the basic rules for where to put identification information, how to use spacing correctly,  what type of font is allowed etc.


Before beginning this assignment, review the topic below.

Descriptive Writing Prompt:

Describe your dream career. Describe why it is your dream career.  Describe what education and/or experience you need to achieve your dream career.  Describe the job duties of your dream career.  Use descriptive language that appeals to the five senses.  Use My Career Planner in LifeMap to help you answer some of the above questions.

Make Sure Your Paper Has the Following:

  • A clear thesis statement that communicates the significance of your dream career
  • Specific detail
  • Varied sentence structure
  • Avoid monotony
  • Use transitional words to indicate the order of events and signal shifts in time (i.e. first, second, next, then, later, at the same time, meanwhile, immediately, soon, before, earlier, after, afterward, now, finally etc.)
  • Use Font 12 Times New Roman, Double-space entire document, 1″ margins
  • The essay should be two-pages (Type until the last line).  Do not write below or over two pages.  Failure to comply with the page requirement will result in a one full grade deduction off your essay grade.


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