
Research paper on Compare/Contrast Counseling Theories

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Psychoanalytic Theory/Therapy and Person-Centered Theory/Therapy

I. Research Paper (no less than 15 pages and no more than 20 pages)

Counseling is not only an art but a science. Acceptable counseling theory is based upon research. For this reason, students are required to write a research paper during the semester that explores the literature for evidence of the effectiveness and applicability of the various counseling theories to rehabilitation counseling situations.

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  Students will compare and contrast two of the major counseling theories discussed during the course and the applicability of these theories to the rehabilitation counseling process.  Papers should focus primarily on the application part of these theories in rehabilitation but should provide enough background about each of the theories being discussed to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the major tenets of each.

Regardless of paper option chosen, students must address use of the chosen theory(ies) when counseling individuals with a disability who face lifestyle changes that may involve gender or multicultural issues. 

Compare and Contrast:

Psychoanalytic Theory/Therapy and Person-Centered Theory/Therapy

APA-style formatting is required for this paper. Students are strongly encouraged to acquire a copy of the APA Publication Manual (6th edition). Because the 6th edition is relatively new, used copies of the APA manual may or may not yet be available at campus bookstores or online; local libraries should carry the manual.

Your paper should be no less than 15 pages and no more than 20 pages. This does not include the title page and the references. An abstract is NOT required.

To develop your research skills and encourage scholarly research, a minimum of seven (7) professional journal articles is required. Journal articles should relate directly to your selected counseling theory(ies) and/or to the rehabilitation counseling process. These references are IN ADDITION TO the class textbook. Do not, under any circumstances, cite web sites!!

Don’t worry if you cannot locate a journal article that talks about both the theory of interest and about a specific rehabilitation population. In such cases, find several articles about your theory and several about the rehabilitation population and, in your paper, discuss the ways in which you believe the theory could be utilized with the population.

Rehab 711 Research Paper
Grading Rubric

Your grade for the research paper will be based on the format, writing style, references, and content of your paper. The paper is based on a 100-point scale and your grade constitutes 10% of your final grade.

APA Format
. 5 points. APA format is required. This involves attention to the title page, headers, headings, page numbering, in-text citations, and a reference list. You do NOT have to include an abstract although you may do so if you wish. You are urged to acquire an APA style manual (its official name is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.).

Writing style. 5 points. Writing style includes proper spelling, grammar, and construction of well-written (e.g. clear) sentences. Writing style also includes (1) providing adequate information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it and (2) using original language wherever possible and only directly quoting when necessary and/or appropriate.

References. 10 points. The textbook may be used as a reference, but at least 5 additional references must be included. The additional references must be articles from professional journals – not websites. Journal articles should address aspects of counseling theory that are relevant to rehabilitation. All USC students have on-line access to the USC library electronic journal collection and many articles are available in full-text.

Content. 80 points. In this paper, you have the opportunity to fully explore counseling theories as they relate to a rehabilitation population and do so in a well-organized way. The content of your paper is where you describe this theory and its applicability. You should also integrate your research into the paper and rely more on the research articles than the textbook when describing key points. The content should give evidence of considerable thought and must demonstrate understanding of the counseling theory (or theories if you are doing a compare/contrast paper) you’ve selected.

The final paper will contain the following parts:

· Title page (Header and page #)

· Abstract (Not needed)

· Paper content (at least 15-20 pages double spaced)

· References (at least 7).


Does Not Meet Requirements

Meets Requirements

Exceeds Requirements

0 – 31 Points

32 – 35 Points

36 – 40 Points

(Description of theory(ies))

No attempt to describe the theory or description not supported by literature/references

Theory is adequately described using references for support

Includes adequate description of the theory, making connections between articles/references and coursework

0 – 31 Points

32 – 35 Points

36 – 40 Points


(Applicability of theory(ies))

No attempt made to discuss the applicability of the theory to rehabilitation or discussion not supported by references

Applicability of the theory to rehabilitation is adequately discussed using references for support

Includes adequate discussion of the applicability of the theory to rehabilitation, making connections between articles/references and coursework

0 – 4 Points

4.5 Points

5 Points

Writing Style

Several errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and/or sentence structure showing carelessness

A few overlooked errors

Proper spelling, grammar, and construction of well-written (e.g. clear) sentences

0 – 4 Points

4.5 Points

5 Points

APA Format

Not in APA style

APA style but a few errors in cover page content, page enumeration, format (margins & indentation), headers, citation & reference format

Appropriate APA format with title page, headers, headings, page numbering, in-text citations, and a reference

Does Not Meet Requirements

Meets Requirements

0 – 8 Points

9 – 10 Points


Less than 7 journal articles as references. Articles are not relevant to the field of rehabilitation.

At least 7 articles from professional journals. Articles are relevant to the field of rehabilitation.

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