Support Group Paper

HSCO 511

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Support Group Paper Instructions

After attending the support/self-help group meetings, you will describe your observations of group member and leader behaviors, group dynamics, content, and processes. You will reflect on how your experiences with the group compares to best practices and principles for group counseling and support groups that you have learned about in this course. Integrate relevant ideas from all required course texts (including the Corey et al. workbook) and 2 scholarly research articles about group counseling in your analysis. Your paper must demonstrate critical thinking and personal application.

The paper must be 7–8 pages or 2,500 words (a 10% deviation in either direction is acceptable), not counting the title page, abstract, and reference page. Although you may use first person in this paper, remember it must be in current APA format and include a title page, running head, abstract, and a reference page. Your paper must be well written, well organized, and free of grammar, spelling, or other writing errors.

After the main heading (paper title) on page 3, begin the body of your paper with an introductory paragraph in which you identify the group you attended and the number of participants at each meeting. Then, address the following topics using these subheadings as follows:

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Content and Process

Give a concise description of the topic or theme of the meetings you attended and how the topic was presented/incorporated. Discuss the appropriateness of the content and the relative effectiveness of how it was processed. Include specific details and examples as needed. Provide specific examples from the meetings, but do not disclose confidential information about group members in such a way that they can be identified.

Group Dynamics and Participants

Describe the atmosphere and dynamics of the group, what developmental stage it was in, level of participation, and how you think members benefitted from this group. (You may find chapter 16 of the Forsyth text helpful for this section.)

Leadership Behaviors

Describe the leadership styles and skills that were used and discuss to what extent and in what ways you think they were appropriate and effective. Describe specific challenges you observed and how the leader(s) handled them.

Application and Conclusion

Reflect on your learning and the most significant takeaways from this experience. If you were leading this group, what would you do differently? How did the meetings promote or contradict a biblical view of persons? Were ethical guidelines for group counseling adhered to or violated? End your paper with a concluding thought.

Submit your Support Group Paper by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.

Submit your Support Group Attendance Form by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.

HSCO 511

Support Group Paper Grading Rubric


Advanced (A- to A):
Satisfies criteria w/ excellence

Proficient (B- to B+):
Satisfies criteria

Developing (C- to C+):
Satisfies most criteria

Below Expectations (F to D+):
Does not satisfy criteria

Not Present



Content: 70% = 140 points


65 to 70 points
· Addresses all required aspects of the topics in sufficient depth & detail.
· Demonstrates course-related understanding, reflection, critical thinking & analysis.
· Meets length parameters.

59 to 64 points
· Addresses most required aspects of the topics in sufficient depth & detail.
· Demonstrates some course-related knowledge, reflection, critical thinking & analysis.
· Length is acceptable.

53 to 58 points
· Addresses some required aspects of the topics; depth & detail may be lacking.
· Some course-related knowledge, reflection & analysis is implied.
· May violate length parameters.

1 to 52 points
· Addresses required aspects of the topics to a limited extent.
· Course-related knowledge, critical thinking & analysis is lacking.
· May violate length parameters.

0 points

Sources & Support

65 to 70 points
· Provides specific descriptions, observations & examples.
· Incorporates all required sources in a meaningful way.
· Integrates biblical worldview perspectives.

59 to 64 points
· Provides some descriptions, observations & examples.
· Incorporates required sources in some way.
· Makes inferences based on a biblical worldview.

53 to 58 points
· Provides a few descriptive observations & examples.
· Cites sources, but without meaningful discussion.
· Biblical worldview may be implied.

1 to 52 points
· Descriptions, observations & examples are vague or missing.
· Required sources may not be incorporated.
· Biblical worldview may not be evident.

0 points

Structure: 30% = 60 points


19 to 20 points
· Well organized with an engaging introduction, a logic progression of ideas & transitions that are clear & maintain flow of thought.
· Focused & concise with main points sufficiently developed.

17 to 18 points
· Generally well organized with a good introduction, progression of ideas & transitions that are clear & maintain flow of thought.
· Focused & concise with main points somewhat developed.

15 to 16 points
· May lack an engaging introduction, a logic progression of ideas and/or transitions that are clear & effective to maintain flow.
· Focus may be lacking & main points needing development.

1 to 14 points
· Organization is poor.
· There may be a lack of focus; ideas may be vague, confusing or underdeveloped.

0 points

Grammar &


19 to 20 points
· Spelling, grammar, punctuation, & capitalization is correct.
· Sentences are coherent, complete, clear & varied.
· Choice of words, tense & tone is appropriate.

17 to 18 points
· Spelling, grammar, punctuation, & capitalization is acceptable.
· Sentences are generally coherent, complete & clear.
· Choice of words, tense & tone is acceptable.

15 to 16 points
· Spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization is incorrect.
· Sentence structure needs to be developed.
· Word choice, tense, or tone may be problematic.

1 to 14 points
· Multiple writing, grammar, or sentence structure errors are present.

0 points

Format &

19 to 20 points
· Title page, header, margins font, spacing & heading are consistent with APA style.
· References & in-text citations correspond & are correct.
· Submitted as a Word document.

17 to 18 points
· Title page, header, margins font, spacing & heading are generally in APA style.
· References & in-text citations correspond & are correct.
· Submitted as a Word document.

15 to 16 points
· Title page, header, margins font, spacing & heading are inconsistent with APA style.
· References & in-text citations may conflict or be incorrect.
· Submitted as a Word document.

1 to 14 points
· The paper does not adhere to APA format.

0 points



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