Short Essay for an Scholarship

I’m applying for a Scholarship and I need some help to finish writing this 2 topics. I started to write on so you can gave an Idea what I want. Please see attachment 

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· Brief essay detailing the impact you had (max 300 words)

1.The Social Impact Scholarship is for applicants who have had, and will have, a positive impact in making the world a better place. Successful candidates will either be from a developing country with plans to use their degree to improve the lives of their fellow citizens or have worked in organizations serving underprivileged populations. Hult is seeking candidates who can represent the world’s underprivileged and who have high potential for positive impact.

When I was my last year of high school in Venezuela, I started going with my father to help with our family business, which is a transportation company. He started giving me some work to do, such as invoices and revenues. I had the chance to learn sales skills by helping new clients and future business partners. I’m grateful to have been able to get involved in the business field at an early age, and gaining experience in marketing, management, and how to persuade people into buying certain products. I started to get very interested in successful companies around the world.

2. Entrepreneur: The Entrepreneurial Impact Scholarship is for professionals who have had an internship or volunteer experience and have demonstrated involvement, leadership, or had a role in the outcome of an entrepreneurial project. For this scholarship, Hult is seeking candidates who think and act with an entrepreneurial spirit and have a strong sense of how to put a project or idea into action.

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On February 4, 2019, was the day my life took a major turning point. I started to work in Cross Cultural System Inc in Woburn, MA, in which I took the position of Data Entry and Customer Coordinator. It was an opportunity to demonstrate what I studied at the university and what I learned while working in the Family business. I showed them my skills to be more involved with my coworkers and to overcome solutions. I was responsible for all the data entry, ensuring that all input of information regarding completed interpreter services, and all the billing information are accurately recorded. I truly appreciate the experience this challenging position has given me, as working in a team is an absolutely essential part of implementing solutions to facilitate business opportunities.

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