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A needs assessment is an important tool because it helps an organization to determine certain gaps that are preventing the company from reaching its desired goals. The most prevalent issue that the community struggles with is the quality and cost of food products that are manufactured by different companies. Food is an essential need to all members of a community and if the cost of food is high in regard to their income levels it will lead to poor diets hence leading to health disparities, (Fanzo, 2018). This issue can benefit from a needs assessment where the food industry needs to consider reviewing the quality and cost of products they supply in the local markets.

A needs assessment is necessary because it helps determine if the services provided to a particular population is effective or is shrinking and also boosts the generation of a new plan that can address the needs of a particular population, (CCHD. (n.d). If costs of food are reduced and health food is processed diseases can be prevented and lives can be improved. The target population that can help provide relevant data and opinions about this issue includes the low income earners in this community. There is a need for new data to be collected about the social issue and the methods of study used in the dissertation include focus groups like the low income earners, the manufacturing industries, and the general public, web-based surveys, interviews, and community forums. The key stakeholders can be located by the use of stratified random sampling where the population can be divided into small groups to represent the entire population, (Bhat, (n.d). This is important because annual income divisions can provide data that is relevant to spending on the cost of foods.



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Sampling Methods: Guide To All Types with Examples

CCHD. (n.d). Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys. Community Tool Box.

Fanzo, J. (2018). The Ethics of Food in the Health System Architecture. AMA Journal of Ethics, 20(10), 913-917. Retrieved from


Assignment: Evaluation

When evaluating a program, there are numerous ways to collect data about its participation, impact, and success. A particularly powerful method that may be appropriate for program evaluation is qualitative field research. Qualitative field research allows the researcher to collect descriptive data about experiences directly from individuals in face-to-face settings. When evaluating such complex issues as human attitudes, behaviors, and opinions, qualitative research can provide in-depth information and rich insights that numerical data simply cannot provide.

This type of research is called qualitative field research because it is conducted in the environments in which experiences, such as program interventions, take place. Researchers collect detailed notes or transcriptions from observations, face-to-face interviewing, or focus group conversations.

In this Application, you consider how you might apply qualitative field research methods to needs assessments in human and social services.

To Prepare

Think back to the topic you selected for the Week 4 Discussion. Consider how you might evaluate a program for this topic using qualitative field research methods. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:

  • What specific field techniques would you use to reach this population?
  • Would you identify yourself as a researcher?
  • What logistical issues would you need to consider?

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

Explain how you would evaluate a program for your selected topic using qualitative field research methods. Be specific and provide examples. Assume the proposed actions you suggested last week have taken place.

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