Create An Outline From The Attached Topic And Synopsis


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In this assignment, create an outline to cover the bulleted list of elements required for your final paper and presentation. The Report Outline is a bulleted list of key points under each required section (in the order that they will be presented). These should include:

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction (Summary & Background)
  • Key Societal Impacts, including these specific questions:

    How will the selected technology provide benefit?
    How might the selected technology produce harm?
    Will the technology be “gendered”?
    What might be malfunction risks?
    How might the technology introduce cause and effect relationships?
    What criteria will be used to evaluate the successes or failures of the technology?
    What political considerations exist?
    Discuss pros and cons of the new technology versus refining an existing technology.
    How might one find a receptive market?
    Discuss if the technology applies to science.
    How will the technology impact the environment–short term and long term? Consequences?
    Discuss ethical considerations.
    Discuss occupations generated and potential jobs lost.

  • Schedule
  • Conclusion
  • References

The bulleted discussion points are not in complete sentences, but include sufficiently detailed information so your instructor will have a sense of the MEAT of the report and how the argument will flow.

References should be included as referred to at the appropriate bullets. As a team, prepare an outline of your agreed-upon final project making sure to include the following:

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Your final team project paper should illustrate your grasp of the concepts you have learned throughout the course. Work on the paper and presentation in your group area in Blackboard to reach the final project milestones. Your outline should be 1-2 pages in length (not including title and reference page, if necessary). It must be formatted according to

APA standards (Links to an external site.)

[PDF file size 131 KB], 6th edition, including title and reference pages.

Project Topic and Synopsis

Topic of the Team Project: Public Space Travel

Rationale: This topic was pick based on group interest. Space travel has been around since the 1960s. However, space travel has only been for professional, well trained astronauts. In recent years a few companies and entrepreneurs have started working on ways to allow the general public to travel in space. Tourism is already a huge money maker for individuals, cities, and even countries. The availability to send people to space for fun or as a means of transportation has the potential to generate a lot of income and jobs not only in the tourism industry, but also further our understanding of outer space and the universe we all live in.

Research Plan: Most of the informative information about space travel will come from peer reviewed sources through university library databases. Other information will come from websites like Virgin Galactic’s; companies who plan to send the general public into space. The last kind of sources we will use are general new outlets, which will allow us to see how space tourism is viewed in the academic/scientific community compared to mainstream media.

· Kandarpa, K., Schneider, V., & Ganapathy, K. (2019). Human health during space travel: An overview. Neurology India, 67(Supplement), S176–S181.




· Generel Public Space Travel and Tourism by NASA O’Neil, D., Bekey, I., Mankins, J., Rogers, T., & Stallmer, E. (n.d.). General Public Space Travel and Tourism. Volume 1; Executive Summary. Retrieved from


· Reddy, M. V., Nica, M., & Wilkes, K. (2012). Space tourism: Research recommendations for the future of the industry and perspectives of potential participants. Tourism Management, 33(5), 1093–1102. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2011.11.026

Project Plan: Below is a list of deliverables to complete the project. Some of them are directly tied to future weeks’ assignments, ensuring we maintain a timeline similar to that required by the class.

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