MODULE 5:  TOPIC: Quantitative Methods of Inquiry

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This topic helps you develop a basic understanding of quantitative methods of inquiry. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to use the SPSS program. SPSS makes it easy to analyze data using specific tests. This assignment will give you practice with means, medians, and modes.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

· Review the Topic Material videos, A Brief Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods and Quantitative vs Qualitative Research, before undertaking this practice.

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· Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. 

· You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


After you have completed the assigned readings and viewed the assigned videos, write a 500-750 word paper that addresses quantitative methods of inquiry. Use the data provided in the Topic Material, “H Cup State Inpatient Databases (SID) File Composition – Number of Discharges by Year,” and appropriate statistics to address the following:

1. Describe the different quantitative methods of inquiry.

2. Describe the mean, median, and mode of discharges by state in 2014.

3. Compare the number of discharges in 2010, 2012, and 2015 in all states. Are there significantly more discharges in 2015 versus 2010 in all states?

4. Compare the number of discharges in 2011 in northwestern states (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming), southwestern states (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas), central states (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois), southeastern states (West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida), and northeastern states (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Washington D.C., New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland).

5. Summary of the paper.

You are required to complete your assignment using real-world application. Real-world application requires the use of evidence-based data, contemporary theories, and concepts presented in the course. The culmination of your assignment must present a viable application in a current practice setting. 


Clankie, S., & Mima, T. (2012). A brief comparison of qualitative and quantitative research methods [Video file].


Smcilquham. (2012). Quantitative vs qualitative research [Video file].


Review the data on the HCUP webpage to complete the topic assignment:

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. (2017). HCUP state inpatient databases (SID) file composition – number of discharges by year.



Read Chapter 12 in:

Flick, U. (2014). The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysis. London, UK: SAGE. doi: 10.4135/9781446282243






Grand Canyon University

DNP-801-O500-Introduction to DNP Studies

March 11, 2019


Overview of the Topic

A medication error refers to any avoidable occurrence that may lead to misappropriation of medical usage or patient harm when it is under the control of the health care provider or the client themselves. Such errors are vital in the improvement of health safety since they are indicators of the frequency of ADEs as well as the association of the errors and adverse drug events amongst patients. There are different ways through which clinicians can base their prescription for different medication and the client’s receipts for the respective medications (Bogner, 2018).

Such medication errors can arise as a result of failures in different areas. These are right patient, time, route, dose and medication. They may be caused by personal level lapses and slips alongside other causes such as system level failures like human factor issues, understaffing among others. Despite the errors encountered, efforts made to reduce these errors include integration of technology to administer medication both in processes and implementation. Medication administration remains a serious safety problem. Intervention administration showed a solid source of errors. The common most type of error was wrong time administration.


The population of interest, in this case, is 3 to 4-year-old Leukemia patients who are impacted by medical administration errors. Leukemia is the most common type of cancer among the children as well as teens. It results when the white blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and then quickly move through the bloodstream. They eventually crowding out the available healthy cells. Things that usually make child leukemia become more likely includes the lack of clear information on doctors about what actually causes leukemia among children. Although certain adjustments raise the chances of children contracting leukemia, the presence of one of them does not necessarily mean the child has leukemia. Research revealed that any child diagnosed with leukemia does not show any risk factor. The common most type of leukemia amongst the children is acute lymphocytic leukemia (, 2018).

The problem of interest, in this case, is the determination of factors impacting medication administration errors being committed while handling the children with leukemia.


Two types of intervention to be initiated among these patients will be both physical and psychological intervention. Decreased physical fitness among children patients suffering from leukemia has been reported. This usually results from the negative effects of the disease and also the treatments being applied to them. An initial physical intervention was that children were asked to relax in their beds. Recent research revealed that too much immobility from these children leads to a further decrease in physical fitness as well as their functioning. Initiating exercise for these children patients have consistently reported an improvement in their physical fitness and patient’s overall well-being. This is achieved because mobility exercises minimize the negative sedentary lifestyle (Hunger & Mullighan, 2015).

Children with leukemia undergo stressful and painful medical procedures. These procedures include lumbar puncture and bone marrow aspiration. An intervention that can reduce these distresses is essential. A psychosocial intervention to reduce this stress has been identified. This intervention will involve preparation of cognitive behavioral intervention. The psychosocial intervention that is provided is given by a certified child life specialist yielded significant potential in minimizing the childhood leukemia patients in their pediatric healthcare setting.


Impacts on children in the presence of factors affecting medication errors were extreme as compared to the absence of these factors (, 2015). These factors include medicating, complex viewing, as well as dispensing medication. These factors heavily depend on certain health professionals that include nurses and caregivers. Presence of these factors tends to accelerate the effects resulting from medication errors. Comparing this to when the factors are absent, the hazards are not extreme because they tend to take effect from different sources like intervention errors. The impact of such sources is not extreme and powerful as compared to when the factors are present. Besides, the implementation of an electronic medication system has failed to curb the impact resulting from the presence of these factors. Thus, the presence of factors affecting medication errors in children patients with leukemia worsen their medical condition as compared to their absence.


Implementation of the two interventions, that is, physical and psychological intervention has resulted in positive outcomes to the medical condition of children patients with leukemia. Physical training intervention achieves its goals through successfully reducing the sedimentary lifestyle (, 2015). Psychological intervention, on the other hand, results in positive outcomes through successfully reducing the stress that results from painful and stressful procedures. Thus, these two interventions are vital in improving the medical condition of children with leukemia.


Perioperative duration of assessing the physical fitness of children patients with leukemia will take one to two months of assessment before they are discharged from the healthcare facility. A three-month counseling program will follow immediately after their discharge from the medical centers to reduce the stress they underwent as a result of the painful medical procedures.

Problem statement

What are the factors affecting medication administration errors on 3-4-year-old leukemia patients and the outcomes of the intervention initiated?


Alomari, M., Mohamed, F. H., Basit, A. W., & Gaisford, S. (2015). Personalized dosing: printing a dose of one’s own medicine. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 494(2), 568-577.

Bogner, M. S. (2018). Human error in medicine. CRC Press.

Feleke, S. A., Mulatu, M. A., & Yesmaw, Y. S. (2015). Medication administration error: magnitude and associated factors among nurses in Ethiopia. BMC Nursing, 14(1), 53.

Hunger, S. P., & Mullighan, C. G. (2015). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(16), 1541-1552.

Maude, S. L., Laetsch, T. W., Buechner, J., Rives, S., Boyer, M., Bittencourt, H., & Qayed, M. (2018). Tisagenlecleucel in children and young adults with B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. New England Journal of Medicine, 378(5), 439-448.

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