Scholar-Practitioner Project

 the public health inititave selected in week two is called Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables (JSY) an obeisty reduction program in NewYork that is jointly finaced by the federal government and the State of New York.  week two submission is attached  

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Week 9: Financial Accounting Analysis

Envisioning a new plan, program, or initiative that has the potential to benefit a community, city, state, or nation is relatively easy. The most difficult aspect of embarking on this journey is determining how to finance this inspired plan, program, or initiative. Locating appropriate funding sources is a large task made more difficult by each funding sources’ specific rules and regulations governing the use and distribution of funds. It is a tremendous challenge to be sure, but not an insurmountable one.

This week, you will explore the financial needs and possible funding sources associated with implementing your selected public health solution. You also consider funding challenges and strategies related to addressing those challenges.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze budget line items, costs, sources of revenue, and deficits
  • Analyze the fiscal soundness and long-term viability of a selected public health initiative
  • Analyze the relationship between public health expenditures and public health outcomes
  • Analyze expenditure and revenues associated with public health initiatives

Learning Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Mays, G., Beitsch, L., Corso, L., Chang, C., & Brewer, R. (2007). States gathering momentum: Promising strategies for accreditation and assessment activities in the multistate learning collaborative applicant states. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 13(4), 364–373.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2009, June). Public health service: PHS 398. Retrieved from
Grant Application PHS 398. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service.
Document: Grant-Funding Process and Funding Sources (Word document)
Document: Sample Completed SPP Form with Annotations (PDF)
Document: Scholar-Practitioner Project (SPP) Guidelines (Word document)

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Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Grant writing—What foundations look for [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 16 minutes.

Project: Scholar-Practitioner Project

Part 2: Financial Accounting Analysis

For this part of your Scholar-Practitioner Project you will develop a financial accounting analysis of the public health initiative you selected in week 2. In your analysis be sure to incorporate return on investment, time-value of money, and inflation factors.

The financial accounting analysis should include:

  • A 5-year proposed budget including major line items. Please use PHS398 form page 4 and PHS 398 form page 5.
  • See blank forms for proposed budget on NIH grants page located here:

Grant Application PHS 398 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Manual

  • An analysis of budget line items, costs, sources of revenue, and deficits
  • An analysis of the fiscal soundness and long-term viability of the public health initiative

Be sure to review the example budget in the Resources area of Week 9

Assignment length: 5–6 pages

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Support your Project Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.



Just Say Yes

Aland Valbrun

PUBH – 8315R

The public health initiative selected is Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables (JSY). The initiative focuses on using nutrition to reduce the rate of obesity in the community. The initiative strive to reduce the rate of obesity by promoting better nutritional behaviors in the community such as an increase in the uptake of vegetables and fruits and a reduction in the uptake of unhealthy food options such as fast foods (Just Say Yes, 2021). It therefore provides different vegetable and fruits based recipes that are cheap and easy to prepare. Additionally, the initiative also has my plate program where it uses a person’s gender height body weight and level of physical activity to plan their meals. The plate plan ensures the community members are healthy by eating foods within caloric allowance hence reducing their risk of becoming obese.

The focus on the need to reduce obesity stems from the following factors; first, it is the leading cause of preventable death in the country. According to Larery (2019) obesity directly leads to the death of 300,000 people in the country annually. The number of people dying from obesity is too high and needs to reduce since it is a condition that can be prevented. Therefore the public health initiative will strive to ensure the senseless deaths stemming from the condition are reduced.

Secondly, obesity predisposes people to various condition such as stroke and cardiovascular diseases which have as high mortality rate. Additionally, apart from the high mortality rate, the diseases that stem from obesity are also costly to manage and treat. The disease therefore causes a lot of strain to the financial resource of families around the country. It is therefore imperative to reduce the rate of obesity in order to reduce the amount of money spent on medication thus increasing the families’ disposable income.

Additionally, obesity has profound physiological effects on its victims. As Rosenthal et al (2017) asserts, the physiological effects such as low self-esteem and depression can last into adulthood and negatively affect the quality of life lived. It is therefore imperative to eradicate its effects on the health, economic condition and mental health of both children and adults in the society.


Just Say Yes. (2021). Retrieved 23 March 2021, from



Larery, T. (2019). The true weight of childhood obesity in America. The Midwest Quarterly, 60(3), 329-335.

Rosenthal, R. J., Morton, J., Brethauer, S., Mattar, S., De Maria, E., Benz, J. K., … & Sterrett, D. (2017). Obesity in America. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 13(10), 1643-1650.

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