Essay6 pages

Need this essay due Monday (is a final) 6 pages. See document for all the information needed and format needs to be MLA style.

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This would be the option that I would like to do.

Write a significant reflective essay that clearly demonstrates the connection between some aspect of the course and your life experience. For example analyzing a past relationship and how learning things in this class helped you better understand that relationship.

Some aspect of course: (you can choose whichever you want, if you can get the information from the book would be amazing)

1) Theories of personality

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2) Coping Processes 

3) The self (self-concept, Self-esteem, self- regulation)

Social Thinking and Social influence 

4) Friendship and love 

5) interpersonal communication

6) gender stereotypes

7) gender-role expectations

8) stress, personality, and illness

information taken from the book: Psychology Applied to Modern Life. Adjustment in the 21st Century. Weiten/ Dunn/ Hammer. 12E.

Some aspects of my life.

I am Venezuelan, and I moved alone to the United States 3 years ago. When I moved in it was a shock and I had a lot of stress and anxiety problems, but now I have improved thanks to the class and their advice to deal with stress (write in journals, talk to my sister about my personal problems and anxiety attacks, exercise, and have time for myself)

for me having good communication with friends and family are important.

I am very sure of myself, (I don’t have self-esteem problems)

Human Relations Project for Psychology of Human Relations


The purpose of this project is to allow you to explore an area of the Psychology of Human Relations in which you are interested and demonstrate your ability to reflect on or apply your knowledge or skills in human relations. The goal is to creatively show me that you learned something new in this class and how it applies to your life in some way, shape, or form.

The structure of the project is left intentionally vague because I want you to have some freedom to explore ideas and demonstrate what you have learned. For some people a traditional research paper on a topic they want to know more about will suit them best, for others a reflective paper showing how they have taken the concepts and ideas they have learned about and applied them in their life might be better. For some students, a website or poster, or demonstration object that clearly explains some concepts of the psychology of human relations might be the best way to approach this topic, for others, a report of an interview with someone whose work includes human relations might be better.

Here are some different ideas for projects that you might consider but use it as a guide. This list is NOT exhaustive or comprehensive, but is to get your mind thinking about different ways to approach this project.

· Read one of the recommended books listed throughout your text book and write a brief summative report that includes how what you read related to the course and how you intend to or have incorporated those ideas into your life.

· Visit a place (safely) where people live or interact (retirement community, day care center, community center) and talk with staff, residents, or participants about the interactions, behavior, and relationships they experience there. Write a reflective essay about your experiences that demonstrates how what you learned fits with or contradicts what you learned about human relations from class and your text. Be sure to discuss why it is important to your life.

· Design a website or make a video that students can use to learn about a topic in Psychology of Human Relations, for example, one that presents the different styles of conflict management with numerous examples of each style. Be sure to discuss why it is important to your life.

· Create a poster or other visual object that demonstrates a topic in Psychology of Human Relations and presents information about that topic. For example collect a group of pictures that demonstrate sexism in advertising, or stereotypes of a particular group, along with presenting information about sexism or other forms of prejudice, what it is, what kind of difficulties does it create for people, what we can do to improve things and how it affects you personally.

· Develop a behavior reward system to use for yourself (or with your children or pets) to shape a particular behavior. Use the system for a period of time and record the results. Write a summary of how you developed the system, what you hoped to accomplish, how you implemented the system, the results, and its impact on your life.

· Interview someone who is working in a career field you are considering and discuss with them aspects of the job that involve relating to other people and the specific human relation challenges that the work environment provides or creates. Write a paper demonstrating how the concepts and ideas you learned in class can explain or be applied to the human relation problems that you learned about in that particular work setting.

· Conduct a survey or do an observational study on a relevant topic that interests you. Report your results and present how they support or contradict information you learned and why it is important to your life.

· Write a significant reflective essay that clearly demonstrates the connection between some aspect of the course and your life experience. For example analyzing a past relationship and how learning things in this class helped you better understand that relationship.

· Read a book to educate yourself about racism and anti-racism and reflect on how it impacted your perspective and behaviors in regard to racism.


Points for the project will be assessed in the following way:

Format- 14 points

Your project must show proper English, correct grammar, and spelling. Your project should be neat, presentable, organized, clear, legible, and free of distracting errors. If this is not a strong suit of yours, have someone else read and review your project, contact the Writing Center to have them look it over, and take your time reviewing your work carefully. Remember that spell check on the computer is not infallible and is not enough to catch all the errors.

Content- 40 points

Your project clearly presents your project material and some concepts or ideas that you learned about in Psychology of Human Relations as well as demonstrates or explains their connection to your life. Your project should have some clear statement of intent, purpose or point you are making. Your project should demonstrate that you fully understand and clearly present the concepts or ideas from the course. Your connections between concepts and use of supporting or contradictory evidence should also be clear and logical.

Creativity- 16 points

You show some initiative and imagination in selecting a topic that goes beyond the material presented in your text or in class or that your presentation of the material demonstrates some novelty and creativity.

A grading rubric is attached to show you how I will assess these points. Be aware that if you choose to do only a paper, the length and breadth should be commensurate with the point value by comparison to your five point one page weekly reflections.

Group Projects are permissible; however they should demonstrate an effort equivalent to the number of people involved completing individual projects. Group projects will be assigned a 70 point value and all members identified as participating in that group will receive that grade. You must inform me of your intention to complete a group project and identify all members of the group to me before beginning the project.


Your project is due Monday, April 26 at 11:55pm. Late projects will lose 30 points per day (not class period) that they are late. NO PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

You will submit your project via Blackboard using the Human Relations Project assignment link in the Human Relations Project section of the course.

If you have questions about the project, please contact me.

Human Relations Project


Grading Rubric

Format = 14 points

Clear and organized = 2 point

Grammar and punctuation = 6 points

Spelling = 6 points

TOTAL = 14 points

Content = 40 points

Clear statement of project intent = 4 points

Accurate and logical presentation of concepts and ideas from class or sources = 20 points

Clearly explained and demonstrated relation to your life and experiences = 16 points

TOTAL = 40 points

Creativity = 16 points

Going beyond the material from class or presenting it in a novel or creative way

Project Total = 70 Possible Points

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