Week 3 discussion 1

Week 3 Discussion #1

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As a public health professional, you were asked to helped conduct an assessment to make a home environment safer. 

1. Choose a client from one of the choices below:

1. Children under the age of >6

2. Senior

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3. Veteran that are mobility challenged due to a limb amputation or partial blindness  

2. Please choose one of the attached checklist to do this.



 – PDF Document (39 KB)


CPSC_homesafety-checklist seniors

 – PDF Document (1 MB)


safety-by-room checklist

 – PDF Document (366.9 KB)

· What type of population and checklist did you choose?  

· Give at least 2 examples of environmental modification you will do to make it safer for the type of population you


Home Safety Checklist
This checklist focuses on safety issues that commonly apply to individuals
with perceptual and cognitive problems.

How To Use This Checklist:

Take this checklist with you and as you WALK through your home with
your service member/veteran, carefully check “yes” or “no” for each item
on this list.

Any item scored “no” is a safety concern and should be corrected.

General Home Safety Checklist for Individuals with
Perceptual and Cognitive Problems

Area of Focus Yes No

1. While cooking, is a timer available to help you keep track of items cooking
on the fame? (attention and memory problems)

2. Do you use a “whistling” teakettle?
(attention and memory problems)

3. Are commonly used items kept in the same location?
(attention and memory problems)

4. Have commonly used telephone numbers been pre-programmed into the
telephone and/or posted near the telephone?
(memory problems, sequencing problems)

5. Do you use a calendar or scheduling book to help remind you of important
events? (attention and memory problems)

6. If necessary, have you posted signs by the door to help remind you to:

Lock the front door when you leave

Turn off appliances when you fnish using them

Take out the garbage

(attention, memory problems)

7. Is your front door house key color coded for easy identifcation?
(memory problems, distractibility)

8. When the doorbell rings, do you use the peep hole to identify who it is before
opening the door to let the person in? (impulsivity, decreased judgment)

9. When necessary, do you utilize checklists with correct steps and sequences
for household tasks, such as the laundry or making a bed?
(poor attention, memory problems, sequencing problems)

General Home Safety Checklist for Individuals with
Perceptual and Cognitive Problems
Area of Focus Yes No

10. Are directions and steps for multi-step tasks posted at appropriate locations
(e.g., near washing machine)? (sequencing problems, diffculty initiating tasks,
attention and memory problems)

11. Are sharp utensils separated from other items and arranged in a kitchen
drawer with handles pointing towards you?
(perceptual impairments, impulsivity)

12. Are toxic household cleaning fuids kept separate from other items to avoid
potential confusion? (perceptual impairments, attention problems)

13. Have unnecessary items been removed from the living environment to
decrease confusion and distraction?
(perceptual impairments, attention problems)

14. Are commonly used items kept in a consistent, prominent place?
(memory and attentional problem)

15. Are cabinets labeled to assist in locating objects?
(memory and attentional problems, safety)

16. If you are “neglectful” of one side of your body, are objects placed and
positioned where you can see and reach them? (perceptual impairments)

17. Do you use a watch with an alarm and calendar display?
(memory problems)

18. Are the most “taxing” household activities planned for the time of day
when you feel most alert and attentive? (attentional problems, fatigue)

19. Do you have a “Medi-Alert” system in place? (safety, language diffculties)

20. Does a family member or friend have a key to your home in case of
emergencies? (safety)

If you have answered “YES” to all these items on this checklist, your home
appears to be relatively safe. Any items scored “NO” should be corrected
to promote a safe home environment. Remember to check with your
health care professional to identify any potential safety issues that might
be particular to your individual needs.


Safety by Room

Family Room









Nursery/Child Bedroom



















Consumer Product Safety Commission

Safety for Older Consumers –
Home Safety Checklist

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 2081



Publication 70




Many older Americans are injured in and around their homes every year.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that

on average 1.4 million people aged 6


and older are treated in hospital

emergency rooms each year for injuries associated with consumer

products. Within this age group, the rate of injury is the highest for

people 75 years of age and older.

Falls in and around the home are a top cause of injuries to older adults.

Older adults also are at greater risk than others of dying in a house fire.

Many of these and other injuries result from hazards that are easy to

overlook, but also easy to fix. By spotting these hazards and taking

simple steps to correct them, you can prevent injuries to yourself or

visitors to your home.

Use this checklist to prepare for an emergency and to spot possible

safety problems in your home.

Top Ten Safety Checklist for
Older Consumers


��Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms throughout
your home.

3 ��Have an emergency escape plan and pre-arrange for a family
member or caregiver to help you
escape, if needed.

3 ��Keep a fire extinguisher handy in the kitchen in case of fire.
3 ��Make sure there is good lighting inside and outside your home to

help prevent falls.

3 ��Make sure walking surfaces are flat, slip resistant, free of
objects, and in good condition
to avoid falls.

3 ��Keep ashtrays, smoking materials, candles, hot plates,
and other potential fire sources
away from curtains, furniture,
beds and bedding.

3 ��Have fuel burning appliances including furnaces and chimneys
inspected by a professional every
year to make sure they are
working properly and not leaking
poisonous carbon monoxide.

3 ��Install ground fault circuit interrupters, or GFCIs, in
potentially damp locations such
as the kitchen, bathroom, garage,
near utility tubs or sinks, and on
the exterior of the house to
protect against electrocution.

3 ��Make sure all medications are stored in child-resistant enclosures
and are clearly marked to prevent
children from accessing the
medication and being poisoned.

3 ��Set your hot water heater to no more than 120° F to help
prevent burns.


garage or a portable generator operating
outside. CO alarms should not be installed
in basements, attics, or garages unless they
contain sleeping areas.

I have tested my smoke and CO alarms
within the last month, and they are
working properly.
Alarms that use voice warnings may help
you to distinguish smoke alarms from CO
alarms. If you are hearing-impaired and are
unable to hear the sound from a smoke or
CO alarm, install alarms with strobe lights

3Install smoke and carbon
monoxide alarms through-
out your home.

Have an emergency escape
plan and pre-arrange for a
family member or caregiver
to help you escape the
home in a fire, if needed.

Prepare for an Emergency


Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Smoke alarms are installed on every
level of my home, outside sleeping areas
and inside bedrooms. Carbon monoxide
(CO) alarms are installed on every level
of my home and outside sleeping areas.
Smoke alarms are critical for the early
detection of a fre and could mean the
diference between life and death. About
two-thirds of home fre deaths occur in
homes without working smoke alarms.
All homes should also have carbon mon-
oxide (CO) alarms installed. CO is an
invisible and odorless gas that can kill you
in minutes. Any fuel-burning appliance in
your home is a potential CO source, but
even all-electric homes could have sources
of CO such as a car running in an attached

to notify you during the day and use an
assistive device that vibrates the bed and
pillow to awaken you when the alarms
sound at night.

I have replaced the batteries in all of my
alarms within the last year.


Emergency Escape Plan

I have an emergency escape plan.
Once a fre starts, it spreads rapidly. An
escape plan can reduce the amount of time
required for you and your family to get out
safely, and can improve your chances of
surviving a fre or similar emergency. To
the extent possible, identify two ways to
escape from every room and avoid escape
routes that require the use of escape
ladders or similar items that could put
you at risk of a fall. If there is a fre in your
home, do not waste time trying to save
property. Get out as fast as possible, and
remember: ONCE OUT – STAY OUT!

I have practiced my fre escape plan with
my family within the last


during both the day and night.

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency numbers are posted on or
near all telephones.
Make certain that telephone numbers
are readily available for the Police, Fire
Department, and local Poison Control
Center, along with numbers for your
doctor(s) and a trusted neighbor or family
member. If you have impaired vision or
difculty seeing the numbers on a regular
telephone, choose a phone that has large,
lighted number keys.

Telephones are positioned low enough so
I can reach them if I have an accident that
leaves me unable to stand.
Keeping telephones at a low height is help-
ful in the event that you have an accident
that leaves you unable to stand. As an
alternative, consider obtaining a wear-
able medical alert device that provides a
“Call for Help” pushbutton.

A telephone is located in my bedroom in
case a fre traps me there.



Check Throughout the Home

Make sure walking surfaces
are flat, slip resistant, free
of objects, and in good
condition to avoid falls.

Install ground fault circuit
interrupters, or GFCIs,
in potentially damp loca-
tions such as the kitchen,
bathroom, garage, near
utility tubs or sinks, and on
the exterior of the house to
protect against electrocution.

Walking Surfaces

All walking surfaces are free of electrical
cords, boxes, furniture, appliances, and
other objects that could pose a tripping
hazard, especially in the event of
an emergency or fre.
Falls are associated with more than half of
all product-related visits to the emergency
room among adults aged 65 to 74, and
with more than three-quarters of visits
among adults 75 years and older. Tripping
over loose carpets, cords, or other obstacles
on the foor is a common fall scenario.

All fooring is in good condition, is fat
and uniform, and is slip-resistant or is
covered with slip-resistant carpeting,
rugs, mats, or similar materials.
Slip-resistant surfaces are especially im-
portant in potentially wet locations such as
bathrooms, kitchens, and entryways. Tere
should be no loose foorboards, missing
tiles, or similar problems that could pose a
tripping hazard. Carpeting should be low
pile and free of tears, holes, or wear that
could cause slips or trips.

Steps and Stairways

All steps are in good condition, have fat,
even surfaces and are free of objects that
could pose a tripping hazard.

All stair treads are in good condition, and
have slip-resistant surfaces such as dense,
low-pile carpeting or slip-resistant strips
that are securely attached to the steps.


Light switches are located at both the top
and bottom of the stairs.
If no other light is available, keep an oper-
ating fashlight in a convenient location.

All stairs have solidly mounted hand-
rails that run continuously along the full
length of the stairs on both sides. Hand-
rails are easily graspable.


Walkways and rooms
in which I am likely
to be reading—for
example, the bedroom, bathrooms, and
the kitchen—are especially well-lit or
have additional lighting available.
Lighting is an important factor in prevent-
ing falls since areas that are poorly lit or
in shadow can hide slipping and tripping
hazards. Indirect lighting or frosted bulbs
can be used to reduce glare.

All light bulbs are of the appropriate
wattage and type for the lamp or light
fxture in which they are installed.
For those fxtures that do not identify the
correct wattage, installed bulbs should not
exceed 60 watts, or 25 watts for bulbs with
a miniature base (candelabra). Consider
using compact-fuorescent or similar en-
ergy-efcient bulbs, which produce more
light per watt than incandescent bulbs.

Electrical Outlets and Switches

All electrical outlets that are located in
potentially damp locations, such as the
kitchen, bathroom, garage, near the

utility tub or sink, and on the exterior of
the house, have ground-fault circuit inter-
rupters, or GFCIs, installed to protect
against electrical shock.

I have tested all GFCI receptacles within
the last month and have found them to be
working properly.
GFCI receptacles can provide power
even when they are no longer providing
shock protection. Test a GFCI receptacle
monthly by plugging a night-light or lamp
into the receptacle
and switching it on.
When you press
the TEST button
on the GFCI
receptacle, the RE-
SET button should
pop forward and
the light should
go out. Pressing
the RESET but-
ton should restore
power to the outlet.

No electrical outlets or switches are
unusually warm or hot to the touch.
Hot or unusually warm electrical outlets
or switches may indicate an unsafe wir-
ing condition. Stop using these electrical
outlets and have an electrician check them
as soon as possible.

All electrical outlets and switches have
cover plates installed so no wiring is

Unused receptacles have safety covers
installed to prevent access by young chil-


Electrical Cords

All electrical, extension, and telephone
cords are out of the fow of foot trafc
since they pose a tripping hazard.

Electrical cords are not beneath furni-
ture, rugs, or carpeting. Cords are not
pinched against the wall by furniture and
are not wrapped tightly around objects.

All electrical cords are in good condition
and are free of damage such as fraying,
cracking, and staple or nail holes.

Extension cords are not overloaded. In
other words, the total wattage of all
appliances plugged into an extension cord
does not exceed the rated capacity of the
extension cord.
If the cord rating is exceeded, switch to a
higher-rated cord or unplug some of the
appliances. Standard 16-gauge extension
cords can carry 1625 watts. Discard older
extension cords that use small 1



All extension cords have polarized-plug
receptacles; that is, receptacles with one
wide plug slot and one narrow plug slot.


Check Kitchens

3Keep a fire extinguisher
handy in the kitchen in
case of fire.

A fre extinguisher is
in the kitchen in case
of fre.

Towels, curtains,
potholders, and other
objects that might catch
fre are located away
from the range.

Kitchen ventilation
systems or range
exhausts are functioning
Indoor air pollutants
and CO may accumulate
to unhealthy levels in a
kitchen with gas or kerosene-fred
appliances. Use ventilation systems or
open windows to clear the air of vapors
and smoke. Never use your range or
stove to heat your home.

Electrical appliance and extension cords
are away from the sink and other water
sources and are away from hot surfaces
such as the range.

Electrical receptacles that supply counter-
top appliances, such as cofeemakers and
toasters, are protected by ground-fault
circuit interrupters, or GFCIs.
Test all GFCI receptacles monthly to make
sure they are working properly.

Kitchen lighting is bright and even,
especially near the stove, sink and
countertop work areas.

A stable step stool with a handrail is
easily accessible for reaching high items.
Standing on chairs, boxes, or other make-
shift items to reach high shelves can result
in falls. Buy a step stool if you don’t have
one. Choose a sturdy one with a handrail
that you can grasp while standing on the
top step. Before climbing on any step stool,
make sure it is fully opened and stable on a
fat surface. Discard step stools that are not
stable or have broken parts.


3Have fuel burning appli-
ances, including furnaces
and chimneys, inspected
by a professional every
year to make sure they
are working properly and
not leaking poisonous
carbon monoxide.

Check Living Rooms and Family Rooms

All chimneys have been professionally in-
spected and cleaned within the last year,
and chimney openings are clear of leaves
and other debris that could clog them.
A clogged chimney can cause poison-
ous carbon monoxide (CO) to enter your
home. Burning wood in a freplace can
cause creosote, a highly fammable
substance, to build-up inside the chimney.
Tis material can ignite and result in a
serious chimney fre.

All portable space heaters and wood-
burning heating equipment are at least 3
feet from walls, furniture, curtains, rugs,
newspapers, and other fammable or
combustible materials.

All portable space heaters are stable and
located away from walkways.

Te surface of each freplace is freproof,
and all wood-burning heating equipment
is installed on freproof fooring or on
an approved non-combustible foor
Burning material can be ejected from an
open freplace. Fire resistant hearthrugs,
made of wool, fberglass, or other synthet-
ics, are readily available to protect the area
in front of a freplace.

Candles, smoking materials, and other
potential fre sources are located away
from curtains, furniture, and other
fammable or combustible objects and
are never left out unattended.



Check Bathrooms

Make sure all medications
are stored in child-
resistant enclosures and
are clearly marked to
prevent children from
accessing the medications
and being poisoned.

Te bathroom foor is slip-resistant or

All medications are stored in child-resis-
tant enclosures and are clearly marked.
If grandchildren or other youngsters are
visitors, purchase medicines in containers
with child-resistant caps, and close the caps
properly after each use. Store all medicines
out of the reach of children. Many poison-
ings occur when children visiting grand-
parents go through the medicine cabinet
or their grandmother’s purse. Only request
non-child-resistant enclosures if you are
physically unable to use child-resistant
enclosures. Medications that are not clearly
and accurately labeled can be easily mixed
up, causing you to take the wrong medi-
cine or to miss a required dosage of medi-
cine. Be sure that all containers are clearly
marked with the contents, doctor’s instruc-
tions, expiration date, and patient’s name.
Dispose of outdated medicines properly.
Because of their environmental impact,
disposing expired medication in the toilet
may not be an acceptable method. Your
doctor or pharmacist can advise you on the
best method of disposal.

All bathtubs and showers are equipped
with non-skid mats, abrasive strips, or
surfaces that are not slippery and have
at least one secure and easily graspable
grab bar.

is covered with secure slip-resistant

All hair dryers, shavers, curling irons,
and other small electrical appliances not
currently in use are unplugged.

All small electrical appliances are away
from sinks, tubs, and other sources of
Never reach into water to retrieve a fallen
appliance without being sure that the
appliance is unplugged.

Electrical receptacles in the bathroom
are protected by ground-fault circuit
interrupters, or GFCIs.
Test all GFCI receptacles monthly to make
sure they are working properly.


Check Bedrooms

3Keep ashtrays, smoking
materials, candles, hot
plates, and other poten-
tial fire sources away
from curtains, furniture,
beds and bedding.

“tucked in,” when in use. Te power cord

Ash trays, smoking materials, candles,
hot plates, and other potential fre
sources are located away from curtains,
furniture, beds, and bedding.
Burns associated with personal use prod-
ucts were the most frequently reported
cause of accidental death among seniors.
Smoking is one of the major contribu-
tors to this problem. Never smoke in
bed. Remove sources of heat or fame
from areas around beds, and do not leave
the room or fall asleep while a candle is

A fashlight is within reach of the bed in
case of a power outage.

A telephone is within reach of the bed in
case of an emergency.

My mattress meets the new federal
fammability standard.
Newer mattresses are more resistant to
fres from open fames such as candles,
lighters, and matches, and have tags indi-
cating that they meet the federal standard.

Electrically-heated blankets are not
folded, covered by other objects, or

is not pinched or crushed by the bed,
between a wall or the foor.
Objects that cover the blanket’s heating
elements or controls can cause overheating.
Do not allow anything, including other
blankets, comforters, and even sleeping
pets, on top of the electric blanket while it
is in use. “ Tucking in” electric blankets also
can cause excessive heat buildup and start
a fre. Te edges of your electric blanket
should hang freely over the sides and end
of the bed. Always turn of your heating
pad before you go to sleep. It can cause
serious burns even at relatively low

As recommended by the fre safety
community, smoke alarms are placed
inside and just outside bedrooms and
they have been tested within the last
month and are working. CO alarms are
located outside sleeping areas, have been
tested within the last month, and are
working properly. Te batteries have been
replaced within the last year.


3Set your hot water
heater to no more than
120 degrees fahrenheit
to help prevent burns.

Check Basements, Garages,
Workshops, and Storage Areas

Te water heater is set to no more than
120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Water above 120 degrees can burn your
skin. Lower the setting to 120 degrees or
“low.” If you are unfamiliar with the set-
ting, ask a qualifed person to adjust it for
you; if your hot water system is controlled
by the landlord, ask the landlord to con-
sider lowering the temperature.

Work areas, especially those where power
tools are used, are well-lit.
Basements, garages, and storage areas can
contain many tripping hazards. Sharp or
pointed tools can make a fall even more
hazardous. Power tools and workshop
equipment have been associated with
many emergency room-treated injuries to
people 65 and older.

For electrical panels with fuses, the fuses
are the correct size (amperage) for the
If you do not know the correct electrical
rating, have an electrician label the fuse box
with the sizes you should use or replace
the fuse panel with a circuit breaker panel.
Fuses rated 15 and 20 amperes are typical
in homes. If you fnd that all or most of
the fuses in your fuse box are rated higher
than 20 amperes, there is a good chance
that some of the fuses are rated too high
for residential circuits and can present a
serious fre hazard.

All power tools are either equipped with
a 3-prong plug or marked to show that
they are double-insulated. All space heat-
ers with 3-prong plugs are plugged into
3-hole receptacles or are connected with
a properly attached and certifed adapter.
Tree-prong plugs and double insula-
tion reduce the risk of an electric shock.
Consider replacing old tools that lack a


3-prong plug and are not double-insulated.
Improperly grounded tools and appliances
can lead to electrical shock. Never defeat
the grounding feature by removing the
round grounding prong on the plug. Check
with your service person or an electrician if
you are in doubt.

Electrical receptacles in garages,
unfnished basements, and workshops
are protected by ground-fault circuit
interrupters, or GFCIs.
Test all GFCIs monthly to make sure they
are working properly.

All fuel-burning appliances, including
furnaces, boilers, freplaces, wood stoves,
and water heaters, as well as chimneys,
fues, and vents have been inspected
professionally within the last year.
A heater operating without proper
ventilation and air supply produces carbon
monoxide (CO), and older consumers
may be more susceptible to CO exposure.
CO is an invisible killer. It’s a colorless,
odorless, poisonous gas. Te frst line of
defense against CO poisoning is to have a
qualifed professional inspect all fuel-
burning heating systems, including
furnaces, boilers, freplaces, wood stoves,
water heaters, chimneys, fues and vents.

All kerosene, natural gas, and similar
space-heating equipment has adequate
Always use the correct fuel, as recom-
mended by the manufacturer. Never pour
gasoline into a kerosene heater. Review
the installation and operating instructions.
Call the manufacturer or your local fre de-
partment if you have additional questions.

No containers of fammable and combus-
tible liquids are stored inside the house.
Te vapors that can escape from damaged
or loosely closed containers of fammable
or combustible liquids may be toxic when
inhaled and may cause fres. Do not store
gasoline or other highly fammable liquids
in the house, utility room, garage or near
the water heater. Portable gasoline con-
tainers intended for use by consumers are
required to have child-resistant closures
efective January 2009.

Portable generators are not operating in
the basement, garage, or anywhere near
the house.
People have been killed by operating a
portable generator in their basement or
garage. Generators quickly produce high
levels of poisonous CO and should never
be used indoors, including inside a home,
basement, shed, or garage, even if doors or
windows are open. CO from a generator
used indoors can kill you and your family
in minutes. Consumers should use por-
table generators outside only and far from
windows, doors, and vents to their homes.


Te porch, entryway, and approach to the
entryway are all well-illuminated.

Te light switch is located near the

Outside steps, entryways, and approaches

3Make sure there is good
lighting inside and out-
side your home to help
prevent falls.

Check Entryways and the
Home Exterior

to the entryway are in good condition and
are slip-resistant.

Outside steps have handrails that are
easily graspable.

All outside electrical outlets are GFCI-
protected and in weatherproof covers or

Portable generators are located far from
windows, doors, and vents to the home.

All outdoor electrical tools and equip-
ment have 3-prong cords and have not
been modifed to plug into 2-prong



Contact the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission,

Office of Information and Public Affairs, 4330 East West Highway,

Bethesda, MD 20814, send an e-mail to info@cpsc.gov, or call

CPSC’s Hotline at (800) 638-2772.

Sign up to receive direct email notifications of CPSC recall

announcements at www.cpsc.gov.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814



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