Research Paper: Outline

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DBMF 605: Parenting and Child Discipline Strategies: Raising Healthy Kids

Research Paper

General Instructions

Students will complete a minimum 10-page research paper in current APA format related to the focus of the course and course material. The paper should be a minimum of 10 pages in length (not including Title Page and References page) and follow APA guidelines, with at least 5 supporting sources including research/journal articles.

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The paper must discuss one of the main issues related to parenting/discipline associated with the topic/population that you have chosen. What strategy for parenting/discipline has been used in the past? What strategy does research currently support? Is this strategy controversial? What are some practical applications derived from the research that would be relevant to this particular parenting/discipline strategy? Are there issues/controversies of faith relevant to implementing the parenting/discipline strategy that you have selected as your topic?

The paper must close with an appropriate conclusion summarizing the major observations from the research and suggestions for additional study of the topic

Part 1

Topic – The student will submit a topic with a 300-word rationale detailing why the topic is relevant to the course and its application to parenting/discipline. Include at least five supporting sources.

Due by 11:59pm Sunday, Module/Week 2

Part 2

Outline – The student will submit an outline for the research paper following the elements expressed in the general instructions section, and including the following:

Introduction – discuss/define the topic/problem and the scope of the paper.

Past Approaches – how has the problem been addressed in the past?

Current Research – where appropriate, include sub-headings reflecting the various components contributing to this section.

Practical Applications – where appropriate, include sub-headings reflecting the various components contributing to this section.

Faith Issues – are there issues of faith relevant to the parenting/discipline strategy that you have chosen?

Conclusion – briefly summarize the major findings from the research.

Future Research – what needs to be studied in the future?

Due by 11:59pm Sunday, Module/Week 4

Part 3

Final submission – The student will submit a well-constructed research paper on the topic selected in Week 2, and following the elements expressed in the general instructions section, and the Instructions for Written Assignments course document.

Due by 11:59pm Friday, Module/Week 8



Role of Both Parents in Parenting

L.C. Berry

Liberty University

Role of Both Parents in Parenting

The topic for discussion is the role of both parents in raising children. The upbringing strategies employed by parents play a critical role in determining the moral conduct. Studies have indicated that only one parent participates in parenting more so during the early stages of the development of a child. For instance, maternal leave is highly embraced, which is not the case in paternal leave. Both parents should be there for their children to instil discipline and having the child-parent bond. Fathers have always declined their role in bringing up their (Morrill et al., 2010).

This topic is relevant to the course on parenting and discipline, as it will provide required information concerning parenting and the strategies employed in instilling discipline to a child. The world is characterized by a busy society whereby the parents have no time for their children. The children do not have enough time to spend with their children even after school hours. The busy schedules delineate either or both of the parents, which is not healthy in the process of bringing up the child (Hurley et al., 2014). These children lack the parent-children bond. Women solely participate in parenting, which should not be the case (Fagan & Kaufman, 2015).

This topic is also relevant to the course as it will provide the best strategies that should be employed in bringing up a child. Both parents should participate in the process of bringing up children (Dwivedi, 2017). The concepts ensure that these children are brought healthily. Parents are the immediate entities that a child is exposed at in the stages of development. They are integral in interpreting the world to the child. Therefore, the child should get both sides of the world that is from a maternal and paternal view.

Since human beings are moral agents, the parents will assist in moulding the code of conduct of the child for them to be socially acceptable (Yousafzai et al., 2015). Generally, the topic of the role of both parents in parenting is relevant. Parenting should not be one-sided. Through this topic, research will be done evaluating both the advantages and disadvantages of both parents participating in the upbringing process.


Dwivedi, K. N. (2017). Enhancing parenting skills. In Promotion of Mental Health (pp. 81-86). Routledge.

Fagan, J., & Kaufman, R. (2015). Co‐parenting relationships among low‐income, unmarried parents: Perspectives of fathers in fatherhood programs. Family Court Review, 53(2), 304-316.

Hurley, K. D., Huscroft-D’Angelo, J., Trout, A., Griffith, A., & Epstein, M. (2014). Assessing parenting skills and attitudes: A review of the psychometrics of parenting measures. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(5), 812-823.

Morrill, M. I., Hines, D. A., Mahmood, S., & Cordova, J. V. (2010). Pathways between marriage and parenting for wives and husbands: The role of coparenting. Family process, 49(1), 59-73.

Yousafzai, A. K., Rasheed, M. A., Rizvi, A., Armstrong, R., & Bhutta, Z. A. (2015). Parenting skills and emotional availability: an RCT. Pediatrics, 135(5), e1247-e1257.

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