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Introduction to Science BIO



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Pre-Lab Questions

1. What constitutes personal protective equipment? When should personal protective equipment be worn? Why is personal protective equipment important?
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2. Why are there increasing levels of biological containment procedures? What level of biological containment will be necessary to complete the experiments in this manual?
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. What document should you refer to if you have questions regarding the safety or disposal of a chemical? Where can this document be located?
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. List five safety procedures that should always be adhered to when working with microorganisms.

a. Click here to enter text.

b. Click here to enter text.

c. Click here to enter text.

d. Click here to enter text.

e. Click here to enter text.


What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4?
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Develop a hypothesis relating to the pH level of the culture media and the number of microbial colonies observed in each culture.
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What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis?
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What would be the independent and dependent variables?
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What would be your control?
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What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why?
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Graph the data from Table 4. Include your name and access code handwritten on your graph.

Interpret the data from the graph you made in Question 7.
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1. Fresh-baked bread develops mold more quickly than bread bought from the store.

0. Observation is .

0. Hypothesis: Click here to enter text.

0. Null hypothesis: Click here to enter text.

0. Experimental approach: Click here to enter text.

0. Independent variable: Click here to enter text.

0. Dependent variable: Click here to enter text.

0. Positive control: Click here to enter text.

0. Negative Control: Click here to enter text.

0. Data collection method: Click here to enter text.

0. Data presentation: Click here to enter text.

0. Data analysis: Click here to enter text.

1. Sally comes to work sick; two days later, three of her coworkers are also sick.

1. Observation is .

1. Hypothesis: Click here to enter text.

1. Null hypothesis: Click here to enter text.

1. Experimental approach: Click here to enter text.

1. Independent variable: Click here to enter text.

1. Dependent variable: Click here to enter text.

1. Positive control: Click here to enter text.

1. Negative Control: Click here to enter text.

1. Data collection method: Click here to enter text.

1. Data presentation: Click here to enter text.

1. Data analysis: Click here to enter text.

1. You accidentally left a carton of milk on the counter all night, and you notice that the milk tastes worse than it usually does when it is stored in the refrigerator.

2. Observation is .

2. Hypothesis: Click here to enter text.

2. Null hypothesis: Click here to enter text.

2. Experimental approach: Click here to enter text.

2. Independent variable: Click here to enter text.

2. Dependent variable: Click here to enter text.

2. Positive control: Click here to enter text.

2. Negative Control: Click here to enter text.

2. Data collection method: Click here to enter text.

2. Data presentation: Click here to enter text.

2. Data analysis: Click here to enter text.


1. Four new students are learning how to count bacteria colonies. They all count the same plate, and the first student counts 98 colonies, the second counts 115 colonies, the third counts 103 colonies, and the fourth counts 93 colonies. The professor tells them there are actually 107 colonies on the plate.

2. You want to make sure your incubator is operating at the correct temperature of 37˚C, so you place a thermometer inside the incubator and check it every hour for five hours. You record readings of 36.9˚C, 36.9˚C, 37.1˚C, 37.0˚C, and 37.1˚C.

3. You aren’t sure whether or not your pH meter needs to be calibrated, so you put it in a solution that you know has a pH of 7. Take four separate readings, which are reported as 5.5, 8.6, 7.2, and 9.4.

4. Your lab is working on sequencing a new plasmid. Before starting, you all decide to guess how many base pairs you think the new plasmid has. The lab members’ guesses are 4,005; 4,006; 4,007; and 4,010. It turns out the plasmid has 7,968 base pairs.

5. You try to measure out exactly 5.0 mL of water by eye into five different test tubes. When you go back and check, you find the amount of water in each tube is 4.8 mL, 5.3 mL, 5.2 mL, 4.8 mL, and 4.7 mL.

Exercise 4: Importance of Hand Hygiene

Data Tables

Table 5: Colony Growth

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Growth Day 1

Growth Day 2

Growth Day 3

Growth Day 4

Growth Day 5


Hand without Washing

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Hand with Washing




Deionized Water

Post-Lab Questions

1. What purpose did plating the yeast serve in this experiment? What purpose did the water serve?
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1. Which of the two hand treatments grew the most colonies?
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1. What effect does handwashing have on the presence of bacteria?
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1. Were there any colonies present on plate #2? What could account for the presence of these colonies?
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Insert a photo of your plates after incubation. Include your name and access code handwritten in the background of your photo.

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