business law

MGT 2150 – Business Law IWritten AssignmentLegal, Ethical, Social Responsibility AnalysisFormat, Requirements, and Grading CriteriaRequired FormatTitle to Paper – A Legal, Ethical, and Social Responsibility Analysis of _________Official School Cover Page with Author Certification StatementI.IntroductionStatement of purposes of paper and major analytical sectionsState topic to be examined and why importantTopic must be a current controversy involving business directly or indirectlyProvide adequate background information about topicII.Legal AnalysisA.  IntroductionPurpose of this section of the paperStatement of laws to be usedLaws can be constitutional laws, statutes, case law, administrative rules and regulations, executive orders, and/or international treatiesLaws can be U.S. laws (federal, state, and/or local) or laws from foreign jurisdictionsB.  Statement of Legal PrinciplesState the legal principles that will be governing your topicC.  Application of Legal Principles to TopicApply the legal principles to your topic to determine in a well-reasoned manner the legality or illegality of topicD.  Legal ConclusionStatement of legal conclusionNote: If there already is a legal conclusion by a court or other government tribunal, state whether you agree or disagree with the government’s legal conclusion based on the law.Transition sentence to ethics section.

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III.Ethical AnalysisA.  IntroductionPurpose of this section of paperStatement of ethical theory to be usedEthical theory can come from text, professor’s videos, or other academic sourcesB.  Statement of Ethical Principles from an Ethical TheoryState the ethical principles to be used to determine the morality of your topicC.  Application of Ethical Principles to TopicApply the ethical principles to your topic to determine in a well-reasoned manner the morality or immorality of the topicD.  Moral Conclusion Statement of moral conclusionTransition sentence to social responsibility and sustainability sectionIV.Social Responsibility AnalysisA.  IntroductionPurposes of this section of the paperB.  Definition of “Social Responsibility”Definition of social responsibilityDefinitions can come from text, professor’s videos, or other academic sourcesC.  Application of Definition to TopicIs company, firm, or organization acting in a socially responsible manner? Why or why not?Note: Even if company, firm, or organization is acting in a socially responsible manner provide at least two suggestions of what else the entity could be doing in these areas.Provide rationales for the company or organization acting in such a manner.V.Sustainability AnalysisA.  IntroductionPurposes of this section of the paperB.  Definition of “Sustainability”Definition of sustainability

Definitions can come from text, professor’s videos, or other academic sourcesC.  Application of Definition to TopicIs company, firm, or organization acting in a sustainable manner? Why or why not?Note: Even if company, firm, or organization is acting in a sustainable manner provide at least two suggestions of what else the entity could be doing in these areas.Provide rationales for the company or organization acting in such a manner.VI.ConclusionRestatement of major conclusionsMake any predictions you deem appropriate as to possible legal as well as practical consequences.State any personal feelings or beliefs in the matter.Provide what you believe is a just solution and briefly explain why.VII.BibliographyRequirementsPaper topic must be approved by professorGroups (optional), up to five students, must be approved by professorSuggested length of paper is approximately 10-20 pages depending on topic or if group effortPaper must be double-spaced and in Word processing formatAPA style required for sources, citations, quotesReview of first drafts (optional) – Professor is willing to review first draft of paper if sent to professor no later than one week before end of term; first draft to be sent as a Word document attachment to a message in Canvas, with group leader copying all group members if relevantFinal version of paper to be submitted on Written Assignment link on left-hand course menu in CanvasIf group paper, each group member must individually upload paper (as well as place all paper PPs on Discussion Board)Paper counts for 30% of your gradePaper PPs (plus reply to one other student or group paper) count for 4% of gradeGrading Criteria Conformity of paper to required format and organizationClarity of writing styleConformity to APAGrammar, spelling, and punctuationAbility to discern issuesDepth of knowledge, that is, degree of substance to statements of principles, definition of terms, and recommendationsCritical thinking and level of reasoning, that is, the ability to reason from principles to logical conclusionsIntegration of paper, especially if group effort

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