Business Project

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Final Project Int 110

This is a guide with the rubric. The questions provided under each section are meant to guide you through the project- you may be able to answer all you may need

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It should be a minimum of 4-5 typed pages. Be sure and format with headers that align with the topic.

General Description of Project: There are many different countries and products for investors to choose from. However, there are limited resources with which they can do this. The more research an investor conducts on a foreign country, and a company’s products, the greater the chances of success the investment will yield. Your task is to investigate the feasibility of exporting a Canadian product into a foreign country and provide detailed information as to the viability of this venture.


The purpose of this project is to allow the students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of international business from a American perspective. The project will assist in their understanding of doing business in other countries and promote a greater understanding of the challenges that companies and countries face in today’s global environment. The research and information gathering for this project will allow students to meet many of the expectations of the course.

1. Students will gather information about doing business in another country.

2. Students will analyze the ways in which various factors influence how business is conducted in another country.

3. Students will examine the marketing challenges of doing business in another country.


• Students will choose a local company (Guelph, K-W, Cambridge, GTA) and a country to expand

• The students should gather all of their information and create a final report with recommendations.

• The APA referencing style should be used for this report.

Paper Content

Part 1 – Country Facts and Statistics Choose one of the following countries: China, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, India, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Turkey, South Korea, Egypt. Country facts and statistics give an investor a starting point with which to study and evaluate the potential of a foreign country. This Part should be formatted as a one- or two-page fact sheet. The geographic data should include at least one comprehensive map, and the democratic and economic data must include several graphic representations. All materials must be referenced using APA referencing. Geographic:

• Country name: conventional long form and conventional short form.

• Map with major cities, ports, international airports, major highways, major rail lines and physical characteristics (mountains, rivers, etc.) marked. This may contain more than one map.

• Area (sq. km) and comparison to Canada (as a percentage of Canada).

• Time zone. When it is noon in Ottawa it is __________ in __________ (country). • Climate/weather conditions. Demographic: Create a graphic representation of the following: • Population and comparison to Canada (as a percentage).

• Population growth rate.

• Age distribution (population pyramid).

• Life expectancies (male, female).

• Rural vs. urban (percentages).

• Culture of the


• Literacy rates (male, female).

• Ethnic groups (percentage of total population).

• Religious groups (percentage of total population).

• Languages spoken (official and other – include percentages). Economic

• GDP per capita.

• Inflation rate.

• Unemployment rate.

• Currency name and current exchange rate to Canadian dollar.

• Currency stability (5 year graph – compared to CAD or USD).

• Income distribution (% GDP to % population).

• GDP by sector (percentages).

• Top 1-3 import partners.

• Top 1-3 export partners.

Part 2 – Political Profile A country’s political structure tells investors a lot about that country. Is the county democratic? How prevalent is corruption? How stable is the government? Investors carefully study these questions and their answers before choosing to invest in a foreign country. This Part should be formatted as a Foreign Affairs Brief providing factual data for investors on the topics outlined below. All materials must be referenced using APA referencing.



• Government type. Stability, military

• Head of state (name and position).

• Date government elected or appointed.

• Date of next national election.

• Country’s views on trade.

• Tariffs, quotas, embargoes.

• Labor standards (wages, conditions, etc human rights issues).

Part 3 – Company /


– Current Status In order to successfully market your product in your foreign country, you need to have a thorough understanding of the American situation. Choose a small company in your hometown that sells products such as clothing, boats, water purification systems, or cardboard boxes, etc. Begin by examining the company’s website and news articles related to the company. Once you have determined what products your company sells, you will select a product sold by your company on which to base the remainder of this assignment. Create a Corporate Profile as outlined below for your business that does not exceed 1 page but provides an investor with pertinent information on your company’s domestic structure and market strategies.

Company: • Name, address, locations.

• Owner (person or company).

• Number of employees.

• Corporate structure.

• Product lines (general description).

• Export experience.

• Product: features and benefits, packaging.






: where is it available/sold (retail); distribution and transportation.

Part 4 – International Marketing Plan Complete an international marketing plan for your product. Answering the questions provided.

Name: Country: Company: Product(s): 4 ‘P’s Product:


1. What needs/wants does your product fulfill in your selected country?

2. Who is the target market (consumer) of the product? How often will they purchase the item? 3. Are purchases affected by climate?

4. Are purchases affected by geography; for example infra-structure or transportation problems?

5. Does your product conflict with traditions, habits, or beliefs of the customers in your selected country?

6. What makes your product(s) unique for the country’s market?

7. What competing products are already available in your selected country? If possible state the product and company names that are being sold currently in your selected country.

8. What are the competitive advantages of your product or business over other domestic and international businesses?

10. Will your product be restricted abroad; for example tariffs, quotas, or non-tariff trade barriers?


1. Can consumers in your country afford your product?

2. What factors do you need to consider when setting prices in your selected country?

3. Are your products’ sales very sensitive to price changes?

Promotional Strategy:

1. What advertising materials will you use?

2. What media would you use to advertise your products? e.g. Print, TV, Radio.

3. What cultural concern(s) must be addressed in your advertising? e.g. Language differences, literacy rates, buying influences, religion, attitudes towards change and foreign products

Place (distribution)

Outline your distribution channels from America to your selected country. e.g. Export packing, container loading, inland freight, handling, ocean freight, courier mail, tariffs.

Will you sell directly to the consumer or do a joint venture, license etc.

In this section or

Part 5 – Recommendations and Conclusions

You are now ready to make an informed decision as to whether you would recommend that your company export your selected product into your selected country. Your final task is to write an executive summary which addresses the question: Should your company export the product to your selected country. Your reasons should be justified and based upon the research you have conducted. Your argument should demonstrate the knowledge and understanding that you have obtained throughout this course. Any works cited should be referenced using the APA formatting model.

Here is the general rubric

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description


Outstanding all elements with an overview and description


Novice (0-5)


Proficient (11-15)

Stage 1 Country Facts and Statistics


Attempt made

Several items on geography there

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description


Attempt made

Several demographic items present

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description g


Attempt made

Discussed general economic terms


Attempt made

Discussed general terms

Stage 2 Political Profile


Political Issues

Human rights

Legal Issues

Stage 3 Company Status


Selected a company but lacked data

Selected a company and did a good overview

Selected a company, researched the company, provided detailed overview

Marketing Mx

No clear marketing mix present

Presented all the variables

Clearly and accurately depicted the company’s marketing mix

Stage 4 International Marketing Plan

Identified product but not related to country

Good overview of product as related to country


Identified price with no discussion as to why

Good overview of price as related to country

Demonstrated a valid model for pricing internationally


Discussed some of place variables but in no detail

Good overview of a plan to distribute and sell product

Discussed a legitimate supply channel and place variable identified where they sell product and reflected respect for the vulture and values of the country


Mentioned would promote but no clear plan

General overview of promotion that shows connection to the country values and systems in place

Discussed a valid promotional strategy that was feasible, respectful of the culture, and possible given the country’s infrastructure

Stage 6

Recommendation and Conclusion

Made an attempt to summarize and defend choice of country

Summarized and made 2-3 recommendations

Excellent summary and recommendations and conclusions that seem plausible and possible

Grammar/APA/overall paper mechanics

Hard to read short, lacking depth, many grammar errors, no references

Paper had a few grammar errors but they did not detract from content, student made an attempt, references present

Very few errors, reads as a polished project, that reflects, depth and insight. Refences from multiple sources and few grammar errors,

DOCURI INC. (2017). Retrieved August 2020, from Final Project for HR MBA Students on International Business:

INT 110 Rubric Final Project

Here is the general rubric


Novice (0-5)


Proficient (11-15)

Stage 1 Country Facts and Statistics


Attempt made
Several items on geography there

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description


Attempt made
Several demographic items present

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description g


Attempt made
Discussed general economic terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description


Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Stage 2 Political Profile


Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Political Issues

Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Human rights

Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Legal Issues

Attempt made
Discussed general terms

Attempt made and most of the elements presents

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description

Stage 3 Company Status


Selected a company but lacked data

Selected a company and did a good overview

Selected a company, researched the company, provided detailed overview

Marketing Mx

No clear marketing mix present

Presented all the variables

Clearly and accurately depicted the company’s marketing mix

Stage 4 International Marketing Plan


Identified product but not related to country

Good overview of product as related to country

Outstanding all elements with an overview and description


Identified price with no discussion as to why

Good overview of price as related to country

Demonstrated a valid model for pricing internationally


Discussed some of place variables but in no detail

Good overview of a plan to distribute and sell product

Discussed a legitimate supply channel and place variable identified where they sell product and reflected respect for the vulture and values of the country


Mentioned would promote but no clear plan

General overview of promotion that shows connection to the country values and systems in place

Discussed a valid promotional strategy that was feasible, respectful of the culture, and possible given the country’s infrastructure

Stage 6

Recommendation and Conclusion

Made an attempt to summarize and defend choice of country

Summarized and made 2-3 recommendations

Excellent summary and recommendations and conclusions that seem plausible and possible

Grammar/APA/overall paper mechanics

Hard to read short, lacking depth, many grammar errors, no references

Paper had a few grammar errors but they did not detract from content, student made an attempt, references present

Very few errors, reads as a polished project, that reflects, depth and insight. Refences from multiple sources and few grammar errors,

Answers to questions posed for the project:

This is the first time I am doing this project; I will grade with that knowledge, I am not here to punish for not following exact format but content and quality is great. I do encourage you to proof

1) There is no word count, nor penalty if you go over 4-5 pages that is the minimum. Quality is preferred over quantity.

2) Yes, you must cite the CIA website using APA, MLA, or Chicago Format. If you go to word, there is a reference section and it will guide you or you can do an online search for writing references.

3) As for format, I really like section headers with each Part identified in bold (this will give you a bit of space.

4) As for font and spacing Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point font, 1 inch margins, and double spaced.

5) Last page of paper should be a separate page with references.

6) You can use the CIA Factbook and you can add other resources- no Wikipedia.

7) As for graphics, I like when I see the image with a header and if you cut and past a reference to it. Don’t do more than 2 or 3 and they should not be considered part of your page count.

8) Export is the way I want it done, since I want you to understand from the American Perspective

9) You can do export to any country and I will remove the reference to Canada

10) As for the product, consumer goods are easier to do, it can be an item like sugar that can be used in making another product but those channels and processes may be harder to figure out.

11) Under promotional info, yes you should mention any cultural significant info, like Disney educating how self-gift.

12) This is the first time and I do not have a template.

13) Purdue is a great site:

14) Trade and Tariffs can be complicated – here is a link (the WTO is a great site.)

15) It must be a real product and company but there is freedom to choose but really think about the country you select and the reality of exporting- ie if you want to ship ipads to a developing country they may not have the bandwidth or tech capabilities to run programs in rural areas.


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