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Work evaluation of teaching/learning 

Assignment 1 

Article Reflection Description

Review a recent (not older than 5 years) Peer reviewed article on a topic you have selected.  Read the article reflectively then complete an essay with the following requirements:

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Minimum of two pages in length and typed using APA style with the latest edition. Each review should be divided into three parts: part I – a summary of the article, Part II – an informed reaction to the article, which incorporates another piece of work (textbook, another article, etc.), Part III – a reflection on how you could implement this program in your classroom.  

Assignment 2 

Interest Inventory Description

Interest inventories can provide invaluable insight into students’ learning styles.  For this assignment, you will post an inventory you feel would best prepare to understand how your students would best be assessed.  Be prepared to share with your classmates.

Assignment 3

Research Paper/Final Examination

you will answer the below listed prompt.  Though this is giving a scenario, please answer question in a formal manner.  Please use at least 5 references to support your response.  Please NO MORE THAN 5 pages.


You have been invited to interview with a principal for your dream job and are asked the following question:  “If you had to choose between formative and summative assessment, which would you choose and why?”

Draw from what you have read on formative, summative, and performance based assessments to provide your response.  Please fully defend (compare/contrast) your answer.

Assignment 4

 Fall 2020 Lesson Plan Template x

Please review this video if you have questions about the lesson plan template.  If you have any questions, please let me know.


2 lesson plans 

Assignment 5






The pages are out of order. The first page is cut off at the top to remove student info. The second page includes the graphs.  The third is a full page of text.  The fourth contains about 3 lines. 

Assignment 6

On document

Final Project: Freedom Writers Assignment

In an effort to assist you with your reinforcement (something you do well) and refinement areas (something you can improve on) in behavior management in your classrooms, I want you to watch how other teachers have been successful at implementing the things that we have talked about this semester.

1. I want you to go to watch the movie Freedom Writers (it is also available on Netflix if you have it). This movie is based on a true story of how a teacher successfully taught inner city youths that most people, including family, had given up on.

2. As you are watching the movie, I want you to take notes of what you see as it relates to behavior and instruction of both the teacher and students, but I want you to watch it through the lens of a teacher. Think about questions like how the teacher get them engaged (e.g. Chapter 4- Prevention Through Effective Instruction), how does she build rapport, how does she set the tone for the class, etc. As you watch, jot down some notes of things that you notice, that stand out to you, that you have tried or seen, or that you would like to try.

3. With your notes, I’d like for you to compare what you think your reinforcement and refinement area (as it relates to behavior management) would have been if you were a first-year teacher at the beginning of the semester (if you are not currently teaching) with what you think your reinforcement and refinement area would have been if you were a first-year teacher after taking this class. If you are a current teacher compare your reinforcement and refinement areas as it relates to behavior from the beginning of the semester until the end. How have you grown? What did you learn that you did not know? What if anything, will you use? What has been the most beneficial? What is something that you still need to learn as it relates to behavior management? Then, you will need to select 5 chapters from the text and summarize how they were displayed in the movie. Use character quotes, information from the text, and scene descriptions to support your choice. Then discuss why you selected those chapters, their importance in behavior management, and how you plan to execute the components of these chapters in your classrooms or future classrooms.

4. Use quotes from the characters, scene descriptions, and information from the text to support your thoughts.

Part B

1. Once you have completed the summary, I want you to create a pictorial version of your classroom (3-D model, online software version, hand drawn, picture collage, etc.). Spend some time researching behavior management plans from veteran teachers and other sources. Find out how they establish rules, procedures, and their behavior management plan. Do not forget to cite the sources.

a. Create rules

b. Create procedures

c. Create physical arrangement of your classroom as you would like to see it.

d. Plan for creating a safe, warm, loving, nurturing environment

e. Behavior Management Plan

i. Hierarchy of Reinforcement (examples please do not use)

1. 3 tokens= a sticker

2. 6 tokens= extra recess

3. 10 tokens=treasure box

ii. Hierarchy of consequences (examples please do not use)

1. Verbal warning

2. Written warning

3. Call home to parents

Use the information from the movie, personal experience, and your creativity, to complete this section. Please relate all of this to what we have discussed this semester. Once completed, upload to blackboard. I can’t wait to hear about your experience, thoughts and the knowledge you have gained this semester.

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