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BUSI 511

Research Project – Outline Instructions

Your group will complete a full sentence Outline for the second part of the Research Project. The Outline must include a thesis statement, the research question(s)/issues being addressed, how much space will be allotted for each section of the paper, and a preliminary reference list of at least 20 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals. All references must be less than 10 years old. When the assignment is returned, read all instructor feedback in order to implement it on future assignments.

What to consider in the outline:

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1. What is the topic?

2. Why is it significant?

3. What background material is relevant?

4. What is our thesis or purpose statement?

5. What organizational plan will best support our purpose?

6. How much space is estimated per section?

*Also consider the elements noted on the Research Project – Final Document Instructions when completing your Outline.


1. Belcher, W. L. (2009). Week 6: Strengthening your structure. Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781412957014.


Purdue OWL – Types of Outlines and Samples


Purdue OWL – Four Main Components for Effective Outlines


WriteExpress – Writing an Effective Outline


University at Albany – How to Write an Outline


Sample Outline

Full Sentence Outline:

The full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the alphanumeric outline. The main difference, as the title suggests, is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay.

Thesis Statement:

Question(s)/Issues Being Addressed:

I. Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming.

A. Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific community to be harmful (Smith, 2014).

1. The burning of coal and fossil fuels are the primary releasers of

hazardous greenhouse gases.

Full sentence outlines are often accompanied with an APA reference list on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize current APA format with in-text citations.



One group member must submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 4.

Page 2 of 2

BUSI 511

Research Project (Outline)

Grading Rubric (50 Points)




Not Present

Total Points


Levels of Achievement

Total Points

Content 70%




Not Present

Thesis Statement

10 Points

Points: 10

Thesis statement is clear, logical, and sets up the focus of the paper.

Point: 8 to 9

Thesis statement is clear and logical, but the purpose is unclear.

Points: 1 to 7

Thesis statement is present but lacks clarity, logic, and purpose.

Points: 0

Thesis statement is unclear or not present in the outline.

Research Question(s)/ Issues Being Addressed

10 Points

Points: 10

Research questions are clearly stated and capture the full scope of the approach of research effort.

Points: 8 to 9

Research questions are stated but lack full clarity.

Points: 1 to 7

Research questions are stated but require more depth to ensure focus.

Points: 0

Research questions are not stated clearly, and the scope of research is not identified.


15 points

Points: 14 to 15

Minimum of 20 sources, less than 10 years old, are used.

All citations follow current APA format with no errors.

Points: 13

Only 15–19 sources provided.

Cited sources include 1–2 errors in current APA format.

Points: 1 to 12

Only 10–14 sources provided.

Cited sources include 2–4 errors in current APA format.

Points: 0

Nine or fewer sources are present.

Cited sources include 5 or more errors in current APA format.

Structure 30%



10 Points

Points: 10

Spelling and grammar are correct.

Points: 8 to 9

Spelling and grammar are mostly correct with only 1–2 errors noted.

Points: 1 to 7

Spelling and grammar require further review with 3–6 errors noted.

Points: 0

Spelling and grammar review is not evident or incomplete; 7 or more errors are noted.


5 Points

Points: 5

Sections of the paper are determined with estimated space for each section.

Sections clearly build on focus from the thesis statement and research questions.

Points: 4

Sections of the paper are determined with estimated space for each section.

Sections appear to build on focus stated in thesis statement but further clarity is needed.

Points: 1 to 3

Sections of the paper are determined, but the estimated space for each section is not.

Sections mostly build on focus stated in thesis statement.

Points: 0

Sections of the paper are not clearly determined.

Sections do not appear to build on focus stated in thesis statement.



Abbott, L. S., & Elliot, L.T. (2016). Eliminating health disparities through action on the social determinants of health: A systematic of the home visiting in the united states, 2005-2015. Public Health Nursing, 34(1), 2-30. DOI:


This article explores the impact on maternal-child health as a health disparity, challenges associated with addressing policies that target social determinants, and eliminating health disparities within disadvantaged communities. The article further presents the analysis of studies of multidisciplinary research not limited to home visitation intervention in nursing and how nurses present as research partners in public health interventions.

Anderson, A. C., O’Rourke, E., Chin, M. H., Ponce, N. A., Bernhelm, S. M., & Burstin, H. (2018). Eliminating disparities through performance measurement and payment. Health Affairs 37(3), 371-377.

This article addresses how current healthcare quality approaches are failing to address health care disparities related to payment policies. The article further addresses how the payment policy framework model established by the National Quality Forum can be applied to reduce health disparities. The model includes implementing evidence-based interventions, developing payment systems, and health equity performance measures and incentives to reduce health disparities to achieve health equity. The author looks at how these payment policy measures can reduce racial disparities in hypertension in African Americans.

Braveman, P., Kumanyika, S., Fielding, J., Laveist, T., Borrell, L., Manderscheid, R., & Troutman, A. (2011, December). Health disparities and health equity: The issue is justice. American Journal of Public Health, 101(Suppl 1), S149-S155. DOI: 


This journal addresses how the goal of Healthy People is eliminate Health Disparities. A definition and rationale of health disparities is offered to support the authors views on how social disadvantages and health disparities are closely connected. Social disadvantage is mentioned a lot in order to place the importance of the role that it has played in certain populations. The authors propose several root causes for the health disparities in the United States while also emphasizing the needs address these issues.

Bui, J., Wendt, M., & Bakos, A. (2019). Understanding and addressing health disparities and health needs of a justice-involved populations. Sage Journals, 134(Suppl 1), 35-75.

In this article, it is described that in the mid-1980s, previous US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Margaret M. Heckler gathered the principal government gathering of specialists to direct a complete investigation of the wellbeing status of racial/ethnic minority residents. The 1985 Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Black and Minority Health, otherwise called The Heckler Report, helped place minority wellbeing on the public stage. Since the distribution of The Heckler Report, much advancement has been made to comprehend and address the wellbeing lack of harmony of racial/ethnic minority population. These disparities, which range from illness commonness to medical services admittance to wellbeing results, are frequently connected to social, monetary, or natural inconveniences, such as joblessness, hazardous areas, and absence of reasonable transportation choices—conditions known as the social determinants of wellbeing. Less is thought about inclusion in the equity framework (eg, captures, court hearings, pretrial detainment) including imprisonment as components that influence wellbeing, and restricted government subsidizing is accessible to comprehend and address the health of people engaged with the equity framework.

Dutta, M. J. (2018). Culture-centered approach in addressing health disparities: Communication infrastructures for subaltern voices. Communication Methods and Measures, 12(4), 239-259.

This article offers a calculated outline of the vital standards of the way of life focused methodology (CCA) as a meta-hypothetical system for tending to healthcare disparities by building communicative foundations for tuning in to the voices of inferior networks that are until now deleted from predominant rambling spaces. Complementing a developing group of grants that attracts on the CCA to address the underlying settings of wellbeing in the inferior edges across the globe, this article spreads out the methodological system of the CCA. It features the key calculated anchors that fill in as establishments of the methodology, proposing that investment, organizations, correspondence, discourse, and reflexivity offer methodological apparatuses that investigate the propagation of eradications inside prevailing constructions, and make section focuses for inferior voices to show up into authority.

Emmanuel, C., Plescia, M. (2014). Reducing health disparities by addressing social

determinants of health: the Mecklenburg County experience. North Carolina Medical Journal, 75(6), 417-421.  DOI:

This article gives an example of a community successfully addressing health disparities by addressing some of the social determinants of health. The focus was on the training of lay health advisors that reported on the needs of the community. Emphasis was then placed on community and policy intervention. This included expanded physical activity programs at eh YMCA, a diabetes quality improvement project at a local health department, and the lay health advisors educating political leaders of the need for change in the community. These changes came based on innovative analysis of public health data and by well-integrated involvement between community coalitions, the health department, and community members. “ Efforts in Mecklenburg County have focused on use of public health data, community engagement, and changes in policy, systems, and environments to address the social determinants of health and to eliminate disparities in health and health care among racial and ethnic minorities.”

Greenaway, C., Hargreaves, S., Barkati, S., Coyle, C. M., Gobbi, F., Veizis, A., & Douglas, P. (2020). COVID-19: Exposing and addressing health disparities among ethnic minorities and migrants. Journal of travel medicine, 27(7),1-3.

This introduction to the unique issue on Addressing Health Disparities in Pediatric Psychology gives setting to why this extraordinary issue is required, audits key discoveries of the acknowledged articles, and examines future bearings for propelling the field. This uncommon issue, one of three on this theme region that has been advanced throughout the entire existence of this diary, comes at a basic point in our reality. This is the point at which the COVID-19 pandemic is methodically contaminating Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and when there has been expanded consideration regarding fundamental bigotry and meeting savagery inborn in different frameworks, including the equity, wellbeing, and instructive frameworks.

Kondrasuk, J. N., Moore, H. L., & Wang, H. (2001). Negligent hiring: The emerging

contributor to workplace violence in the public sector. Public Personnel

Management, 30(2), 185.

This article contributes significant and relevant statistics which confirm the pervasiveness of violent incidents in general. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) found that 20 persons were murdered at work every week. Nationally, homicide is the second highest overall cause of workplace-related deaths; for female workers, homicide is the leading cause of workplace deaths. Workplace violence now accounts for 15 percent of the more than 6.5 million violent acts experienced by U. S. residents who are age 12 or older (para 7). Kondrasuk provides information also related to a suggested cause or contributor to the violence—negligent hiring practices. Numerous suggestions are given throughout the materials researched for the paper, giving additional thought to the causes of workplace violence. However, Kondrasuk gives weight to not only a passing platitude, but supports the concept of negligent hiring with law and concurrent tort law claims.

Kreuter, M.W., Hovmand, P., Pfeiffer, D.J., Fairchild, M., Rath, S., Golla, G., Casey, C.

(2014). The long tail and public health: new thinking for addressing health

disparities. American Journal of Public Health, 104(12), 2271-2278.



This article introduces an approach in addressing health disparities using the long tail perspective of business. Instead of trying to address disparities using large reforms that focus on the general population, small, niche approaches should be used to address specific issues. The Make it Your Own (MIYO) tool “helps users create their own versions of evidence-based health communication materials for the specific populations they serve.” This tool will serve to target information towards the groups that are at the highest risk. MIYO was used by the CDC in 2009 to promote colorectal cancer screening across the U.S. using small media.

Milburn, N. G., Beatty, L., & Lopez, S. A. (2019). Understanding, unpacking, and eliminating health disparities: A prescription for health equity promotion through behavioral and psychological research—an introduction. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25(1), 1-5. doi:10.1037/cdp0000266

The history on the research of health disparities within the United States is the basis of this journal. It offers the definition of health disparities and places emphasis on the fact that every health difference is not considered a health disparity. The authors believe that health equity can be achieved if ongoing health disparities are addressed. The progress made while addressing health disparities and improving health equity is mentioned along with statistics and facts about the impact that research has made. The continuous needs and challenges faced while addressing health disparities is also mentioned.

O’Brien, M. J., Kirley, K. A., & Ackermann, R. T. (2020). Reducing health disparities through prevention: Role of the u.s. preventive services task force. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(5), 724-727. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2019.11.022

The authors of this journal discuss how the U.S preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) has worked to reduce health disparities since its implantation in 1984. The importance of USPSTF’s research and its impact on the changes it made in clinical setting as well as its processes are discussed. Challenges, recommendations and opportunities sought out by the USPSTF are the focus point of this journal. The authors also offer a possible solution that could potentially be useful in combating the issues with racial and ethnic health disparities.

Sabo, S., de Zapien, J., Teuful-Shone, N., Rosales, C., Bergsma, L., & Taren, D. (2015). Service learning: A vehicle for building health equity and eliminating health disparities. American Public Health Association, 105 (Suppl 1) 38-43.

This article explores service learning as an experiential educational method to bridging the gap between health professionals and communities impacted by health disparities. The article defines the origin of social learning in the context of health. It explores how students who participated in service learning demonstrated a commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable communities and identified the need for individuals to have a personal and professional commitment to improving health equity. The author believes that service learning is linked to public health values of social justice and is a approach that will strengthen community based partnerships in addressing health disparities.

Shah, G.H., Mase, W.A., Waterfield, K.C. (2019). Local health departments’ engagement in addressing health disparities: the effect of health informatics. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 25(2), 171-180. DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000842

This article examines how local health departments are using health informatics systems to address health disparities. The authors also state that health disparities are caused by health inequities. Health disparities refer to “the differences in the quality of health care provided and overall health status among population subgroups.” Health inequalities “describe the degree of variation within the association between health determinants and health outcomes within defined population segments.” LDHs fail to consider health inequalities when trying to address health disparities. The authors believe that health informatics systems can assist LDHs in recognizing these health inequalities to better address the health disparities. This study compared the degree of use of health informatics systems with the activities LDHs engaged in to address health disparities in the last 2 years to determine if the effect was significant. They found that LDHS that implemented information systems had increased odds of describing disparities and prioritizing resources to address them.

Sanchez, K., Ybarra, R., Chapa, T., & Martinez, O. (2015). Eliminating behavioral health disparities and improving outcomes for racial and ethnic minority populations. Integrated Care, 67(1), 13-15.

This article addresses how integrated care can reduce mental health disparities for ethnic minority groups. The article addresses how the Office of Minority health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services developed approaches for engaging racial and ethnic minority populations to improve outcomes and mental health disparities. The author believes that a focus on leveraging cultural protective factors, provider language, and a trained workforce is needed to reduce healthcare disparities in underserved communities.

Sommers, B., McMurtry, C., Blendon, R., Benson, J., & Sayde, J. (2017, March). Beyond health Insurance: Remaining disparities in US health care in the Post-aca era. Milbank Quarterly, 95(1), 43-69.

This scholarly journal address health disparities as it relates to health insurance and cost of care. It takes a look into health disparities from a different point of view. In most instances people address health disparities from a point of view that involves race and ethnicity. The authors place emphasis the Affordable Care Act and its impact in the healthcare system since its implementation. Whether or not the Affordable Care Act narrowed health disparities within the United States is also addressed.

Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Francisco, V.T., Chavez, N.R. Applying community-based participatory approaches to addressing health disparities and promoting health equity. (2020). American Journal of Community Psychology. 66(3-4), 217-221.DOI 10.1002/ajcp.12487

This article states that community-based participatory research (CBPR) can promote health equity across diverse populations. The approach “focuses on working from the ground up and giving a voice to communities on what the issues are, what are potential solutions and how to address issues that matter to communities.” This focus places importance at promoting a deep examination of the imbalances and complexities of the systems and how these affect different social groups. Although the information is gathered on an individual basis, solutions should be more overarching and the responses should be combined and analyzed to find out what the most important issues the community is focused on. In all it going to require participation and empowerment of the individuals in the community.

Thompson, B., Molina, Y., Viswanath, K., Warneke, R., & Prelipe, M. (2016). Strategies to empower communities to reduce health disparities. Health Affairs, 35(8), 1424-1428A.


This article addresses how community-based participatory research and various strategies assist in empowering communities. The Center for Population Health and Health Disparities created projects that aim to assist community members with staying involved with their own health to eliminate health disparities. Community members receive education and participate in workshops that address determinants of health. The author offers policy recommendations that will improve health outcomes in communities and empowers community members to take a more active approach in participating in their own health.

Thurman, W.A., Harrison, T. (2017). Social context and value-based care: a capabilities

approach for addressing health disparities. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice,18(1). DOI: 10.1177/1527154417698145This article proposes Amartya Sens’s capabilities approach as an overarching framework to address the social factors affecting disparities in health care. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is used as the basis for the study because it removes the factors of socioeconomic status and access to health care as variables and leaves a greater focus on how race plays a role in the disparity of care. After establishing that the disparity exists, the authors introduce the capabilities approach. In this approach, the outcome of a just society is individual well-being. The goal is to give policymakers a concurrent focus by clarifying value judgement and the design of policies based on what values are trying to be maximized. “social context affects health directly (e.g., lack of access to health care, high levels of air pollution, unaffordability of nutritious foods), but the lack of meaningful opportunities in a person’s life (e.g., a well-paying job, affordable childcare, and enjoyable social connections) could prevent a person from pursuing health or health care in the first place.” This must be understood to make effective policy changes.

Xia, R., Stone, J. R., Hoffman, J. E., & Klappa, S. G. (2016). Promoting community health and eliminating health disparities through community-based participatory research. Physical Therapy, 96(3), pp. 410-417.

This article addresses the need to focus on community health and ways to eliminate health disparities at the community level and ameliorate individuals’ risk factors within underserved communities in practice of physical therapy. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) examines the need for equitable partnership within communities in light of structural and cultural elements. This article presents principles, concepts, and the rationale for applying CBPR in managing health issues at the community level. Research reveals that community input is meaningful in addressing health disparities because community members provide first-hand knowledge and perspective around the issues faced within the respective communities. The article addresses how physical therapists can use the CBPR framework to promote the professions goal to eliminate health care disparities.

Zhang, X., Hailu, B., Tabor, D. C., Gold, R., Sayre, M. H., Sim, I., . . . James, R. (2019). Role of health information technology in addressing health disparities. Medical Care, 57(Suppl 2). doi:10.1097/mlr.0000000000001092

The authors of this journal address the role of health disparities as it relates to health information technology. The journal recommends eight perspectives that could be implemented in efforts to reduce health disparities with the use of health information technology. The authors conclude the journal entry by addressing the promise that health IT has when bridging the gap that health disparities cause. Also addressed in the conclusion is that move toward health equity as a result of health information technology research.

I need to address the following. What is being done to address the mental health disparities in the United States? What professional organization(s) are affiliated with mental health/disparities? I’ll also need to do the abstract on this topic

5 pages


12pt Times Roman

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