ENG 2322 MOD 6 Portfolio REDD


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Portfolio Assignment Information Sheet 


  At the end of the semester, students will choose 2 of the essays they have written, substantially revise them, and, in an appendix, provide samples of process writing related to the two major papers. The portfolio should begin with an introduction that contextualizes the artifacts and accounts for any course outcomes not directly seen in the artifacts.


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ENG 2322

College of Professional Studies

Project #4: Portfolio

Your syllabus includes the following information about your portfolio:

: At the end of the semester, students will choose 2 of the essays they have written, substantially revise them, and, in an appendix, provide samples of process writing related to the two major papers. The portfolio should begin with an introduction that contextualizes the artifacts and accounts for any course outcomes not directly seen in the artifacts.
I will evaluate the papers you submit and assign a grade to the portfolio, which is worth 100 points, approximately 1
0% of your final grade for ENG 2322. The portfolio is your opportunity to showcase your best work. This is your time to shine! The portfolio will represent your work during the semester and should exemplify your ability to write, as well as revise and edit your own work. You should submit your entire portfolio in ONE Word document.

Portfolio Components:

The portfolio should begin with an introduction that explains which two papers you chose and why. The document should also contain a statement about your writing strengths and weaknesses, as well as a plan to address your weaknesses as you continue to write college-level papers. Next, you should work to discuss whether you believe you have met the specific learning objectives for this course (see below). Finally, the introduction paper should contain a realistic assessment of your work – what grade do you think your portfolio deserves, and why?

Primary Learning Objectives
Determine appropriate rhetorical techniques to apply in response to rhetorical situations

Use the writing process to discover and reassess ideas
Compose valid arguments in multiple modalities
Support arguments with appropriate types of evidence
Evaluate sources for accuracy and authority
Navigate print and digital repositories of information
Use the rhetorical situation to determine the appropriate citation system
Describe how inquiry contributes to a life of significance and worth

After your introduction, you should include your two
revised, polished essays that you have chosen to showcase from this course. As a reminder, your options are Project #1, Project #2, and Project #3. Because you have had the opportunity to write, identify errors, and correct them, you are expected to submit papers that are very clean and well written.

After your two polished essays, you should include an appendix that contains the prewriting work that went into your two essays (e.g., brainstorming, journal entries, outlines, drafts, etc.). This appendix should show how your writing has been a process this semester. If you have handwritten any process work for your essays, you can take pictures of it and include those pictures in your Word document.

Project #4 (Portfolio) Rubric
Introduction demonstrates thoughtful reflection about personal writing skills

Introduction addresses personal progress toward course learning objectives well

Introduction is organized and well-written, with few errors

Essay 1 has been significantly and thoughtfully revised in terms of content and critical thinking

Essay 1 has been significantly and thoughtfully revised in terms of conventions and coherence

Essay 1 represents high-quality academic writing fitting of ENG 2322

Essay 2 has been significantly and thoughtfully revised in terms of content and critical thinking

Essay 2 has been significantly and thoughtfully revised in terms of conventions and coherence

Essay 2 represents high-quality academic writing fitting of ENG 2322

Appendix contains a substantial amount of quality process work related to both essays




Writing Instructions

Save your documents with your “Last Name Assignment Title” (EX: Smith Project #4).
Assignments must use APA
document formatting and citations.
Assignments must fulfill assignment requirements and be proofread to be graded.

Submission Instructions

Submission deadlines are 11:59 pm on the due dates on the Course Calendar.

Running Head:




Discourse Community

Thurl Redd

ENG 2322


Discourse community means that people in a certain group share specific rules and ideas that is common to all the people in the group. These rules should be observed by every person in the group. This groups have a common way to talk about their goals and ambitions. In every discourse community there are benefits and disadvantages which come about when one is a member of the group.

. Facebook is one of the discourse communities and I have decided to talk about it since I am a member. It is a social media platform that plays a lot of roes in the lives of people including myself. This community we get to meet people from all the parts of the world who followed all the requirements in order to join. These people are all from different occupations and this helps a lot in learning more about other people’s way of life and we get to obtain ideas that will be essential in bettering our lives. This information helps others to change their lives and be better and appreciated people in the community as a whole.

Facebook comes with a lot of benefits first; it is use for communicating (Hemphill et al., 2021,). It is the most popular means of communicating through social media. People use it to communicate with family members, friends, workmates and their business partners. People also get to meet new people there who may be of great importance and help to them. Most people in Facebook have profile pictures which help in easy identification of people who you have stayed for a long time without communicating and had lost contact with and know no traces of where they can be found. Through this platform you get to find people who will understand you better than you can imagine.

Secondly; it is used in relationships. People get to meet each other here and may decide to spend their lives together forever. This is because they get to find people that love what they love and have interests in things that interest them. With this similarity their bond grows and they decide to meet each other in person and know each other better which as a result that may date and even marry and create a family (Han, Feia & Fitzwilliams, 2013). It is also used in promotion of economic activities. These economic activities are so important to the wellbeing of the individual since it generates income. People are able to advertise their products and people who are interested may come to their inbox and an agreement is reached.

Moreover, it is also used in giving new updates about what is currently happening in the country and many other places. When any news pops up it will trend here where everybody will see it and everybody in this platform will be aware of what is going on. Products are also advertised here increasing their popularity. Facebook also has its disadvantages. These include the risk of getting addicted (Hemphill et al., 2021,). Many people who are using this platform tend to get addicted since they are tempted to keep on checking on the new trending updates communicated there. Some videos may tend to be of bad influence to people who are not supposed to view it. Most people get to take most of their following the stories in this platform wasting their time on things which are not so important to their lives. It limits people from posting some things which may be of bad influence and that may ruin their reputation which prevents them their freedom people are limited on posting things that are related on their kind of lifestyle and what they do for a living. They are not able to post things that interest them but they cannot post because if their efforts in trying to please their viewers.

Time consuming is also another aspect. This comes about since it has videos and games that are so interesting and captures the attention of most of the viewers. The members who get to play this games and watch this videos tend to frequent this platform to play and watch the videos wasting a lot of valuable time.

In conclusion, Facebook as an example of a discourse community has a lot of advantages than the disadvantages. It has helped a lot of lives and people are able to live better lives and as a result bringing about economic development. It has also greatly helped in education in the society.


Han, S., Feia, E., & Fitzwilliams, C. (2013). Perceived benefits and stress of Facebook use in college students. PsycEXTRA Dataset. 


Hemphill, L., Million, A., & Erickson, I. (2021). How nonprofits use Facebook to craft infrastructure. First Monday. 




Digital discourse in community

Thurl Redd

Indiana Tech

ENG 2322


Online gaming

Since it possesses any of the six attributes that a category would embody in order to be called one, online gaming counts as a debate culture, and is a branch of the broader discourse community known as video games. I’ve had more than my fair share of exposure to the various tactics and characters that come from each game over the months of practice multiple types of computer games. Because of the large number of people who participate in video games, referred to as “gamers,” a distinct culture has emerged, dividing the once cohesive “gamers” into “casual players” who play on a regular basis and “hardcore gamers,” who show a strong emotional attachment to their favorite game (Perreault, 2021). These gamers are what render online gameplay such a divisive environment with many divisions based on the kind of user you are.

The possible explanation that digital gaming is a discourse community is everybody has the same goal: to just have fun and enjoy the computer game and to give it your best shot to win. People share similar beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions, though this varies depending on what type of content game being played. Numerous gamers in video games encounter the option of playing the game a solitary game where they only value about themselves or joining a team and helping the game win. This is a conundrum that every online gamer will encounter at some point. That everybody tries to show that they’ll be the greatest, but in the final moment, you can only win or lose. As a result, once everyone has been exposed to a game for a sufficient amount of time, the common practice is to employ as many resources as possible in order to achieve the common goal of winning and defeating the opposing team. This includes being selfless at times and not attempting to prove your superiority by playing as part of a team rather than as a person. Interaction, the most essential aspect of any video game, is the most popular reason for somebody to begin playing as a team member.

Dialogue is the “bread and butter” of operating as a squad whilst being able to concentrate on one issue at a time, rather than having to accomplish several tasks at once at a much slower speed on your own. There is a plethora of video game styles above anything I’ve seen. Communication is crucial in all of the kinds of games I’ve played. Teams can fly in groups to quickly secure simple targets and win in a shorter amount of time if they communicate well. It also makes for better teamwork between all people and everybody knows what everyone else is doing, and it encourages everyone to give it their all not just personally but also as a squad (Colby, 2021). Many computer games would be more focused on individual ability and fewer on teamwork if coordination was not present, which might make games easier if you are not a successful team member. Don’t worry, there’s a genre for everybody.

For each category of individual, there are several different video game genres. Personally, I enjoy playing League of Legends, a massively multiplayer online arena (MOBA) game in which the aim is to kill your opponent’s foundation. Another category is role playing games, or RPGs. World of Warcraft is one of the most famous RPGs in the world. The belief in this game style is that everybody has a particular task to perform, and it is their job. They must achieve their mission at all expense or risk dying and wasting a lot more than they would want. They must also complete their task when collaborating with the majority of the team. A first-person shooter, or FPS for short, is the last and most well-known form of game. This genre places a greater emphasis on human action than on teamwork. This is illustrated in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2, which necessitates rapid reflexes and the ability to remember all of the positions on the specified globe. Communication is used in many of these various forms of games to include details on something that will help the player win.

In any of the earlier in this thread computer games, there are several ways to chat. The bulk of contact in a wide online gaming community is achieved by typing, with Skype chats with teammates tossed in for good measure. Since interaction is so crucial in a position game, the majority of communicating is achieved via the developed communications protocol or through Skype, TeamSpeak 3, or Raid Call. There are also other free chat services that enable participants to engage in large community conversations; however, businesses that want you to register for a greater cloud space use charge a fee for greater group meetings. Finally, while contact is not a vital aspect with first shooters, it does assist in the ultimate objective of gaining the present match. While the game’s aim is for you to focus on reflexes, collaboration will help you develop your abilities by encouraging you to collaborate with others to achieve those goals and by letting you know where others are hidden. The Xbox One or PlayStation 4 are the most popular platforms for showing this method of contact. Both of these devices provide monthly subscriptions for the use of voice communication, which is included in the systems, as well as the option to play with other people online. The more “hardcore gamers” are typically internet, and they can quickly distinguish themselves as recreational or diehard players.

Since most online gaming fans will know all there is to learn more about computer game environment, it is incredibly easy to see who belongs in the crowd and who is not. A basic query such as “Do you know what the Consumer Electronics Expo, or E3, is?” can decide whether or not anyone participates in the video game world. With both video game fans and businesses, the Computer Gaming Expo is the largest and most critical week of the year. During this expo, computer game publishers reveal what will be released in the coming year and what online players can expect to see. During the expo, several businesses show off brand new releases by showing trailers on several screens throughout the convention center. Many firms take advantage of the chance to show off their latest technologies, such as upcoming game consoles. Last year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo saw Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft unveil the PlayStation 4, Wii U, and Xbox One, as well as show off new functionality and announce a potential release date for the forthcoming games. Smaller firms take advantage of this ability to show off upcoming technology accessories like the Oculus Rift, which enables gamers to view every video game in absolute 3D (Bell, 2021). Video games can be divided into several various divisions or genres in this debate community; yet, all real video game fans have one thing in common. The one characteristic that all real fans have in common is that they are all ambitious and aspire to be the greatest at the game, winning tournaments and striving to be the greatest player in the game.

Although providing clear lines of contact with your teammates is helpful, it is not necessarily the safest choice. Being quiet may also be greater than talking with your teammates. In addition, each gaming category has its own lexicon. Since the typical terms are only common in such particular video games, that is unlike everything else outside of the video game. When you have someone, who does not want to be a team member in a video game, cooperation is a negative thing. The person is more interested in demonstrating their individual talent than in winning the game. These are the individuals who typically get angry when playing a game when something horrible arises. It usually finishes with the individual shouting at the members of the squad, severing the team’s initial bond (Andersen, 2021). That one person can be the team’s savior by aiding and refraining from shouting, or they can be the one who undoes all of the team’s diligent work prior to making a single error. As you can see, contact, while often beneficial, can often be the demise of a completely enjoyable game.

Despite the fact that most gamers are intensely aggressive, they never lose sight of the most crucial feature of the game: it is, after all, just a game, and the objective is to have fun. People avoid playing and turn to a different game until the game ceases being fun and becomes something of a hassle. People are also attempting to enculturate into the video game debate culture, which is also relatively young. The street art that new adherents must conform to typically happens inside the extremist; this category of individual displays intense indignation when everything in the video game does not go as planned; this type of individual is most widely recognized as a “rager.” These citizens often have a lexis that contains a lot of cuss terms. An ordinary gamer will easily become used to this form of language. It also helps that today’s games can be played in a number of languages, enabling people to have multiliteracies, mostly English and a foreign language. Computer games have been such an integral aspect of global society that the media has begun to report reports on them.

The media has recently played an important role in campaigning for the video game community’s continued development, often for the positive, yet sometimes for the worse. This is because the media considers the video game industry to be a blight on culture because it encourages abuse among children, and the media claims there is a direct link between increasing child aggression and increased video game visibility. The media praises the computer game industry at major conventions like the Electronic Entertainment Expo and it is beneficial for the general perception of video game developers making profits and becoming profitable. The media promotes all the positives of playing video games and the latest games and technologies that are being launched at this time of year.

I used a natural settings method, similar to Lucille P. McCarthy’s, to extract the details described above. “I joined the analysis study with no theories to evaluate and no newly invented task,” this statement says. (Chapter 234 of A Stranger in Strange Lands) I was able to deduce that the video game culture is a close-knit group of people who are excited about developing their abilities in a particular game. I used evaluation and self-participation as testing instruments by the end. I was able to show that many who were more vocal in conversation were more interested in the video game environment using an action framework.


Andersen, I. V. (2021). Hostility online: Flaming, trolling, and the public debate. First Monday.

Bell, K. (2021). “I am sorry if I have ever given you guys any crap”: the communicative practices within Telltale Games’ online forums. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 1-15.

Colby, R. (2021). The Ethics of Treating Online Gaming Forums as Research Data. In The Ethics of Playing, Researching, and Teaching Games in the Writing Classroom (pp. 255-271). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Perreault, G. (2021). Reporting Religion: Narrating Religion in Gaming Journalism. Journal of Media and Religion, 1-15.

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