Deliverable 2 – Individual Professional Development Plan Assignment Content


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Deliverable 2 – Individual Professional Development Plan

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Design a self-development plan to become an effective individual contributor to an organization.

    Student Success Criteria
    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

    You have recently joined a new retail organization as an HR Generalist. As part of your onboarding as a new employee, you are told that you must identify an area or areas in which you would like to develop behaviors or skills that you currently either do not possess or that are not developed to the level that is required for successful job performance.

    The Director of Human Resources has instructed you to create an Individual Development Plan. Once you have created this, you will review it with the Director to revise, if necessary, and then will begin to implement the plan once you have completed your probationary period at the company.

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    Create an Individual Development Plan that:

    Defines the area(s) you wish to improve or develop.
    Determines the work behaviors required for your chosen objective(s).
    Includes measures to track progress.
    Provides evidence of accomplishment of objective(s).
    Details an overall timeline for the plan as well as specific time milestones for reviewing progress.
    Provides attribution for credible sources used in the individual development plan.


Deliverable 1 – executive summary

Feedback for student

4/16/21, 3:18 Pm

Thank you for your assignment submission. I appreciate that you included relevant research to support the points made in your paper. You did a nice job of discussing specific leadership styles and associated traits and how they are relevant to achieving the leadership program goals.

Please review the rubric, where you will see points were not awarded for the section that discussed mentoring both during and after the program. You did not address this element. All other elements of your paper were well done and address the rubric requirements.

I encourage you to revise and resubmit this assignment and be sure to include a section to address the missing required element of mentoring. Please be sure to include relevant research that supports your comments. It is important to remember the importance of this topic, as it aids in supporting the desired behaviors. For example, many of us can think of a time when we were requested to go through a training program. Frequently we may just “check the box” in order to get through the training. This results in the training outcomes not being met and the tendency to revert back to our previous behaviors or practices. Ongoing mentoring acts as an added layer of training and accountability that can also lead to a concrete adoption of the desired behavior.

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