Object Oriented Programming SLP 4


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Read Chapter 18 and Chapter 19 of “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist” from


. Or get the pdf file of the book from the same link.

  1. Finish running all the examples in Chapter 18 and Chapter 19 of  “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist” by yourself in  Python shell interactive command mode or IDLE editor window. Collect all  output of your running examples and submit them in one text file named  “CSC111-SLP4-Examples-YourFirstNameLastname”
  2. Finish coding the following exercises in Python, run them, and  collect the running results into a file named  “CSC111-SLP4-Exercises-YourFirstNameLastName” and submit it.

    Exercise 18.1
    Exercise 18.2
    Exercise 19.1
    Exercise 19.2
    Exercise 19.3
    Exercise 19.4

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Note: When you program the exercises you can name them whatever you want, such as ex3-1.py or count-nums.py but the submitted file should provide name of the exercise, source code, and running results.

  1. Finally, write a summary document named as  “CSC111-SLP4Summary-YourFirstNameLastName” to report what you have  learned from this Case Assignment and any other learning experience.   

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