Social Work and Older Adults Discussion


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Share some of the ways in which individuals might struggle in their adjustment to retirement. Include any personal examples you might have, either of parents or other older individuals you know. Provide at least one good paragraph and be sure to check your work for spelling and grammatical errors.

Respond to 2 other student’s posts.  Your responses should be at least a paragraph and not just “I agree”.  Points will be deducted for limited work.


1- the first student response 

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Some individuals, might have a hard time with adjusting to retirement, because many have a habit of getting up at a certain time , and doing their morning ritual. while others have a hard time trying to find something to do with their time. However, many go back to work with another company while receiving  their payments from their old position. Even more so, some  complained of being bored and tired for no apparent reason, and  many even get  depressed because they are alone and  are use to working with others and not being alone.

2- the second student response 


Some individuals might struggle with retirement because they are so use to working. They’ve been working for so many years, and that’s become their life. They struggle with finding something to do to keep them busy. They may even become depressed because they don’t know what to do with the free time they have. Some adults have their retirement plan structured out ahead of their retirement, then when its time to make arrangements to those activities, they don’t want to do those things anymore. 

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