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 You have to make a Portfolio that consists of 3 Artifacts. The 1st Artifact will be a 26 power point slide show about the ABC’s of Literacy. so, 26 books with pictures all teaching different things like reading, adding, counting, rhyming, spelling, etc. The 2nd Artifact will be 3 newsletters that will be sent out to families to do at home activities at no cost to them to help the kids learn…..The 3rd Artifact will be a 8to 10 power point slide show with audio talking about diverse kids and different activities. I know I would have to do the Audio myself. 


For this Capstone, you will create a multi-media portfolio that showcases your ability to apply your knowledge and skill in authentic ways in three of the following areas of expertise:

  • Early Childhood Development
  • Perspectives on Diversity and Equity
  • Communication and Collaboration in the Early Childhood Field
  • Foundations: Early Childhood Studies
  • Issues and Trends in the Early Childhood Field
  • Effective Programs &Practices
  • An Area of Expertise from your specialization
  • Before you begin to construct your Portfolio, you will need to obtain the approval of the Faculty member who is serving as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Capstone. Arrange a time to discuss your portfolio with the SME and submit the

    Capstone Proposal Form

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    to your SME for a signature. Attach the signed form to your Portfolio before final submission to the platform.

    Your Capstone must:

    Reflect the criteria provided in the


    , which provides information on how the Assessment will be evaluated.


    to the required assignment length.

  • Use the APA course paper template available here for the written rationale portion of the Capstone.
  • Professional Skills: 

    Written Communication


    Oral Communication,



    Critical Thinking

     are assessed in this Competency. You are strongly encouraged to use the

    Writing Checklist

    and to review the Rubric prior to submitting. 

    This Assessment requires submission of multiple files.

    • One (1) file must be a Word document that includes your written rationale for each artifact.
    • The remaining files will depend upon the type of artifact provided.
    • Please condense your video or multimedia files even if they span more than one Area of Expertise.

    Save the written rationale as CP001_firstinitial_lastname (for example, CR003_J_Smith). Save each artifact as CP001_firstinitial_lastname_art1, CP001_firstinitial_lastname_art2, etc. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

    Note: You must obtain written permission to use photographs or video of all individuals who appear in still photos or videos. If minors appear in your photos or video, you must obtain permission from parents or legal guardians. Use the

    Walden University Release Form

    provided. Be sure to save the original copies of the permission forms in your files.

    Also, if you are creating a video, be mindful of the file size and try to reduce it, if needed, according to the instructions provided here.

    Submit the following Portfolio of items:

    1. Signed Capstone Proposal Form
    2. Three artifacts
    3. Written rationale for each artifact (2–3 pages each)

    Note: Due to the length and complexity of the Capstone, please be aware the Assessor has up to five (5) days (120 hours) to return results to you.


    Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


    Note that your Portfolio will be evaluated holistically and should reflect your unique professional identity and perspective. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

    Before You Begin

    Before you begin to construct your Portfolio, you will need to obtain the approval of the Faculty member who is serving as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Capstone. Arrange a time to discuss your portfolio with the SME and submit the Capstone Proposal Form to your SME for a signature. Attach the signed form to your Portfolio before final submission to the platform.

    Areas of Expertise

    For each area of expertise chosen:

    1. Create an original artifact that provides evidence of your ability to apply your knowledge and skills. The artifacts must provide evidence of your ability to effectively use technology tools and use effective oral presentation skills.
    2. Provide a written rationale that explains the relevance of your artifact to a real-world issue or challenge in the early childhood field.


    Here are a few examples of the kinds of artifacts that might effectively evidence your knowledge and skills. These examples should not be construed as recommendations or limitations. They are intended to provide you with a starting point for your own ideas.

    Early Childhood Development

    • A series of 7–10 podcasts highlighting relevant child development topics for families in an early childhood care and education program

    Effective Programs & Practices

    • A “Day in the Life” video, photo essay, or slide presentation of you, showcasing your effective classroom or administrative practices

    Foundations: Early Childhood Studies

    • A workshop related to specific professional values that you design and implement to promote the professional development of early childhood professionals in an authentic setting

    Developing People and Leading Teams (Specialization)

    • A 360⁰ review of your leadership in your current professional role, including a written, audio, or video reflection of what you learned from the process

    Teaching and Learning in Preschool Settings (Specialization)

    • A preschool curricular unit that integrates three or more content areas that includes use of technology and incorporates differentiated instruction to addresses the needs English language learners and children with exceptionalities
    • A professional development workshop focusing on preschool teaching and learning that you design and implement to promote the professional growth of early childhood professionals in a preschool setting

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